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S.B. 250






Chief Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

House Sponsor: Derek E. Brown

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Uniform Debt-Management Services Act.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    modifies definitions;
             14          .    modifies provisions relating to an application for registration as a debt-management
             15      service provider, renewal application, and the suspension, revocation, or
             16      nonrenewal of registration;
             17          .    modifies provisions relating to bonds required to be provided by registered
             18      providers;
             19          .    modifies a provision relating to prerequisites before providing debt-management
             20      services;
             21          .    modifies provisions relating to debt-management service agreements;
             22          .    modifies provisions relating to trust accounts;
             23          .    modifies provisions relating to fees and other charges;
             24          .    repeals a provision relating to cancellation of an agreement and replaces it with a
             25      provision relating to terminating an agreement;
             26          .    repeals a provision relating to termination of an agreement and replaces it with a
             27      provision relating to the retention of records;

             28          .    modifies a provision relating to required accountings;
             29          .    modifies provisions relating to prohibited acts and provider liability;
             30          .    modifies administrative remedy provisions; and
             31          .    makes technical changes.
             32      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             33          None
             34      Other Special Clauses:
             35          None
             36      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             37      AMENDS:
             38          13-42-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154
             39          13-42-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             40          13-42-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             41          13-42-107, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154
             42          13-42-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             43          13-42-111, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 218 and 378
             44          13-42-113, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             45          13-42-114, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 229
             46          13-42-117, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             47          13-42-118, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             48          13-42-119, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             49          13-42-121, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             50          13-42-122, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             51          13-42-123, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 229
             52          13-42-127, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154
             53          13-42-128, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 229
             54          13-42-131, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154
             55          13-42-132, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             56          13-42-133, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154
             57          13-42-134, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             58          13-42-135, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154

             59          13-42-137, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             60          13-42-139, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154
             61      REPEALS AND REENACTS:
             62          13-42-120, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 378
             63          13-42-126, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 154
             65      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             66          Section 1. Section 13-42-102 is amended to read:
             67           13-42-102. Definitions.
             68          In this chapter:
             69          (1) "Administrator" means the Division of Consumer Protection.
             70          (2) "Affiliate":
             71          (a) with respect to an individual, means:
             72          (i) the spouse of the individual;
             73          (ii) a sibling of the individual or the spouse of a sibling;
             74          (iii) an individual or the spouse of an individual who is a lineal ancestor or lineal
             75      descendant of the individual or the individual's spouse;
             76          (iv) an aunt, uncle, great aunt, great uncle, first cousin, niece, nephew, grandniece, or
             77      grandnephew, whether related by the whole or the half blood or adoption, or the spouse of any
             78      of them; or
             79          (v) any other individual occupying the residence of the individual; and
             80          (b) with respect to an entity, means:
             81          (i) a person that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common
             82      control with the entity;
             83          (ii) an officer of, or an individual performing similar functions with respect to, the
             84      entity;
             85          (iii) a director of, or an individual performing similar functions with respect to, the
             86      entity;
             87          (iv) subject to adjustment of the dollar amount pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (6), a
             88      person that receives or received more than $25,000 from the entity in either the current year or
             89      the preceding year or a person that owns more than 10% of, or an individual who is employed

             90      by or is a director of, a person that receives or received more than $25,000 from the entity in
             91      either the current year or the preceding year;
             92          (v) an officer or director of, or an individual performing similar functions with respect
             93      to, a person described in Subsection (2)(b)(i);
             94          (vi) the spouse of, or an individual occupying the residence of, an individual described
             95      in Subsections (2)(b)(i) through (v); or
             96          (vii) an individual who has the relationship specified in Subsection (2)(a)(iv) to an
             97      individual or the spouse of an individual described in Subsections (2)(b)(i) through (v).
             98          (3) "Agreement" means an agreement between a provider and an individual for the
             99      performance of debt-management services.
             100          (4) "Bank" means a financial institution, including a commercial bank, savings bank,
             101      savings and loan association, credit union, and trust company, engaged in the business of
             102      banking, chartered under federal or state law, and regulated by a federal or state banking
             103      regulatory authority.
             104          (5) "Business address" means the physical location of a business, including the name
             105      and number of a street.
             106          (6) "Certified counselor" means an individual certified by a training program or
             107      certifying organization, approved by the administrator, that authenticates the competence of
             108      individuals providing education and assistance to other individuals in connection with
             109      debt-management services.
             110          (7) "Concessions" means assent to repayment of a debt on terms more favorable to an
             111      individual than the terms of the contract between the individual and a creditor.
             112          (8) "Day" means calendar day.
             113          (9) "Debt-management services" means services as an intermediary between an
             114      individual and one or more creditors of the individual for the purpose of obtaining concessions,
             115      but does not include:
             116          (a) legal services provided in an attorney-client relationship if:
             117          (i) the services are provided by an attorney who:
             118          (A) is licensed or otherwise authorized to practice law in this state; and
             119          (B) provides legal services in representing the individual in the individual's relationship
             120      with a creditor; and

             121          (ii) there is no intermediary between the individual and the creditor other than the
             122      attorney or an individual under the direct supervision of the attorney;
             123          (b) accounting services provided in an accountant-client relationship if:
             124          (i) the services are provided by a certified public accountant who:
             125          (A) is licensed to provide accounting services in this state; [or] and
             126          (B) provides accounting services in representing the individual in the individual's
             127      relationship with a creditor; and
             128          (ii) there is no intermediary between the individual and the creditor other than the
             129      accountant or an individual under the direct supervision of the accountant; or
             130          (c) financial-planning services provided in a financial planner-client relationship by a
             131      member of a financial-planning profession [whose members] if:
             132          (i) the administrator, by rule, determines that members are:
             133          [(i)] (A) licensed by this state;
             134          [(ii)] (B) subject to a disciplinary mechanism;
             135          [(iii)] (C) subject to a code of professional responsibility; and
             136          [(iv)] (D) subject to a continuing education requirement[.]; and
             137          (ii) there is no intermediary between the individual and the creditor other than the
             138      financial planner or an individual under the direct supervision of the financial planner.
             139          (10) "Entity" means a person other than an individual.
             140          (11) "Good faith" means honesty in fact and the observance of reasonable standards of
             141      fair dealing.
             142          (12) "Lead generator" means a person who, in the regular course of business, supplies a
             143      provider with the name of a potential customer, directs a communication of an individual to a
             144      provider, or otherwise refers a customer to a provider.
             145          [(12)] (13) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust,
             146      partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, or any other legal or
             147      commercial entity. The term does not include a public corporation, government, or
             148      governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality.
             149          [(13)] (14) "Plan" means a program or strategy in which a provider furnishes
             150      debt-management services to an individual and which includes a schedule of payments to be
             151      made by or on behalf of the individual and used to pay debts owed by the individual.

             152          [(14)] (15) "Principal amount of the debt" means the amount of a debt at the time of an
             153      agreement.
             154          [(15)] (16) "Provider" means a person that provides, offers to provide, or agrees to
             155      provide debt-management services directly or through others.
             156          [(16)] (17) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that
             157      is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
             158          [(17)] (18) "Settlement fee" means a charge imposed on or paid by an individual in
             159      connection with a creditor's assent to accept in full satisfaction of a debt an amount less than
             160      the principal amount of the debt.
             161          [(18)] (19) "Sign" means, with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:
             162          (a) to execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or
             163          (b) to attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic sound, symbol, or
             164      process.
             165          [(19)] (20) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto
             166      Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the
             167      jurisdiction of the United States.
             168          [(20)] (21) "Trust account" means an account held by a provider that is:
             169          (a) established in [an insured] a bank in which deposit accounts are insured;
             170          (b) separate from other accounts of the provider or its designee;
             171          (c) designated as a trust account or other account designated to indicate that the money
             172      in the account is not the money of the provider or its designee; and
             173          (d) used to hold money of one or more individuals for disbursement to creditors of the
             174      individuals.
             175          Section 2. Section 13-42-105 is amended to read:
             176           13-42-105. Application for registration -- Form, fee, and accompanying
             177      documents.
             178          (1) An application for registration as a provider shall be in a form prescribed by the
             179      administrator.
             180          (2) Subject to adjustment of dollar amounts pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (6), an
             181      application for registration as a provider shall be accompanied by:
             182          (a) the fee established by the administrator in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 ;

