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S.J.R. 3





Chief Sponsor: Scott K. Jenkins

House Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This joint resolution of the Legislature gives the Legislative Management Committee
             10      items of study it may assign to the appropriate interim committee.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This resolution:
             13          .    gives the Legislative Management Committee items of study it may assign to the
             14      appropriate interim committee during the 2012 legislative interim;
             15          .    directs interim committees assigned these studies to study and make
             16      recommendations for legislative action to the 59th Legislature before the 2013
             17      Annual General Session; and
             18          .    suggests that the Legislative Management Committee, in approving studies, give
             19      consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity of staff
             20      to respond to the assigned studies.
             21      Special Clauses:
             22          None
             24      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             25          WHEREAS, the Legislative Management Committee is created by law as a permanent
             26      committee to receive and assign matters for the interim study by committees of the Legislature;
             27      and

             28          WHEREAS, the 59th Legislature has determined that certain legislative issues require
             29      additional investigation and study:
             30          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee
             31      is given the following items of study to assign to the appropriate interim committee with the
             32      duty to study and make recommendations for legislative action to the 59th Legislature before
             33      the 2013 Annual General Session.
             34          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee, in
             35      making study assignments from this list and in approving study requests for individual
             36      committees, give consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity
             37      of staff to respond adequately to the number and complexity of the assignments given.
             38          1. Internal Service Fund Oversight - to study legislative oversight of internal service
             39      funds to reduce duplicate payments for services (H.B. 120).
             40          2. Alcohol Amendments - to study whether to modify the Alcoholic Beverage Control
             41      Act to change the number of available retail licenses (H.B. 270).
             42          3. Alcohol Law Revisions - to study the need to make revisions to allow reasonable
             43      access to alcohol (S.B. 75).
             44          4. Alcohol Licensing - to study the definition of "premises" for purposes of an alcohol
             45      license.
             46          5. Alcohol Regulation and Policy - to study the regulatory environment for alcohol
             47      policy, including potential structural changes (H.B. 184).
             48          6. Automobile Insurance Rate Determinations - to study the use of credit scores and
             49      ratings to determine automobile insurance rates.
             50          7. Bond Requirements for Motor Vehicle Dealers - to study the appropriate bond limit
             51      requirements for motor vehicle dealers (H.B. 321).
             52          8. Building Code Changes - to study changes to the commercial and residential
             53      building codes (H.B. 262).
             54          9. Businesses that Serve Alcohol - to study ways to create a pro business environment
             55      regarding establishments that serve alcohol, and whether to remove the "zion curtain" wall
             56      requirement.
             57          10. Condominium Amendments - to study issues related to condominiums, including
             58      the role of the property rights ombudsman and mediation (1st Sub. H.B. 56).

             59          11. Definition of Incidental Practice in Administrative Rules Governing Architects
             60      and Engineers - to study whether to exclude certain subsections of administrative rules
             61      regarding the definition of "incidental practice" in the Architect Licensing Act Rule and the
             62      Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act Rule from
             63      reauthorization (H.B. 335).
             64          12. Disaster Recovery Service Lien - to study whether to provide a lien on behalf of a
             65      provider of disaster recovery services on proceeds payable from an insurance company that
             66      covers damages caused by a disaster, the requirements for claiming a lien, the notice of a lien
             67      to an insurance company, and lien enforcement (S.B. 288).
             68          13. Employment Discrimination - to study the importance of economic development
             69      measures related to employment discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sexual
             70      orientation, gender identity, or political speech or activity related to employment (S.B. 51).
             71          14. Injured Worker Benefits - to study ways to coordinate the benefits paid by workers'
             72      compensation and a group health insurance plan (S.B. 130).
             73          15. Liquor Sampling - to study ways to provide for the sampling of liquor by a retail
             74      licensee under certain circumstances (1st Sub. S.B. 119).
             75          16. Payday Loan Disputes - to study whether to require local forums for settling
             76      payday loan disputes.
             77          17. Product Liability - to study whether a manufacturer should be held liable for a
             78      product if the claimant fails to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant was
             79      the actual manufacturer of the actual product that caused the harm (H.B. 413).
             80          18. References to Gold and Precious Metals in the Utah Code - to study the manner in
             81      which gold and other precious metals are addressed in Title 13, Chapter 32a, Pawnshop and
             82      Secondhand Merchandise Transaction Information Act.
             83          19. Regulation of Certain Businesses - to study whether gold-for-cash businesses,
             84      pawn shops, and coin dealers should be regulated.
             85          20. Scope of Practice - to study and review the scope of practice for occupations in the
             86      health care field.
             87          21. Subcontractors - to study and review concerns regarding subcontractors not
             88      following laws and good practice.
             89          22. Unincorporated Business Entities - to study uniform laws regarding

