House of Representatives State of Utah



Graphic file number 0 named letter~1.jpg with height 78 p and width 81 p Left aligned
         P.O. BOX 145030 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5030 . (801) 538-1029         January 30, 2012

Madam Speaker:

    The Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 86, POSTING OF TRESPASS, by Representative J. Mathis, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 13 :    

             13          This bill:

  . modifies the definition of "properly posted";      

2.    Page 2, Lines 43 through 46 :    

             43          (d) "Properly posted" means that
{   "No Trespassing"   } signs        prohibiting trespass       or      {   a minimum of 100 square

             44      inches of  
bright yellow, bright orange, or fluorescent paint are
  clearly       displayed        :      

  (i)       at all corners, fishing

             45      streams crossing property lines, roads, gates, and rights-of-way entering the land
{   . If metal

             46      fence posts are used, the entire exterior side shall be painted.  
  ; or

(ii) in a manner that would reasonably be expected to be seen by a person in the area.  

3.    Page 3, Lines 59 through 65 :    

             59          (B) the owner's employee; or
             60          (C) a person with apparent authority to act for the owner;

             61          (ii) the land is fenced or otherwise enclosed in a manner that a reasonable person
             62      would recognize as intended to exclude intruders
{   ; or

             63          (iii) signs or markers are posted on the land that:
             64          (A) indicate a property boundary or prohibit entry; and
             65          (B) would reasonably be expected to be seen by a person in the area.  


    Roger E. Barrus
    Committee Chair
Voting: 12-0-2
3 HB0086.HC1.wpd 1/30/12 3:11 pm /JBA TJN/AMN

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