             183          (b) the bond required by Section 13-42-113 ;
             184          (c) identification of all trust accounts [required by] subject to Section 13-42-122 and an
             185      irrevocable consent authorizing the administrator to review and examine the trust accounts;
             186          (d) evidence of insurance in the amount of $250,000:
             187          (i) against the risks of dishonesty, fraud, theft, and other misconduct on the part of the
             188      applicant or a director, employee, or agent of the applicant;
             189          (ii) issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state and rated at
             190      least A or equivalent by a nationally recognized rating organization approved by the
             191      administrator;
             192          (iii) with a deductible not exceeding $5,000;
             193          (iv) payable [for the benefit of] to the applicant[,] and this state[, and individuals who
             194      are] for the benefit of the residents of this state, as their interests may appear; and
             195          (v) not subject to cancellation by the applicant or the insurer until 60 days after written
             196      notice has been given to the administrator;
             197          (e) a record consenting to the jurisdiction of this state containing:
             198          (i) the name, business address, and other contact information of its registered agent in
             199      this state for purposes of service of process; or
             200          (ii) the appointment of the administrator as agent of the provider for purposes of
             201      service of process; and
             202          (f) if the applicant is organized as a not-for-profit entity or [is exempt from taxation]
             203      has obtained tax exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. Section 501,
             204      evidence of not-for-profit [and] or tax-exempt status [applicable to the applicant under the
             205      Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. Section 501], or both.
             206          (3) (a) The administrator may waive or reduce the insurance requirement in Subsection
             207      [ 13-42-105 ](2)(d) if the provider does not:
             208          (i) maintain control of a trust account or receive money paid by an individual pursuant
             209      to a plan for distribution to creditors;
             210          (ii) make payments to creditors on behalf of individuals;
             211          (iii) collect fees by means of automatic payment from individuals; and
             212          (iv) execute any powers of attorney that may be utilized by the provider to collect fees
             213      from or expend funds on behalf of an individual.

             214          (b) A waiver or reduction in insurance requirements allowed by the administrator under
             215      Subsection (3)(a) shall balance the reduction in risk posed by a provider meeting the stated
             216      requirements against any continued need for insurance against employee and director
             217      dishonesty.
             218          Section 3. Section 13-42-106 is amended to read:
             219           13-42-106. Application for registration -- Required information.
             220          An application for registration as a provider shall be signed under penalty of perjury
             221      and include:
             222          (1) the applicant's name, principal business address and telephone number, and all
             223      other business addresses in this state, electronic-mail addresses, and Internet website addresses;
             224          (2) all names under which the applicant conducts business;
             225          (3) the address of each location in this state at which the applicant will provide
             226      debt-management services or a statement that the applicant will have no such location;
             227          (4) the name and home address of each officer and director of the applicant and each
             228      person that owns at least 10% of the applicant;
             229          (5) identification of every jurisdiction in which, during the five years immediately
             230      preceding the application:
             231          (a) the applicant or any of its officers or directors has been licensed or registered to
             232      provide debt-management services; or
             233          (b) individuals have resided when they received debt-management services from the
             234      applicant;
             235          (6) a statement describing, to the extent it is known or should be known by the
             236      applicant, any material civil or criminal judgment or litigation and any material administrative
             237      or enforcement action by a governmental agency in any jurisdiction against the applicant, any
             238      of its officers, directors, owners, or agents, or any person who is authorized to have access to
             239      the trust account required by Section 13-42-122 ;
             240          (7) the applicant's financial statements, audited by an accountant licensed to conduct
             241      audits, for each of the two years immediately preceding the application or, if it has not been in
             242      operation for the two years preceding the application, for the period of its existence;
             243          (8) evidence of accreditation by an independent accrediting organization approved by
             244      the administrator;

             245          (9) evidence that, [within] no later than 12 months after initial employment, each of the
             246      applicant's counselors becomes certified as a certified counselor;
             247          (10) a description of the three most commonly used educational programs that the
             248      applicant provides or intends to provide to individuals who reside in this state and a copy of
             249      any materials used or to be used in those programs;
             250          (11) a description of the applicant's financial analysis and initial budget plan, including
             251      any form or electronic model, used to evaluate the financial condition of individuals;
             252          (12) a copy of each form of agreement that the applicant will use with individuals who
             253      reside in this state;
             254          (13) the schedule of fees and charges that the applicant will use with individuals who
             255      reside in this state;
             256          (14) at the applicant's expense, the results of a criminal records check, including
             257      fingerprints, conducted within the immediately preceding 12 months, covering every officer of
             258      the applicant and every employee or agent of the applicant who is authorized to have access to
             259      the trust account required by Section 13-42-122 ;
             260          (15) the names and addresses of all employers of each director during the 10 years
             261      immediately preceding the application;
             262          (16) a description of any ownership interest of at least 10% by a director, owner, or
             263      employee of the applicant in:
             264          (a) any affiliate of the applicant; or
             265          (b) any entity that provides products or services to the applicant or any individual
             266      relating to the applicant's debt-management services;
             267          (17) a statement of the amount of compensation of the applicant's five most highly
             268      compensated employees for each of the three years immediately preceding the application or, if
             269      it has not been in operation for the three years preceding the application, for the period of its
             270      existence;
             271          (18) the identity of each director who is an affiliate, as defined in Subsection
             272      13-42-102 (2)(a) or (2)(b)(i), (ii), (iv), (v), (vi), or (vii), of the applicant; and
             273          (19) any other information that the administrator reasonably requires to perform the
             274      administrator's duties under Section 13-42-109 .
             275          Section 4. Section 13-42-107 is amended to read:

             276           13-42-107. Application for registration -- Obligation to update information.
             277          An applicant or registered provider shall notify the administrator [within] no later than
             278      10 days after a change in the information specified in Subsection 13-42-105 (2)(d) or (f) or
             279      Subsection 13-42-106 (1), (3), (6), (12), or (13).
             280          Section 5. Section 13-42-110 is amended to read:
             281           13-42-110. Certificate of registration -- Timing.
             282          (1) The administrator shall approve or deny an initial registration as a provider [within]
             283      no later than 120 days after an application is filed. In connection with a request pursuant to
             284      Subsection 13-42-106 (19) for additional information, the administrator may extend the 120-day
             285      period for not more than 60 days. Within seven days after denying an application, the
             286      administrator, in a record, shall inform the applicant of the reasons for the denial.
             287          (2) If the administrator denies an application for registration as a provider or does not
             288      act on an application within the time prescribed in Subsection (1), the applicant may appeal and
             289      request a hearing pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
             290          (3) Subject to Subsection 13-42-111 (4) and Section 13-42-134 , a registration as a
             291      provider is valid for one year.
             292          Section 6. Section 13-42-111 is amended to read:
             293           13-42-111. Renewal of registration.
             294          (1) A provider shall obtain a renewal of its registration annually.
             295          (2) An application for renewal of registration as a provider shall be in a form
             296      prescribed by the administrator, signed under penalty of perjury, and:
             297          (a) be filed no fewer than 30 and no more than 60 days before the registration expires;
             298          (b) be accompanied by the fee established by the administrator in accordance with
             299      Section 63J-1-504 and the bond required by Section 13-42-113 ;
             300          (c) contain the matter required for initial registration as a provider by Subsections
             301      13-42-106 (8) and (9) and a financial statement, audited by an accountant licensed to conduct
             302      audits, for the applicant's fiscal year immediately preceding the application;
             303          (d) disclose any changes in the information contained in the applicant's application for
             304      registration or its immediately previous application for renewal, as applicable;
             305          (e) supply evidence of insurance in an amount equal to the larger of $250,000 or the
             306      highest daily balance in the trust account required by Section 13-42-122 during the six-month

             307      period immediately preceding the application:
             308          (i) against risks of dishonesty, fraud, theft, and other misconduct on the part of the
             309      applicant or a director, employee, or agent of the applicant;
             310          (ii) issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state and rated at
             311      least [A] A- or equivalent by a nationally recognized rating organization approved by the
             312      administrator;
             313          (iii) with a deductible not exceeding $5,000;
             314          (iv) payable [for the benefit of] to the applicant[,] and this state[, and individuals who
             315      are] for the benefit of the residents of this state, as their interests may appear; and
             316          (v) not subject to cancellation by the applicant or the insurer until 60 days after written
             317      notice has been given to the administrator;
             318          (f) disclose the total amount of money received by the applicant pursuant to plans
             319      during the preceding 12 months from or on behalf of individuals who reside in this state and
             320      the total amount of money distributed to creditors of those individuals during that period;
             321          (g) disclose, to the best of the applicant's knowledge, the gross amount of money
             322      accumulated during the preceding 12 months pursuant to plans by or on behalf of individuals
             323      who reside in this state and with whom the applicant has agreements; and
             324          (h) provide any other information that the administrator reasonably requires to perform
             325      the administrator's duties under this section.
             326          (3) Except for the information required by Subsections 13-42-106 (7), (14), and (17)
             327      and the addresses required by Subsection 13-42-106 (4), the administrator shall make the
             328      information in an application for renewal of registration as a provider available to the public.
             329          (4) If a registered provider files a timely and complete application for renewal of
             330      registration, the registration remains effective until the administrator, in a record, notifies the
             331      applicant of a denial and states the reasons for the denial.
             332          (5) If the administrator denies an application for renewal of registration as a provider,
             333      the applicant, [within] no later than 30 days after receiving notice of the denial, may appeal and
             334      request a hearing pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act. Subject to
             335      Section 13-42-134 , while the appeal is pending the applicant shall continue to provide
             336      debt-management services to individuals with whom it has agreements. If the denial is
             337      affirmed, subject to the administrator's order and Section 13-42-134 , the applicant shall