             90      unincorporated business entities.
             91          23. Academic Achievement Gaps - to study high quality preschool impacts on
             92      academic achievement gaps for at risk students.
             93          24. Alternatives to GED - to study whether to issue high school diplomas to adults and
             94      those who do not graduate with the class instead of awarding a GED, to study the relative value
             95      between a high school diploma and a GED in the employment marketplace, and to study how
             96      to eliminate the GED in Utah and give diplomas instead, to give these students a higher value.
             97          25. Charter School Local Replacement Funding - to study whether school districts
             98      should contribute an amount equal to per pupil district property tax revenues for each resident
             99      student enrolled in a charter school.
             100          26. Charter School Mission and Online Education - to study whether a charter school
             101      student should be denied permission to take an online course through the Statewide Online
             102      Education Program because the charter school's mission is inconsistent with the online course.
             103          27. Concurrent Enrollment - to study the current program structure, cost, delivery, and
             104      coordination of public education and higher education.
             105          28. Credit for Teacher Professional Development in Technology - to study options for
             106      giving credit on the pay scale for teacher professional development in technology unrelated to
             107      college credit.
             108          29. Education Interim Committee Reports - to study whether one or more reports
             109      required to be submitted to the Education Interim Committee should be discontinued.
             110          30. Enhanced School Calendar Incentives - to study how to encourage school districts
             111      and charter schools to utilize their buildings year round to extend calendars, and how to offer
             112      teachers a 50% pay raise with no additional costs to taxpayers, with added benefits like paid
             113      vacations, holidays, and class room aids.
             114          31. Financial Literacy - to study ways to promote financial literacy.
             115          32. K-3 Class Size Reduction - to study caps on K-3 class sizes and class size
             116      reduction line item accountability (S.B. 31).
             117          33. Necessarily Existent Small Schools - to study the current distribution formula,
             118      review cost differentials between small and isolated schools and other schools, and determine
             119      the best funding mechanism.
             120          34. Pay for Performance Impact on Student Achievement - to study the impact of

             121      teacher pay for performance on student achievement and performance gains.
             122          35. Professional Development Classes - to study the impact of enabling professional
             123      development classes or tracks under "lanes compensation" schedules.
             124          36. Public Education Funding - to study and carefully review the formulas currently in
             125      use and determine if they are meeting the needs of the current education environment.
             126          37. Public School Funding Criteria - to study how money is distributed to public
             127      schools based on prior year enrollment, and whether public schools could receive funding
             128      based on current year enrollment instead.
             129          38. Quality Teacher Incentive - to study an incentive program to retain quality teachers
             130      in the public schools.
             131          39. School District and Charter School Postemployment Benefits - to study how
             132      school districts and charter schools are addressing any continuing liability to provide
             133      postemployment benefits to employees (H.B. 460).
             134          40. School Funding - to study long term funding options for public education.
             135          41. Sex Education Through Online Video Components - to study in collaboration with
             136      the State Board of Education the delivery of online sex education through video components in
             137      lieu of in-class instruction, with each component to be approved by the parents before the
             138      student has access to the materials.
             139          42. Specialized Student Counseling - to study ways to provide specialized career
             140      college counseling, focusing on admissions and scholarships, for high school students (H.B.
             141      65).
             142          43. Student-based Budgeting - to study whether to require a school district to
             143      distribute certain revenues to schools in accordance with a weighted student formula and to
             144      require a principal to determine how to use revenues available to the school to meet student
             145      needs (H.B. 158).
             146          44. Tuition Gap Program for Veterans - to study a tuition gap program for veteran
             147      recipients of the federal Post 9/11 GI bill who run out of funds before completing a bachelors
             148      program (S.B. 44).
             149          45. Absentee Ballot Deadlines - to study whether the deadline for absentee ballot
             150      postmarks should be adjusted in light of service cutbacks at the post office.
             151          46. Anonymous Campaign Contributions - to study whether to prohibit anonymous

             152      campaign contributions and how a candidate should handle an anonymous contribution (1st
             153      Sub. H.B. 493).
             154          47. Application for a Convention - to study the process for applying to the United
             155      States Congress, under Article V of the constitution, for a convention to propose an amendment
             156      to the United States Constitution, and the selection, commission, and instructions for a delegate
             157      to the convention.
             158          48. Campaign Fund Use - to study whether county, municipal, and service district
             159      candidates should be restricted in the personal use of campaign funds similar to state office
             160      candidates.
             161          49. Candidate Replacement - to study whether the candidate replacement deadline
             162      should be changed to better match other election deadlines.
             163          50. Definition of Rural - to study the definition of "rural" as it pertains to the
             164      classification of counties (H.B. 220).
             165          51. Division of Fleet Operations - to study the privatization of the Division of Fleet
             166      Operations.
             167          52. Election Code Changes - to study and review the annual list of election code policy
             168      and clean up issues.
             169          53. Election Dates - to study whether special elections and primary municipal
             170      elections should be held on the same day.
             171          54. Emergency Authority for Election Official - to study whether, during a period of a
             172      declared emergency where a short time frame for ballot transmission exists, the chief election
             173      officer should have authority to designate alternative methods for handling absentee ballots to
             174      ensure that all voters, including military and overseas voters, have the opportunity to vote.
             175          55. Government Competition with Private Enterprise - to study what conditions
             176      should be met before a government entity is allowed to engage in commercial activity (H.B.
             177      94).
             178          56. Municipal Election Modifications - to study potential changes to municipal
             179      elections processes (S.B. 283).
             180          57. Municipal Ethics Act - to study revisions to the Municipal Ethics Act.
             181          58. Municipal Statute Review - to study a recodification or clean up of Utah Code
             182      Section 10-1-203 to comply with code drafting standards.

             183          59. Open Legislative Caucuses - to study the importance of open caucus meetings and
             184      conducting debate on bills on the floor of the House and Senate and not behind closed doors
             185      (S.B. 45).
             186          60. Political Party Affiliation - to study whether the Legislature wishes to amend or
             187      delete the deadline for declaring political party affiliation.
             188          61. Presidential Electors - to study whether to elect the president of the United States
             189      by national popular vote rather than by the current electoral college process (1st Sub. H.B.
             190      509).
             191          62. Prohibiting Funds from Fines and Forfeitures from Going to the Governmental
             192      Entity Imposing the Fines - to study the prohibition of fines and forfeitures that fund the
             193      governmental entity that imposes the fine or forfeiture, or whether to require that fines and
             194      forfeitures go into a permanent fund, of which only the interest earnings of the fund may be
             195      used for the budget of the government agency that imposes the fines, in order to prohibit the
             196      fines and forfeitures from becoming an essential budget item for those entities.
             197          63. Straight Party Vote - to study and evaluate the necessity of offering the straight
             198      party ticket vote on election ballots.
             199          64. Surplus Property Service - to study the privatization of surplus property service.
             200          65. Uniform Code References - to study amendments to the Utah Code to ensure
             201      uniformity in referencing department and division heads.
             202          66. Unregistered Voter Ballots - to study the counting of provisional ballots of certain
             203      unregistered voters (H.B. 145).
             204          67. Assisted Outpatient Treatment - to study the creation of a procedure for ordering
             205      assisted outpatient treatment.
             206          68. Health Department Review - to study the Health Department's plan review and
             207      inspection fees.
             208          69. Indoor Clean Air Act and Third-Hand Smoke - to study third-hand smoke issues in
             209      public vehicles shared by more than one person who does not smoke.
             210          70. Inspector General - to study the Inspector General's scope of authority.
             211          71. Local Drug Ordinances - to study whether to grant cities, towns, and counties the
             212      authority to enact ordinances regulating newly developed illegal or illicit drugs.
             213          72. Medicaid and Health Insurance coverage for a Legal Immigrant Child - to study