             338      continue to provide debt-management services to individuals with whom it has agreements
             339      until, with the approval of the administrator, it transfers the agreements to another registered
             340      provider or returns to the individuals all unexpended money that is under the applicant's
             341      control.
             342          (6) (a) The administrator may waive or reduce the insurance requirement in Subsection
             343      (2)(e) if the provider does not:
             344          (i) maintain control of a trust account or receive money paid by an individual pursuant
             345      to a plan for distribution to creditors;
             346          (ii) make payments to creditors on behalf of individuals;
             347          (iii) collect fees by means of automatic payment from individuals; and
             348          (iv) execute any powers of attorney that may be utilized by the provider to collect fees
             349      from or expend funds on behalf of an individual.
             350          (b) A waiver or reduction in insurance requirements allowed by the administrator under
             351      Subsection (6)(a) shall balance the reduction in risk posed by a provider meeting the stated
             352      requirements against any continued need for insurance against employee and director
             353      dishonesty.
             354          Section 7. Section 13-42-113 is amended to read:
             355           13-42-113. Bond required.
             356          (1) Except as otherwise provided in Section 13-42-114 , a provider that is required to be
             357      registered under this chapter shall file a surety bond with the administrator, which shall:
             358          (a) be in effect during the period of registration and for two years after the provider
             359      ceases providing debt-management services to individuals in this state; and
             360          (b) run to this state for the benefit of this state and of individuals who reside in this
             361      state when they agree to receive debt-management services from the provider, as their interests
             362      may appear.
             363          (2) Subject to adjustment of the dollar amount pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (6), a
             364      surety bond filed pursuant to Subsection (1) shall:
             365          (a) be in the amount of $100,000;
             366          (b) be issued by a bonding, surety, or insurance company authorized to do business in
             367      this state and rated at least [A] A- by a nationally recognized rating organization; and
             368          (c) have payment conditioned [upon] on noncompliance of the provider or its agent

             369      with this chapter.
             370          (3) If the principal amount of a surety bond is reduced by payment of a claim or a
             371      judgment, the provider shall immediately notify the administrator and, [within] no later than 30
             372      days after notice by the administrator, file a new or additional surety bond in an amount to
             373      comply with the $100,000 requirement. If for any reason a surety terminates a bond, the
             374      provider shall immediately file a new surety bond in the amount of $100,000.
             375          (4) The administrator or an individual may obtain satisfaction out of the surety bond
             376      procured pursuant to this section if:
             377          (a) the administrator assesses expenses under Subsection 13-42-132 (2)(a), issues a
             378      final order under Subsection 13-42-133 (1)(b), or recovers a final judgment under Subsection
             379      13-42-133 (1)(d) or (e) or Subsection 13-42-133 (4); or
             380          (b) an individual recovers a final judgment pursuant to Subsection 13-42-135 (1),
             381      Subsection 13-42-135 (2), or Subsection 13-42-135 (3)(a), (b), or (d).
             382          (5) If claims against a surety bond exceed or are reasonably expected to exceed the
             383      amount of the bond, the administrator, on the initiative of the administrator or on petition of the
             384      surety, shall, unless the proceeds are adequate to pay all costs, judgments, and claims,
             385      distribute the proceeds in the following order:
             386          (a) to satisfaction of a final order or judgment under Subsection 13-42-133 (1)(a), (d),
             387      or (e) or Subsection 13-42-133 (4);
             388          (b) to final judgments recovered by individuals pursuant to Subsection 13-42-135 (1),
             389      Subsection 13-42-135 (2), or Subsection 13-42-135 (3)(a), (b) or (d), pro rata;
             390          (c) to claims of individuals established to the satisfaction of the administrator, pro rata;
             391      and
             392          (d) if a final order or judgment is issued under Subsection 13-42-133 (1), to the
             393      expenses charged pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (2)(a).
             394          Section 8. Section 13-42-114 is amended to read:
             395           13-42-114. Bond required -- Substitute.
             396          (1) Instead of the surety bond required by Section 13-42-113 , a provider, with the
             397      approval of the administrator and in the amount required by Subsection (2), may deliver to the
             398      administrator[, in the amount required by Subsection 13-42-113 (2), and, except as otherwise
             399      provided in Subsection (1)(c)(i), payable or available to this state and to individuals who reside

             400      in this state when they agree to receive debt-management services from the provider, as their
             401      interests may appear, if the provider or its agent does not comply with this chapter]:
             402          [(a) a certificate of insurance:]
             403          [(i) issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state and rated at
             404      least A or equivalent by a nationally recognized rating organization approved by the
             405      administrator; and]
             406          [(ii) with no deductible, or if the provider supplies a bond in the amount of $5,000, a
             407      deductible not exceeding $5,000;]
             408          [(b) a certificate of deposit issued or confirmed by a bank approved by the
             409      administrator, payable upon presentation of a certificate by the administrator stating that the
             410      provider or its agent has not complied with this chapter; or]
             411          [(c) with the approval of the administrator:]
             412          [(i)] (a) an irrevocable letter of credit, issued or confirmed by a bank approved by the
             413      administrator, payable [upon] on presentation of a certificate by the administrator stating that
             414      the provider or its agent has not complied with this chapter; or
             415          [(ii)] (b) bonds or other obligations of the United States or guaranteed by the United
             416      States or bonds or other obligations of this state or a political subdivision of this state, to be:
             417          (i) deposited and maintained with a bank approved by the administrator for this
             418      purpose[.]; and
             419          (ii) delivered by the bank to the administrator on presentation of a certificate by the
             420      administrator stating that the provider or its agent has not complied with this chapter.
             421          (2) If a provider furnishes a substitute pursuant to Subsection (1), [the provisions of]
             422      Subsections 13-42-113 (1), (3), (4), and (5) apply to the substitute.
             423          Section 9. Section 13-42-117 is amended to read:
             424           13-42-117. Prerequisites for providing debt-management services.
             425          (1) Before providing debt-management services, a [registered] provider shall give the
             426      individual an itemized list of goods and services and the charges for each. The list shall be
             427      clear and conspicuous, be in a record the individual may keep whether or not the individual
             428      assents to an agreement, and describe the goods and services the provider offers:
             429          (a) free of additional charge if the individual enters into an agreement;
             430          (b) for a charge if the individual does not enter into an agreement; and

             431          (c) for a charge if the individual enters into an agreement, using the following
             432      terminology, as applicable, and format:
             433              Set-up fee _________________________________________________
             434                              Dollar amount of fee
             435              Monthly service fee __________________________________________
             436                          Dollar amount of fee or method of determining amount
             437              Settlement fee ______________________________________________
             438                          Dollar amount of fee or method of determining amount
             439              Goods and services in addition to those provided in connection with a plan:
             440              _____________ ____________________________________________
             441                  (Item) Dollar amount or method of determining amount
             442              _____________ ____________________________________________
             443                  (Item) Dollar amount or method of determining amount.
             444          (2) A provider may not furnish debt-management services unless the provider, through
             445      the services of a certified counselor:
             446          (a) provides the individual with reasonable education about the management of
             447      personal finance;
             448          (b) has prepared a financial analysis[; and] including at least the following matters
             449      affecting the individual's financial condition:
             450          (i) assets;
             451          (ii) income;
             452          (iii) debt, including secured debt; and
             453          (iv) other liabilities; and
             454          (c) if the individual is to make regular, periodic payments to a creditor or a provider:
             455          (i) has prepared a plan for the individual;
             456          (ii) has made a determination, based on the provider's analysis of the information
             457      provided by the individual and otherwise available to it, that the plan is suitable for the
             458      individual and the individual will be able to meet the payment obligations under the plan; and
             459          (iii) believes that each creditor of the individual listed as a participating creditor in the
             460      plan will accept payment of the individual's debts as provided in the plan.
             461          (3) Before an individual assents to an agreement to engage in a plan, a provider shall:

             462          (a) provide the individual with a copy of the analysis and plan required by Subsection
             463      (2) in a record that identifies the provider and that the individual may keep whether or not the
             464      individual assents to the agreement;
             465          (b) inform the individual of the availability, at the individual's option, of assistance by
             466      a toll-free communication system or in person to discuss the financial analysis and plan
             467      required by Subsection (2); and
             468          (c) with respect to all creditors identified by the individual or otherwise known by the
             469      provider to be creditors of the individual, provide the individual with a list of:
             470          (i) creditors that the provider expects to participate in the plan and grant concessions;
             471          (ii) creditors that the provider expects to participate in the plan but not grant
             472      concessions;
             473          (iii) creditors that the provider expects not to participate in the plan; and
             474          (iv) all other creditors.
             475          (4) Before an individual assents to an agreement, the provider shall inform the
             476      individual, in a separate record [that contains nothing else, that is given separately, and] that
             477      the individual may keep whether or not the individual assents to the agreement:
             478          (a) of the name and business address of the provider;
             479          (b) that plans are not suitable for all individuals and the individual may ask the
             480      provider about other ways, including bankruptcy, to deal with indebtedness;
             481          (c) that establishment of a plan may adversely affect the individual's credit rating or
             482      credit scores;
             483          (d) that nonpayment of debt may lead creditors to increase finance and other charges or
             484      undertake collection activity, including litigation;
             485          (e) unless it is not true, that the provider may receive compensation from the creditors
             486      of the individual; and
             487          (f) that, unless the individual is insolvent, if a creditor settles for less than the full
             488      amount of the debt, the plan may result in the creation of taxable income to the individual, even
             489      though the individual does not receive any money.
             490          (5) If a provider may receive payments from an individual's creditors and the plan
             491      contemplates that the individual's creditors will reduce finance charges or fees for late payment,
             492      default, or delinquency, the provider may comply with Subsection (4) by providing the

             493      following disclosure, surrounded by black lines:

             495          (1) Debt-management plans are not right for all individuals, and you may ask us to
             496      provide information about other ways, including bankruptcy, to deal with your debts.
             497          (2) Using a debt-management plan may make it harder for you to obtain credit.
             498          (3) We may receive compensation for our services from your creditors.

Name and business address of provider

             501          (6) If a provider will not receive payments from an individual's creditors and the plan
             502      contemplates that the individual's creditors will reduce finance charges or fees for late payment,
             503      default, or delinquency, a provider may comply with Subsection (4) by providing the following
             504      disclosure, surrounded by black lines:

             506          (1) Debt-management plans are not right for all individuals, and you may ask us to
             507      provide information about other ways, including bankruptcy, to deal with your debts.
             508          (2) Using a debt-management plan may make it harder for you to obtain credit.

Name and business address of provider

             511          (7) If an agreement contemplates that creditors will settle debts for less than the full
             512      principal amount of debt owed, a provider may comply with Subsection (4) by providing the
             513      following disclosure, surrounded by black lines:

             515          (1) Our program is not right for all individuals, and you may ask us to provide
             516      information about bankruptcy and other ways to deal with your debts.
             517          (2) Nonpayment of your debts under our program may
             518          hurt your credit rating or credit scores;
             519          lead your creditors to increase finance and other charges; and
             520          lead your creditors to undertake activity, including lawsuits, to collect the debts.
             521          (3) Reduction of debt under our program may result in taxable income to you, even
             522      though you will not actually receive any money.

Name and business address of provider

             525          Section 10. Section 13-42-118 is amended to read:
             526           13-42-118. Communication by electronic or other means.
             527          (1) In this section:
             528          (a) "Consumer" means an individual who seeks or obtains goods or services that are
             529      used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
             530          (b) "Federal act" means the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce
             531      Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 7001 et seq.
             532          (2) A provider may satisfy the requirements of Section 13-42-117 , 13-42-119 , or
             533      13-42-127 by means of the Internet or other electronic means if the provider obtains a
             534      consumer's consent in the manner provided by Section 101(c)(1) of the federal act.
             535          (3) The disclosures and materials required by Sections 13-42-117 , 13-42-119 , and
             536      13-42-127 shall be presented in a form that is capable of being accurately reproduced for later
             537      reference.
             538          (4) With respect to disclosure by means of an Internet website, the disclosure of the
             539      information required by Subsection 13-42-117 (4) shall appear on one or more screens that:
             540          (a) contain no other information; and
             541          (b) the individual is able to see before proceeding to assent to formation of an
             542      agreement.
             543          (5) At the time of providing the materials and agreement required by Subsections
             544      13-42-117 (3) and (4), Section 13-42-119 , and Section 13-42-127 , a provider shall inform the
             545      individual that [upon] on electronic, telephonic, or written request, it will send the individual a
             546      written copy of the materials, and shall comply with a request as provided in Subsection (6).
             547          (6) If a provider is requested, before the expiration of 90 days after an agreement is
             548      completed or terminated, to send a written copy of the materials required by Subsections
             549      13-42-117 (3) and (4), Section 13-42-119 , or Section 13-42-127 , the provider shall send them at
             550      no charge [within] no later than three business days after the request, but the provider need not
             551      comply with a request more than once per calendar month or if it reasonably believes the
             552      request is made for purposes of harassment. If a request is made more than 90 days after an
             553      agreement is completed or terminated, the provider shall send within a reasonable time a
             554      written copy of the materials requested.

             555          (7) A provider that maintains an Internet website shall disclose on the home page of its
             556      website or on a page that is clearly and conspicuously connected to the home page by a link
             557      that clearly reveals its contents:
             558          (a) its name and all names under which it does business;
             559          (b) its principal business address, telephone number, and electronic-mail address, if
             560      any; and
             561          (c) the names of its principal officers.
             562          (8) Subject to Subsection (9), if a consumer who has consented to electronic
             563      communication in the manner provided by Section 101 of the federal act withdraws consent as
             564      provided in the federal act, a provider may terminate its agreement with the consumer.
             565          (9) If a provider wishes to terminate an agreement with a consumer pursuant to
             566      Subsection (8), it shall notify the consumer that it will terminate the agreement unless the
             567      consumer, [within] no later than 30 days after receiving the notification, consents to electronic
             568      communication in the manner provided in Section 101(c) of the federal act. If the consumer
             569      consents, the provider may terminate the agreement only as permitted by Subsection
             570      13-42-119 (1)(f)(vii).
             571          Section 11. Section 13-42-119 is amended to read:
             572           13-42-119. Form and contents of agreement.
             573          (1) An agreement shall:
             574          (a) be in a record;
             575          (b) be dated and signed by the provider and the individual;
             576          (c) include the name of the individual and the address where the individual resides;
             577          (d) include the name, business address, and telephone number of the provider;
             578          (e) be delivered to the individual immediately upon formation of the agreement; and
             579          (f) disclose:
             580          (i) the services to be provided;
             581          (ii) the amount, or method of determining the amount, of all fees, individually
             582      itemized, to be paid by the individual;
             583          (iii) the schedule of payments to be made by or on behalf of the individual, including
             584      the amount of each payment, the date on which each payment is due, and an estimate of the
             585      date of the final payment;

             586          (iv) if a plan provides for regular periodic payments to creditors:
             587          (A) each creditor of the individual to which payment will be made, the amount owed to
             588      each creditor, and any concessions the provider reasonably believes each creditor will offer;
             589      [and]
             590          (B) the schedule of expected payments to each creditor, including the amount of each
             591      payment and the date on which it will be made; and
             592          [(v)] (C) each creditor that the provider believes will not participate in the plan and to
             593      which the provider will not direct payment;
             594          (v) if a plan contemplates the settlement of the individual's debt for less than the
             595      principal amount of the debt, an estimate of:
             596          (A) the duration of the plan based on all enrolled debts;
             597          (B) the length of time before the individual may reasonably expect a settlement offer;
             598      and
             599          (C) the amount of savings needed to accrue before the individual may reasonably
             600      expect a settlement offer, expressed as both a dollar amount and a percentage, for each enrolled
             601      debt;
             602          (vi) how the provider will comply with its obligations under Subsection 13-42-127 (1);
             603          (vii) that the provider may terminate the agreement for good cause, upon return of
             604      unexpended money of the individual;
             605          (viii) that the individual may [cancel the agreement as provided in Section 13-42-120 ]
             606      terminate the agreement at any time by giving written or electronic notice, and that, if notice of
             607      termination is given, the individual will receive all unexpended money that the provider or its
             608      designee has received from or on behalf of the individual for payment of a credit and, except to
             609      the extent they have been earned, the provider's fees;
             610          (ix) that the individual may contact the administrator with any questions or complaints
             611      regarding the provider; and
             612          (x) the address, telephone number, and Internet address or website of the administrator.
             613          (2) For purposes of Subsection (1)(e), delivery of an electronic record occurs when it is
             614      made available in a format in which the individual may retrieve, save, and print it and the
             615      individual is notified that it is available.
             616          (3) If the administrator supplies the provider with any information required under