             214      the removal of the five-year waiting period to provide Medicaid coverage and health insurance
             215      coverage to a legal immigrant child (S.B. 111).
             216          73. Medicaid Coverage - to study whether to bid out Medicaid medical coverage.
             217          74. Medicaid Wellness - to study the development of a Medicaid Wellness program.
             218          75. Obesity - to study legislative and policy actions other states have undertaken to
             219      effectively address obesity and how government, citizens, and community and business leaders
             220      implement policies that support individual efforts to make healthy lifestyle choices.
             221          76. Parental Rights - to study the parental rights of biological fathers in cases of
             222      adoption (H.B. 308).
             223          77. Pharmacy Counseling - to study issues related to pharmacy patient counseling
             224      (H.B. 165).
             225          78. Physician Dispensing of Controlled Substances - to study systemic administration
             226      and evaluation when expanding the scope of physician dispensing of controlled substances and
             227      drugs.
             228          79. Prescription Drug Access in Rural Areas - to study whether to prohibit a third
             229      party payor of prescription drug benefits from charging a patient higher copayments for a
             230      prescription drug if the patient resides in a rural area of the state and chooses not to use an
             231      out-of-state mail order pharmacy (HB 54).
             232          80. Secondhand Smoke in Motor Vehicles - to study the health impacts of exposing
             233      children to secondhand smoke in motor vehicles, including possible legislation to reduce
             234      exposure.
             235          81. State Phone System - to study and review state phone system contracts to
             236      determine the most efficient phone system possible that also meets the needs of employees,
             237      legislators, and the public.
             238          82. Adoption by a Co-parent - to study changes to the Utah Code regarding who may
             239      adopt a child (S.B. 126).
             240          83. Animal Rights - to study animal rights as a property rights interest.
             241          84. Campus Safety - to study trespassing on property owned by a state institution of
             242      higher education (H.B. 504).
             243          85. Capital Punishment - to study and review the costs of incarceration for life, the
             244      cost of decades of appeals, the emotional costs for those who must perform the execution, and

             245      public opinion regarding capital punishment.
             246          86. Children's Participation in Child Custody Proceedings - to study whether to reduce
             247      the age from 16 to 14 for children who wish to express their opinion in child custody
             248      proceedings (S.B. 139).
             249          87. Consolidating Emergency Response Provisions - to study the need for, and
             250      potential impact of, consolidating various sections of the existing Utah Code relating to
             251      emergency responses.
             252          88. Constable Amendments - to study jurisdictional issues related to constables.
             253          89. Correctional Health Care - to study the cost and management of correctional health
             254      care (H.B. 312, 2010 General Session).
             255          90. Crisis Intervention Team Training - to study the training of all police officers in
             256      crisis intervention and mental illness.
             257          91. Domestic Asset Statute - to study what modifications can be made to Utah's
             258      Domestic Asset Protection Trust statute to encourage Utah attorneys to use the statute rather
             259      than take their clients to Nevada to settle trusts under Nevada's statute.
             260          92. DVD and Blu-ray Sales to Minors When Original Content Rating is Altered - to
             261      study DVD and Blu-ray sales to minors in situations where the rating given to a film is changed
             262      from the theatrical "R" rated version to a "Not Rated" version for home video release, which
             263      frequently contain adult content not included in the "R" version.
             264          93. Enticing a Minor - to study whether to amend current laws regarding enticing a
             265      minor to include solicitation, seducing, luring, or enticing even when the offender does not
             266      ultimately engage in sexual activity with the minor (H.B. 79).
             267          94. Gender Neutrality in Divorce Statute - to study the removal of language from the
             268      divorce statute favoring one spouse over the other and providing for equal footing in property
             269      matters (S.B. 146).
             270          95. Governmental Immunities Amendments - to study how to amend the
             271      Governmental Immunities Act to allow families to recover damages from the state.
             272          96. Judicial Code - to study issues related to amendments to the Judicial Code.
             273          97. Medical Malpractice Reform - to study Medical Malpractice Reform patterned
             274      after Texas's "loser pays attorney fees" provision.
             275          98. Offer of Judgment - to study a process for offers of judgment in civil cases (H.B.

             276      235).
             277          99. Overseas Product Liability - to study and review Utah's product liability law to
             278      address the increase in products being imported to the United States that may injure a Utah
             279      citizen.
             280          100. Pornographic Material on Cable - to study the distribution of pornographic
             281      material through cable television.
             282          101. Shooting Range Targets - to study current prohibitions against utilizing targets
             283      with a human form at public shooting ranges.
             284          102. Voluntary Placement on Sex Offender Registry - to study whether individuals can
             285      voluntarily place their names on the sex offender registry as part of an agreement with the
             286      victim, or the victim's family, who would prefer not to go through a trial, and whether such a
             287      "civil track" mechanism can be created.
             288          103. Warrant Process - to study options on how the state may collect the $237,000 in
             289      unpaid warrants, including by expanding the information in the statewide warrant system to
             290      include additional agency databases in order to extrapolate data and find the most current
             291      addresses of persons with outstanding warrants, and to allow the suspension of driver licenses
             292      and the prohibition of the purchase of hunting and fishing licenses for failure to pay
             293      outstanding warrants (1st Sub. S.B. 206).
             294          104. Air Quality - to study and review public and private sector efforts to improve air
             295      quality and review and suggest changes to state laws and regulations that could improve air
             296      quality (H.B. 70).
             297          105. Boating Speed - to study whether to restrict the speed of motorboats in certain
             298      circumstances (H.B. 329).
             299          106. Changes to a Water Right - to study the issues contained in S.B. 187, Change
             300      Application Procedure, develop recommendations for the state engineer to follow in the
             301      processing of change applications, and to study the process and the forum for determining the
             302      amount of water available for change applications.
             303          107. Emissions Inventory - to study and assess, in concert with state agencies, the
             304      benefits and costs of a CO2 emissions inventory.
             305          108. Geothermal and Mineral Rights - to study the relationship between geothermal
             306      resource rights and mineral rights (H.B. 330).