             617      Subsection (1)(f)(x), the provider may comply with that requirement only by disclosing the
             618      information supplied by the administrator.
             619          (4) An agreement shall provide that:
             620          [(a) the individual has a right to terminate the agreement at any time, without penalty
             621      or obligation, by giving the provider written or electronic notice, in which event:]
             622          [(i) the provider will refund all unexpended money that the provider or its agent has
             623      received from or on behalf of the individual for the reduction or satisfaction of the individual's
             624      debt;]
             625          [(ii) with respect to an agreement that contemplates that creditors will settle debts for
             626      less than the principal amount of debt, the provider will refund 65% of any portion of the
             627      set-up fee that has not been credited against the settlement fee; and]
             628          [(iii) all powers of attorney granted by the individual to the provider are revoked and
             629      ineffective;]
             630          [(b)] (a) the individual authorizes any bank in which the provider or its agent has
             631      established a trust account to disclose to the administrator any financial records relating to the
             632      trust account; and
             633          [(c)] (b) the provider will notify the individual [within] no later than five days after
             634      learning of a creditor's final decision to reject or withdraw from a plan and that this notice will
             635      include:
             636          (i) the identity of the creditor; and
             637          (ii) the right of the individual to modify or terminate the agreement.
             638          (5) An agreement may confer on a provider a power of attorney to settle the
             639      individual's debt for no more than 50% of the principal amount of the debt. An agreement may
             640      not confer a power of attorney to settle a debt for more than 50% of that amount, but may
             641      confer a power of attorney to negotiate with creditors of the individual on behalf of the
             642      individual. An agreement shall provide that the provider will obtain the assent of the
             643      individual after a creditor has assented to a settlement for more than 50% of the principal
             644      amount of the debt.
             645          (6) An agreement may not:
             646          (a) provide for application of the law of any jurisdiction other than the United States
             647      and this state;

             648          (b) except as permitted by Section 2 of the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Section 2,
             649      or Title 78B, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act, contain a provision that modifies or
             650      limits otherwise available forums or procedural rights, including the right to trial by jury, that
             651      are generally available to the individual under law other than this chapter;
             652          (c) contain a provision that restricts the individual's remedies under this chapter or law
             653      other than this chapter; or
             654          (d) contain a provision that:
             655          (i) limits or releases the liability of any person for not performing the agreement or for
             656      violating this chapter; or
             657          (ii) indemnifies any person for liability arising under the agreement or this chapter.
             658          (7) [All rights and obligations specified in Subsection (4) and Section 13-42-120 exist
             659      even if not provided in the agreement.] A provision in an agreement which violates Subsection
             660      [(4),] (5)[,] or (6) is void.
             661          Section 12. Section 13-42-120 is repealed and reenacted to read:
             662          13-42-120. Termination of agreement.
             663          (1) An individual who is a party to an agreement may terminate the agreement at any
             664      time, without penalty or obligation, by giving the provider notice in a record.
             665          (2) A provider may terminate an agreement if an individual who is a party to the
             666      agreement fails for 60 days to make a payment or deposit required by the agreement or if other
             667      good cause exists.
             668          (3) If an agreement is terminated:
             669          (a) the provider, no later than seven business days after the termination, shall pay the
             670      individual who is a party to the agreement all money the provider or its designee received from
             671      or on behalf of the individual, other than:
             672          (i) an amount properly disbursed to a creditor; and
             673          (ii) fees earned pursuant to Section 13-42-123 ; and
             674          (b) any power of attorney granted by the individual to the provider is revoked.
             675          Section 13. Section 13-42-121 is amended to read:
             676           13-42-121. Required language.
             677          Unless the administrator, by rule, provides otherwise, the disclosures and documents
             678      required by this chapter shall be in English. If a provider communicates with an individual

             679      primarily in a language other than English, the provider shall furnish a translation [into] in the
             680      other language of the disclosures and documents required by this chapter.
             681          Section 14. Section 13-42-122 is amended to read:
             682           13-42-122. Trust account.
             683          (1) All money paid to a provider by or on behalf of an individual for distribution to
             684      creditors pursuant to a plan is held in trust. [Within] No later than two business days after
             685      receipt, the provider shall deposit the money in a trust account established for the benefit of
             686      individuals to whom the provider is furnishing debt-management services.
             687          (2) A provider whose agreement contemplates the settlement of an individual's debt for
             688      less than the principal amount of the debt may request or require the individual to place money
             689      in an account to be used to pay a creditor or the provider's fees, or both, if:
             690          (a) the money is held in an insured account at a bank;
             691          (b) the individual owns the money held in the account and is paid any interest accrued
             692      on the account;
             693          (c) the entity administering the account is not the provider or an affiliate of the
             694      provider, unless the affiliate is described in Subsection 13-42-102 (2)(b)(iv);
             695          (d) the entity administering the account does not give or accept any money or other
             696      compensation in exchange for a referral of business involving debt-management services; and
             697          (e) the individual may terminate the agreement at any time without penalty and on
             698      termination must receive all money in the account, other than money earned by the provider in
             699      compliance with this section.
             700          (3) If an agreement contemplates the reduction of finance charges or fees for late
             701      payment, default, or delinquency and the provider complies with Subsection (1), the provider
             702      may request or require the individual to make payment to be used for both distribution to
             703      creditors and payment of the provider's fees.
             704          [(2)] (4) Money held in trust by a provider is not property of the provider or its
             705      designee. The money is not available to creditors of the provider or designee, except an
             706      individual from whom or on whose behalf the provider received money, to the extent that the
             707      money has not been disbursed to creditors of the individual.
             708          [(3)] (5) A provider shall:
             709          (a) maintain separate records of account for each individual to whom the provider is

             710      furnishing debt-management services;
             711          (b) disburse money paid by or on behalf of the individual to creditors of the individual
             712      as disclosed in the agreement, except that:
             713          (i) the provider may delay payment to the extent that a payment by the individual is not
             714      final; and
             715          (ii) if a plan provides for regular periodic payments to creditors, the disbursement shall
             716      comply with the due dates established by each creditor; and
             717          (c) promptly correct any payments that are not made or that are misdirected as a result
             718      of an error by the provider or other person in control of the trust account and reimburse the
             719      individual for any costs or fees imposed by a creditor as a result of the failure to pay or
             720      misdirection.
             721          [(4)] (6) A provider may not commingle money in a trust account established for the
             722      benefit of individuals to whom the provider is furnishing debt-management services with
             723      money of other persons.
             724          [(5)] (7) A trust account shall at all times have a cash balance equal to the sum of the
             725      balances of each individual's account.
             726          [(6)] (8) If a provider has established a trust account pursuant to Subsection (1), the
             727      provider shall reconcile the trust account at least once a month. The reconciliation shall
             728      compare the cash balance in the trust account with the sum of the balances in each individual's
             729      account. If the provider or its designee has more than one trust account, each trust account
             730      shall be individually reconciled.
             731          [(7)] (9) If a provider discovers, or has a reasonable suspicion of, embezzlement or
             732      other unlawful appropriation of money held in trust, the provider immediately shall notify the
             733      administrator by a method approved by the administrator. Unless the administrator by rule
             734      provides otherwise, [within] no later than five days thereafter, the provider shall give notice to
             735      the administrator describing the remedial action taken or to be taken.
             736          [(8)] (10) If an individual terminates an agreement or it becomes reasonably apparent
             737      to a provider that a plan has failed, the provider shall promptly refund to the individual all
             738      money paid by or on behalf of the individual which has not been paid to creditors, less fees that
             739      are payable to the provider under Section 13-42-123 .
             740          [(9)] (11) Before relocating a trust account from one bank to another, a provider shall

             741      inform the administrator of the name, business address, and telephone number of the new bank.
             742      As soon as practicable, the provider shall inform the administrator of the account number of the
             743      trust account at the new bank.
             744          Section 15. Section 13-42-123 is amended to read:
             745           13-42-123. Fees and other charges.
             746          (1) A provider may not impose directly or indirectly a fee or other charge on an
             747      individual or receive money from or on behalf of an individual for debt-management services
             748      except as permitted by this section.
             749          (2) A provider may not impose charges or receive payment for debt-management
             750      services until the provider and the individual have signed an agreement that complies with
             751      Sections 13-42-119 and 13-42-128 .
             752          (3) If an individual assents to an agreement, a provider may not impose a fee or other
             753      charge for educational [or], counseling, or similar services, [or the like,] except as otherwise
             754      provided in this [Subsection (3)] section and Subsection 13-42-128 (4). The administrator may
             755      authorize a provider to charge a fee based on the nature and extent of the [educational or
             756      counseling] services furnished by the provider.
             757          (4) Subject to adjustment of dollar amounts pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (6), the
             758      following rules apply:
             759          (a) Except to the extent permitted by Section 13-42-122 , a provider may not request or
             760      require any compensation from or on behalf of an individual unless:
             761          (i) the provider has secured the assent of the individual and at least one creditor of the
             762      individual to a concession; and
             763          (ii) the individual has made a payment toward satisfying the debt as part of a plan.
             764          [(a)] (b) If an individual assents to a plan that contemplates that creditors will reduce
             765      finance charges or fees for late payment, default, or delinquency, the provider may charge:
             766          (i) a fee not exceeding $50 for consultation, obtaining a credit report, setting up an
             767      account, and [the like] similar services; and
             768          (ii) a monthly service fee, not to exceed $10 times the number of accounts remaining in
             769      a plan at the time the fee is assessed, but not more than $50 in any month.
             770          [(b) If an individual assents to an agreement that contemplates that creditors will settle
             771      debts for less than the principal amount of the debt, a provider may charge:]

             772          [(i) subject to Subsection 13-42-119 (4), a fee for consultation, obtaining a credit report,
             773      setting up an account, and the like, in an amount not exceeding the lesser of $400 and 4% of
             774      the debt in the plan at the inception of the plan; and]
             775          [(ii) a monthly service fee, not to exceed $10 times the number of accounts remaining
             776      in a plan at the time the fee is assessed, but not more than $50 in any month.]
             777          (c) Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (3), if an agreement contemplates that
             778      creditors will settle an individual's debts for less than the principal amount of the debts:
             779          (i) compensation for services in connection with settling each debt may not exceed,
             780      with respect to each debt, 30 percent of the excess of the principal amount of the debt over the
             781      amount paid the creditor pursuant to the settlement; and
             782          (ii) if a debt is to be settled by installment payments, the provider may receive
             783      compensation either when the last installment of the settlement is paid or in installments.
             784          (d) If the provider's compensation is received in installments pursuant to Subsection
             785      (4)(c)(ii):
             786          (i) each installment shall be made simultaneously with the individual's installment
             787      payments to the creditor; and
             788          (ii) an installment of the compensation may not be a greater percentage of the
             789      provider's total compensation for settlement of the debt than the simultaneous payment to the
             790      creditor is of the entire settlement amount for the debt.
             791          [(c)] (e) A provider may not impose or receive fees under both Subsections (4)[(a)](b)
             792      and [(b)] (c).
             793          [(d)] (f) [Except as otherwise provided in Subsection 13-42-128 (4), if] If an individual
             794      does not assent to an agreement, a provider may receive for educational and counseling
             795      services it provides to the individual a fee not exceeding $100 or, with the approval of the
             796      administrator, a larger fee. The administrator may approve a fee larger than $100 if the nature
             797      and extent of the educational and counseling services warrant the larger fee.
             798          (5) If, before the expiration of 90 days after the completion or termination of
             799      educational or counseling services, an individual assents to an agreement, the provider shall
             800      refund to the individual any fee paid pursuant to Subsection (4)[(d)](f).
             801          [(6) (a) Except as otherwise provided in Subsections (3) and (4), if an agreement
             802      contemplates that creditors will settle an individual's debts for less than the principal amount of

             803      the debt, compensation for services in connection with settling a debt may not exceed one of
             804      the following applicable settlement fee limits in Subsection (6)(b) or (c), the terms of which
             805      shall be clearly disclosed in the agreement.]
             806          [(b) (i) With respect to agreements where a flat settlement fee is charged based on the
             807      overall amount of included debt, total aggregate fees charged may not exceed 17% of the
             808      principal amount of debt included in the agreement, including any fees charged under
             809      Subsections (4)(b)(i) and (ii).]
             810          [(ii) The flat settlement fee authorized under this Subsection (6)(b) shall be assessed in
             811      equal monthly payments over no less than half of the length of the plan, as estimated at the
             812      plan's inception, unless:]
             813          [(A) payment is voluntarily accelerated by the individual in a separate record; and]
             814          [(B) at least half of the principal amount of overall debt included in the agreement at its
             815      inception has been settled.]
             816          [(c) (i) With respect to agreements where fees are calculated as a percentage of the
             817      amount saved by an individual, a settlement fee may not exceed 30% of the excess of the
             818      outstanding amount of each debt over the amount actually paid to the creditor, as calculated at
             819      the time of settlement.]
             820          [(ii) Settlement fees authorized under this Subsection (6)(c):]
             821          [(A) may be collected only as debts are settled; and]
             822          [(B) the total aggregate amount of fees charged to any individual under this chapter,
             823      including fees charged under Subsections (4)(b)(i) and (ii), may not exceed 20% of the
             824      principal amount of debt included in the agreement at the agreement's inception.]
             825          [(d) A provider may not impose or receive fees under both Subsections (6)(b) and (c).]
             826          [(7)] (6) Subject to adjustment of the dollar amount pursuant to Subsection
             827      13-42-132 (6), if a payment to a provider by an individual under this chapter is dishonored, a
             828      provider may impose a reasonable charge on the individual, not to exceed the lesser of $25 and
             829      the amount permitted by law other than this chapter.
             830          Section 16. Section 13-42-126 is repealed and reenacted to read:
             831          13-42-126. Retention of records.
             832          (1) For each individual for whom a provider provides debt-management services, the
             833      provider shall maintain records for five years after the final payment made by the individual.

             834          (2) The provider shall produce a copy of the records to the individual within a
             835      reasonable time after a request for the records.
             836          (3) The provider may use electronic or other means of storage of the records.
             837          Section 17. Section 13-42-127 is amended to read:
             838           13-42-127. Periodic reports and retention of records.
             839          (1) A provider shall provide the accounting required by Subsection (2):
             840          (a) [upon] on cancellation or termination of an agreement; and
             841          (b) before cancellation or termination of any agreement:
             842          (i) at least once each month; and
             843          (ii) [within] no later than five business days after a request by an individual, but the
             844      provider need not comply with more than one request in any calendar month.
             845          (2) A provider, in a record, shall provide each individual for whom it has established a
             846      plan an accounting of the following information:
             847          (a) the amount in an account containing money paid by or on behalf of the individual
             848      for fees or distribution to a creditor, or both, as of the date one month before the date of the
             849      accounting;
             850          [(a)] (b) the amount [of money received from the individual] paid into the account
             851      since the last report;
             852          [(b)] (c) the amounts and dates of disbursement made on the individual's behalf, or by
             853      the individual [upon] on the direction of the provider, since the last report to each creditor
             854      listed in the plan;
             855          [(c)] (d) the amounts deducted, as fees or otherwise, from the amount [received from
             856      the individual] paid into the account since the last report;
             857          [(d) the amount held in reserve; and]
             858          (e) if, since the last report, a creditor has agreed to accept as payment in full an amount
             859      less than the principal amount of the debt owed by the individual:
             860          (i) the total amount and terms of the settlement;
             861          (ii) the amount of the debt when the individual assented to the plan;
             862          (iii) the amount of the debt when the creditor agreed to the settlement; and
             863          (iv) the calculation of a settlement fee[.]; and
             864          (f) the amount in the account as of the date of the accounting.

             865          [(3) A provider shall maintain records for each individual for whom it provides
             866      debt-management services for five years after the final payment made by the individual and
             867      produce a copy of them to the individual within a reasonable time after a request for them. The
             868      provider may use electronic or other means of storage of the records.]
             869          (3) If an agreement contemplates that a creditor will settle a debt for less than the
             870      principal amount of the debt and the provider delegates performance of its duties under this
             871      section to another person, the provider may provide the information required by Subsection
             872      (2)(e) in a record separate from the record containing the other information required by
             873      Subsection (2).
             874          Section 18. Section 13-42-128 is amended to read:
             875           13-42-128. Prohibited acts and practices.
             876          (1) A provider may not, directly or indirectly:
             877          (a) include a secured debt in a plan, except as authorized by law other than this chapter;
             878          [(a)] (b) misappropriate or misapply money held in trust;
             879          [(b)] (c) settle a debt on behalf of an individual for more than 50% of the principal
             880      amount of the debt owed a creditor, unless the individual assents to the settlement after the
             881      creditor has assented;
             882          [(c)] (d) take a power of attorney that authorizes it to settle a debt, unless the power of
             883      attorney expressly limits the provider's authority to settle debts for not more than 50% of the
             884      principal amount of the debt owed a creditor;
             885          [(d)] (e) exercise or attempt to exercise a power of attorney after an individual has
             886      terminated an agreement;
             887          [(e)] (f) initiate a transfer from an individual's account at a bank or with another person
             888      unless the transfer is:
             889          (i) a return of money to the individual; or
             890          (ii) before termination of an agreement, properly authorized by the agreement and this
             891      chapter, and for:
             892          (A) payment to one or more creditors pursuant to an agreement; or
             893          (B) payment of a fee;
             894          [(f)] (g) offer a gift or bonus, premium, reward, or other compensation to an individual
             895      for executing an agreement;