             307          109. Graywater - to study permitted uses of graywater.
             308          110. Groundwater Transfers - to study Inter-basin groundwater transfers.
             309          111. Impacts of Transition Away From Coal-Fired Power Generation - to study and
             310      evaluate the economic impacts of transitioning away from Utah coal as the primary fuel source
             311      for power production and at generating facilities in the state, and evaluate the impact of the loss
             312      of federal lease royalties and payments, SITLA leases, and other impacts.
             313          112. Public Lands History - to study all sources, histories, original documents, and all
             314      court or other authoritative cites for President Andrew Jackson's December 4, 1833 statement
             315      to the United States Senate, "the price of these lands shall be reduced and graduated, and that
             316      after they have been offered for a certain number of years the refuse remaining unsold shall be
             317      abandoned to the States and the machinery of our land system entirely withdrawn. It can not be
             318      supposed the compacts intended that the United States should retain forever a title to lands
             319      within the States which are of no value, and no doubt is entertained that the general interest
             320      would be best promoted by surrendering such lands to the States".
             321          113. Sale of Hunting and Fishing Licenses - to study Section 23-19-9.5 and other
             322      provisions of the Wildlife Code that prohibit the division from selling hunting and fishing
             323      licenses to certain individuals, and to consider instead an improved database that would allow
             324      the division to enforce a penalty against persons who illegally purchase a hunting or fishing
             325      license.
             326          114. Trail User Fee Permit - to study whether to issue trail use permits to
             327      non-motorized users of trails.
             328          115. Trust Lands Issues - to study and receive a report on school and institutional trust
             329      lands issues from the Children's Land Alliance.
             330          116. Utah Land and School Trust Funds - to study the protection of Utah lands and
             331      school trust funds (1st Sub. H.B. 209 and amendment #2).
             332          117. Executive Branch Technology Supply Process - to study the process used by the
             333      Department of Technology Services to supply state agencies with technology equipment (2nd
             334      Sub. H.B. 120).
             335          118. Allocations to Schools - to study school allocations measured by property tax
             336      (H.B. 507).
             337          119. Computer Software Exemption - to study whether to provide a sales and use tax

             338      exemption for certain computer software.
             339          120. Court-imposed Taxes and Fines - to study fines, taxes, and financial issues
             340      imposed by the courts.
             341          121. Fair Market Value Determination - to study property tax determination of fair
             342      market value when a property is subdivided.
             343          122. Fees and Taxes - to study VOIP, franchise fees, telecommunications taxes, USF,
             344      etc.
             345          123. Law Enforcement Decertification - to study the decertification of law
             346      enforcement if the majority violate the law or the constitution.
             347          124. Medical Equipment Exemption - to study whether to provide a sales and use tax
             348      exemption for certain medical machinery, equipment, or parts.
             349          125. Motor Vehicle Titling - to study the Division of Motor Vehicles' process for
             350      allowing a repair facility to issue a new title in the repair facility's name, deleting the
             351      lienholder, if the lienholder does not pay, and the division's process for allowing towing
             352      facilities to get title of a vehicle if towing and storage fees are not paid.
             353          126. Sales Taxes at Hotels - to study sales taxes applied on items provided by a hotel
             354      to a customer and the potential of a waiver because the products are being "resold" and the
             355      sales tax is reflected in the room rate.
             356          127. Small Brewers and Small Wineries - to study whether to provide a tax exemption
             357      for small breweries and small wineries and how the businesses are defined.
             358          128. Tax Commission Report on Tax Provisions - to study a report from the State Tax
             359      Commission on certain tax provisions that is to be posted on the Utah Public Finance Website
             360      (H.B. 138).
             361          129. Tax to Bury Utility Lines - to study whether to allow a county's, city's, or town's
             362      legislative body to impose a local sales and use tax to bury utility lines (H.B. 291 and 1st Sub.
             363      H.B. 291).
             364          130. Telecommunications Taxes - to study issues related to telecommunications taxes
             365      and fees.
             366          131. Disability for Peace Officers Injured in the Line of Duty - to study whether to
             367      provide local peace officers additional benefits, including long-term disability, similar to state
             368      peace officers under Section 67-19-27.