             896          [(g)] (h) offer, pay, or give a gift or bonus, premium, reward, or other compensation to
             897      a lead generator or other person for referring a prospective customer, if the person making the
             898      referral:
             899          (i) has a financial interest in the outcome of debt-management services provided to the
             900      customer, unless neither the provider nor the person making the referral communicates to the
             901      prospective customer the identity of the source of the referral; or
             902          (ii) compensates its employees on the basis of a formula that incorporates the number
             903      of the individuals the employee refers to the provider;
             904          [(h)] (i) receive a bonus, commission, or other benefit for referring an individual to a
             905      person;
             906          [(i)] (j) structure a plan in a manner that would result in a negative amortization of any
             907      of an individual's debts, unless a creditor that is owed a negatively amortizing debt agrees to
             908      refund or waive the finance charge [upon] on payment of the principal amount of the debt;
             909          [(j)] (k) compensate its employees on the basis of a formula that incorporates the
             910      number of individuals the employee induces to enter into agreements;
             911          [(k)] (l) settle a debt or lead an individual to believe that a payment to a creditor is in
             912      settlement of a debt to the creditor unless, at the time of settlement, the individual[: (i)]
             913      receives a certification by the creditor that the payment:
             914          (i) is in full settlement of the debt; or
             915          (ii) is part of a [payment] settlement plan, the terms of which are included in the
             916      certification, [which upon completion will result in full settlement of] that, if completed
             917      according to its terms, will satisfy the debt;
             918          [(l)] (m) make a representation that:
             919          (i) the provider will furnish money to pay bills or prevent attachments;
             920          (ii) payment of a certain amount will permit satisfaction of a certain amount or range of
             921      indebtedness; or
             922          (iii) participation in a plan will or may prevent litigation, garnishment, attachment,
             923      repossession, foreclosure, eviction, or loss of employment;
             924          [(m)] (n) misrepresent that it is authorized or competent to furnish legal advice or
             925      perform legal services;
             926          [(n)] (o) represent in its agreements, disclosures required by this chapter,

             927      advertisements, or Internet website that it is:
             928          (i) a not-for-profit entity unless it is organized and properly operating as a
             929      not-for-profit entity under the law of the state in which it was formed; or
             930          (ii) a tax-exempt entity unless it has received certification of tax-exempt status from
             931      the Internal Revenue Service and is properly operating as a not-for-profit entity under the law
             932      of the state in which it was formed;
             933          [(o)] (p) take a confession of judgment or power of attorney to confess judgment
             934      against an individual;
             935          [(p)] (q) employ an unfair, unconscionable, or deceptive act or practice, including the
             936      knowing omission of any material information; or
             937          [(q)] (r) make or use any untrue or misleading statement:
             938          (i) to the administrator; or
             939          (ii) in the provision of services subject to this chapter.
             940          (2) If a provider furnishes debt-management services to an individual, the provider may
             941      not, directly or indirectly:
             942          (a) purchase a debt or obligation of the individual;
             943          (b) receive from or on behalf of the individual:
             944          (i) a promissory note or other negotiable instrument other than a check or a demand
             945      draft; or
             946          (ii) a post-dated check or demand draft;
             947          (c) lend money or provide credit to the individual, except as a deferral of a settlement
             948      fee at no additional expense to the individual;
             949          (d) obtain a mortgage or other security interest from any person in connection with the
             950      services provided to the individual;
             951          (e) except as permitted by federal law, disclose the identity or identifying information
             952      of the individual or the identity of the individual's creditors, except to:
             953          (i) the administrator, [upon] on proper demand;
             954          (ii) a creditor of the individual, to the extent necessary to secure the cooperation of the
             955      creditor in a plan; or
             956          (iii) the extent necessary to administer the plan;
             957          (f) except as otherwise provided in Subsection 13-42-123 [(6)](4)(c), provide the

             958      individual less than the full benefit of a compromise of a debt arranged by the provider;
             959          (g) charge the individual for or provide credit or other insurance, coupons for goods or
             960      services, membership in a club, access to computers or the Internet, or any other matter not
             961      directly related to debt-management services or educational services concerning personal
             962      finance, except to the extent such services are expressly authorized by the administrator; or
             963          (h) furnish legal advice or perform legal services, unless the person furnishing that
             964      advice to or performing those services for the individual is licensed to practice law.
             965          (3) This chapter does not authorize any person to engage in the practice of law.
             966          (4) A provider may not receive a gift or bonus, premium, reward, or other
             967      compensation, directly or indirectly, for advising, arranging, or assisting an individual in
             968      connection with obtaining, an extension of credit or other service from a lender or service
             969      provider, except:
             970          (a) for educational or counseling services required in connection with a
             971      government-sponsored program[.]; or
             972          (b) as authorized in Subsection 13-42-123 (4)(f).
             973          (5) Unless a person supplies goods, services, or facilities generally and supplies them
             974      to the provider at a cost no greater than the cost the person generally charges to others, a
             975      provider may not purchase goods, services, or facilities from the person if an employee or a
             976      person that the provider should reasonably know is an affiliate of the provider:
             977          (a) owns more than 10% of the person; or
             978          (b) is an employee or affiliate of the person.
             979          Section 19. Section 13-42-131 is amended to read:
             980           13-42-131. Provider liability for the conduct of other persons -- Prohibited
             981      conduct of person providing service to provider.
             982          (1) If a provider delegates any of its duties or obligations under an agreement or this
             983      chapter to another person, including an independent contractor, the provider is liable for
             984      conduct of the person which, if done by the provider, would violate the agreement or this
             985      chapter.
             986          (2) A lead generator or other person that provides services to or for a provider may not
             987      engage in an unfair, unconscionable, or deceptive act or practice, including the knowing
             988      omission of any material information, with respect to an individual who the lead generator or

             989      other person has reason to believe is or may become a customer of the provider.
             990          Section 20. Section 13-42-132 is amended to read:
             991           13-42-132. Powers of administrator.
             992          (1) The administrator may act on its own initiative or in response to complaints and
             993      may receive complaints, take action to obtain voluntary compliance with this chapter, refer
             994      cases to the attorney general, and seek or provide remedies as provided in this chapter.
             995          (2) The administrator may investigate and examine, in this state or elsewhere, by
             996      subpoena or otherwise, the activities, books, accounts, and records of a person that provides or
             997      offers to provide debt-management services, or a person to which a provider has delegated its
             998      obligations under an agreement or this chapter, to determine compliance with this chapter.
             999      Information that identifies individuals who have agreements with the provider may not be
             1000      disclosed to the public. In connection with the investigation, the administrator may:
             1001          (a) charge the person the reasonable expenses necessarily incurred to conduct the
             1002      examination;
             1003          (b) require or permit a person to file a statement under oath as to all the facts and
             1004      circumstances of a matter to be investigated; and
             1005          (c) seek a court order authorizing seizure from a bank at which the person maintains [a
             1006      trust] an account [required] contemplated by Section 13-42-122 , any or all money, books,
             1007      records, accounts, and other property of the provider that is in the control of the bank and
             1008      relates to individuals who reside in this state.
             1009          (3) The administrator may adopt rules to implement the provisions of this chapter in
             1010      accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             1011          (4) The administrator may enter into cooperative arrangements with any other federal
             1012      or state agency having authority over providers and may exchange with any of those agencies
             1013      information about a provider, including information obtained during an examination of the
             1014      provider.
             1015          (5) The administrator shall establish fees in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 to be
             1016      paid by providers for the expense of administering this chapter.
             1017          (6) The administrator, by rule, shall adopt dollar amounts instead of those specified in
             1018      Sections 13-42-102 , 13-42-105 , 13-42-109 , 13-42-113 , 13-42-123 , 13-42-133 , and 13-42-135
             1019      to reflect inflation, as measured by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer

             1020      Price Index for All Urban Consumers or, if that index is not available, another index adopted
             1021      by rule by the administrator. The administrator shall adopt a base year and adjust the dollar
             1022      amounts, effective on July 1 of each year, if the change in the index from the base year, as of
             1023      December 31 of the preceding year, is at least 10%. The dollar amount shall be rounded to the
             1024      nearest $100, except that the amounts in Section 13-42-123 shall be rounded to the nearest
             1025      dollar.
             1026          (7) The administrator shall notify registered providers of any change in dollar amounts
             1027      made pursuant to Subsection (6) and make that information available to the public.
             1028          Section 21. Section 13-42-133 is amended to read:
             1029           13-42-133. Administrative remedies.
             1030          (1) The administrator may enforce this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter by
             1031      taking one or more of the following actions:
             1032          (a) ordering a provider, lead generator, person administering an account pursuant to
             1033      Subsection 13-42-122 (2), or [a] director, employee, or other agent of a provider to cease and
             1034      desist from any violations;
             1035          (b) ordering a provider, lead generator, person administering an account pursuant to
             1036      Subsection 13-42-122 (2), or [a] person that has caused a violation to correct the violation,
             1037      including making restitution of money or property to a person aggrieved by a violation;
             1038          (c) subject to adjustment of the dollar amount pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (6),
             1039      imposing on a provider, lead generator, person administering an account pursuant to
             1040      Subsection 13-42-122 (2), or [a] other person that [has caused] violates or causes a violation an
             1041      administrative fine not exceeding $10,000 for each violation;
             1042          (d) prosecuting a civil action to:
             1043          (i) enforce an order; or
             1044          (ii) obtain restitution or [an injunction or other] equitable relief, or both; or
             1045          (e) intervening in an action brought under Section 13-42-135 .
             1046          (2) Subject to adjustment of the dollar amount pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (6), if
             1047      a person violates or knowingly authorizes, directs, or aids in the violation of a final order
             1048      issued under Subsection (1)(a) or (b), the administrator may impose an administrative fine not
             1049      exceeding $20,000 for each violation.
             1050          (3) The administrator may maintain an action to enforce this chapter in any county.

             1051          (4) The administrator may recover the reasonable costs of enforcing the chapter under
             1052      Subsections (1) through (3), including [attorney's] attorney fees based on the hours reasonably
             1053      expended and the hourly rates for attorneys of comparable experience in the community.
             1054          (5) In determining the amount of an administrative fine to impose under Subsection (1)
             1055      or (2), the administrator shall consider the seriousness of the violation, the good faith of the
             1056      violator, any previous violations by the violator, the deleterious effect of the violation on the
             1057      public, the net worth of the violator, and any other factor the administrator considers relevant to
             1058      the determination of the administrative fine.
             1059          (6) All money received through administrative fines imposed under this chapter shall
             1060      be deposited in the Consumer Protection Education and Training Fund created by Section
             1061      13-2-8 .
             1062          Section 22. Section 13-42-134 is amended to read:
             1063           13-42-134. Suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of registration.
             1064          (1) In this section, "insolvent" means:
             1065          (a) having generally ceased to pay debts in the ordinary course of business other than as
             1066      a result of good-faith dispute;
             1067          (b) being unable to pay debts as they become due; or
             1068          (c) being insolvent within the meaning of the federal bankruptcy law, 11 U.S.C.
             1069      Section 101 et seq.
             1070          (2) The administrator may suspend, revoke, or deny renewal of a provider's registration
             1071      if:
             1072          (a) a fact or condition exists that, if it had existed when the registrant applied for
             1073      registration as a provider, would have been a reason for denying registration;
             1074          (b) the provider has committed a material violation of this chapter or a rule or order of
             1075      the administrator under this chapter;
             1076          (c) the provider is insolvent;
             1077          (d) the provider [or], an employee or affiliate of the provider, a lead generator for the
             1078      provider, a person administering an account for the provider pursuant to Subsection
             1079      13-42-122 (2), or a person to whom the provider has delegated its obligations under an
             1080      agreement or this chapter has refused to permit the administrator to make an examination
             1081      authorized by this chapter, failed to comply with Subsection 13-42-132 (2)(b) [within] no later

             1082      than 15 days after request, or made a material misrepresentation or omission in complying with
             1083      Subsection 13-42-132 (2)(b); or
             1084          (e) the provider has not responded within a reasonable time and in an appropriate
             1085      manner to communications from the administrator.
             1086          (3) If a provider does not comply with Subsection 13-42-122 [(6)](8) or if the
             1087      administrator otherwise finds that the public health or safety or general welfare requires
             1088      emergency action, the administrator may order a summary suspension of the provider's
             1089      registration, effective on the date specified in the order.
             1090          (4) If the administrator suspends, revokes, or denies renewal of the registration of a
             1091      provider, the administrator may seek a court order authorizing seizure of any or all of the
             1092      money in a trust account required by Section 13-42-122 , books, records, accounts, and other
             1093      property of the provider which are located in this state.
             1094          (5) If the administrator suspends or revokes a provider's registration, the provider may
             1095      appeal and request a hearing pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
             1096          Section 23. Section 13-42-135 is amended to read:
             1097           13-42-135. Private enforcement.
             1098          (1) If an individual voids an agreement pursuant to Subsection 13-42-125 (2), the
             1099      individual may recover in a civil action all money paid or deposited by or on behalf of the
             1100      individual pursuant to the agreement, except amounts paid to creditors, in addition to the
             1101      recovery under Subsections (3)(c) and (d).
             1102          (2) If an individual voids an agreement pursuant to Subsection 13-42-125 (1), the
             1103      individual may recover in a civil action three times the total amount of the fees, charges,
             1104      money, and payments made by the individual to the provider, in addition to the recovery under
             1105      Subsection (3)(d).
             1106          (3) Subject to Subsection (4), an individual with respect to whom a provider or other
             1107      person violates this chapter may recover in a civil action from the provider, the person, and any
             1108      person that caused the violation:
             1109          (a) compensatory damages for injury, including noneconomic injury, caused by the
             1110      violation;
             1111          (b) except as otherwise provided in Subsection (4) and subject to adjustment of the
             1112      dollar amount pursuant to Subsection 13-42-132 (6), with respect to a violation of Section

             1113      13-42-117 , 13-42-119 , 13-42-120 , 13-42-121 , 13-42-122 , 13-42-123 , 13-42-124 , or 13-42-127 ,
             1114      or Subsection 13-42-128 (1), (2), or (4), the greater of the amount recoverable under Subsection
             1115      (3)(a) or $5,000;
             1116          (c) punitive damages; and
             1117          (d) reasonable [attorney's] attorney fees and costs.
             1118          (4) In a class action, except for a violation of Subsection 13-42-128 (1)[(e)](f), the
             1119      minimum damages provided in Subsection (3)(b) do not apply.
             1120          [(5) In addition to the remedy available under Subsection (3), if a provider violates an
             1121      individual's rights under Section 13-42-120 , the individual may recover in a civil action all
             1122      money paid or deposited by or on behalf of the individual pursuant to the agreement, except for
             1123      amounts paid to creditors.]
             1124          [(6)] (5) A provider is not liable under this section for a violation of this chapter if the
             1125      provider proves that the violation was not intentional and resulted from a good-faith error
             1126      notwithstanding the maintenance of procedures reasonably adapted to avoid the error. An error
             1127      of legal judgment with respect to a provider's obligations under this chapter is not a good-faith
             1128      error. If, in connection with a violation, the provider has received more money than authorized
             1129      by an agreement or this chapter, the defense provided by this Subsection [(6)] (5) is not
             1130      available unless the provider refunds the excess [within] no later than two business days of
             1131      learning of the violation.
             1132          [(7)] (6) The administrator shall assist an individual in enforcing a judgment against
             1133      the surety bond or other security provided under Section 13-42-113 or 13-42-114 .
             1134          Section 24. Section 13-42-137 is amended to read:
             1135           13-42-137. Statute of limitations.
             1136          (1) An action or proceeding brought pursuant to Subsection 13-42-133 (1), (2), or (3)
             1137      shall be commenced [within] no later than four years after the conduct that is the basis of the
             1138      administrator's complaint.
             1139          (2) An action brought pursuant to Section 13-42-135 shall be commenced [within] no
             1140      later than two years after the latest of:
             1141          (a) the individual's last transmission of money to a provider;
             1142          (b) the individual's last transmission of money to a creditor at the direction of the
             1143      provider;

             1144          (c) the provider's last disbursement to a creditor of the individual;
             1145          (d) the provider's last accounting to the individual pursuant to Subsection
             1146      13-42-127 (1);
             1147          (e) the date on which the individual discovered or reasonably should have discovered
             1148      the facts giving rise to the individual's claim; or
             1149          (f) termination of actions or proceedings by the administrator with respect to a
             1150      violation of the chapter.
             1151          (3) The period prescribed in Subsection (2)(e) is tolled during any period during which
             1152      the provider or, if different, the defendant has materially and willfully misrepresented
             1153      information required by this chapter to be disclosed to the individual, if the information so
             1154      misrepresented is material to the establishment of the liability of the defendant under this
             1155      chapter.
             1156          Section 25. Section 13-42-139 is amended to read:
             1157           13-42-139. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce
             1158      Act.
             1159          This chapter modifies, limits, and supersedes the [federal] Electronic Signatures in
             1160      Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 7001 et seq., but does not modify,
             1161      limit, or supersede Section 101(c) of that act, 15 U.S.C. Section 7001(c), or authorize
             1162      electronic delivery of any of the notices described in Section 103(b) of that act, 15 U.S.C.
             1163      Section 7003(b).

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-13-12 6:14 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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