             369          132. Impact of Federal Regulations - to study how the United States Department of
             370      Labor's new regulations impact nongovernmental entities that contribute to the Utah
             371      Retirement System.
             372          133. Independent Entities Issues - to study what state services independent state
             373      agencies should be allowed use.
             374          134. Naming a Designee for State Insurance Benefits - to study whether to allow state
             375      employees to name an adult designee for insurance benefits in place of a spouse (1st Sub. H.B.
             376      64).
             377          135. Public Employees Health Care - to study eligibility for public employee health
             378      coverage (H.B. 64).
             379          136. Risk Management Coverage for Independent Entities - to study how independent
             380      entities are covered by insurance and what changes are needed to cover additional risks.
             381          137. School District and Charter School Postemployment Benefits - to study how
             382      school districts and charter schools are addressing any continuing liability to provide
             383      postemployment benefits to employees.
             384          138. Switching State Retirement Plans - to study whether the state will save money if
             385      the state allows employees to switch from the Tier I retirement plan to Tier II on either a
             386      one-time basis or with the choice to switch back and forth.
             387          139. Termination of Employment for Retirement Eligibility - to study the requirement
             388      that an employee terminate "all" employment with a URS-covered employer to be eligible to
             389      retire (S.B. 265).
             390          140. Tier II Retirement System Options for Tier I Employees - to study whether to
             391      allow Tier I employees to opt-in to the Tier II retirement system.
             392          141. Utah Retirement Systems Exemptions - to study whether Tier I Systems should
             393      be amended to allow deputy directors and division heads to be excluded from the retirement
             394      systems (2nd Sub. H.B. 256).
             395          142. Applying Military Training and Experience to Commercial Driver License
             396      Requirements - to study the federal requirements for a commercial driver license as
             397      administered by the state and how to apply military training and experience to qualify.
             398          143. Driver License Privatization - to study the privatization of driver license and
             399      license plate functions.

             400          144. High Occupancy Vehicle Lane (HOV) Restrictions - to study under what
             401      circumstances a speed restriction of 75 miles per hour should be implemented in HOV lanes
             402      (H.B. 264).
             403          145. HOV and Shoulder Use - to study whether to allow the HOV lane to be used by
             404      all drivers during off-peak hours, include signage that would notify users when it is acceptable
             405      to use HOV lanes (i.e. off-peak hours and during accidents), and whether to allow the
             406      temporary use of shoulders during accidents.
             407          146. Special Group License Plate - to study the establishment of a special group
             408      license plate honoring Martin Luther King Jr.
             409          147. Child Poverty and Welfare Data - to study and analyze child poverty and welfare
             410      data, including intergenerational welfare, its impacts on children and their future development,
             411      and the costs to society; and to study strategies to stop intergenerational poverty and reliance on
             412      welfare.
             413          148. Drug Testing for Public Assistance Recipients - to study drug testing as a
             414      qualification for receiving public assistance (H.B. 185).
             415          149. Economic Development of Manufacturing - to study the importance of the
             416      manufacturing sector to the Utah economy and what strategies need to be in place to strengthen
             417      this sector; and to study how the manufacturing sector helps enrich the rich, expands the
             418      middle class, and provides a pathway out of poverty.
             419          150. General Assistance - to study general assistance program grants and services.
             420          151. Housing Authority Waiting Lists - to study the effectiveness of merging housing
             421      authority waiting lists.
             422          152. Impact of Workforce Services' Modernization - to study the affect of the
             423      Department of Workforce Services' modernization efforts on job seekers, employers,
             424      department employees, and other participants in department programs.
             425          153. Renaming Food Stamps - to study the costs and benefits of renaming food stamps
             426      "SNAP" (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) on an administrative level.
             427          154. Workers' Compensation Coordination of Benefits - to study coordination of
             428      benefits between workers' compensation and other insurance coverage to assist claimants in
             429      getting their bills paid in a timely manner (S.B. 130).
             430          155. Diversity Training - to study and review information regarding the diversity of

             431      Utah's communities and the need for diversity training for new legislators (S.J.R. 24).

Legislative Review Note
    as of 3-8-12 7:59 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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