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P.O. BOX 145115 * SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5115 * (801) 538-1035

        February 3, 2012

Mr. President:

    The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 122, URBAN FARMING ASSESSMENT ACT, by Senator W. Niederhauser, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 50 through 56 :    

             50          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), "urban farming" means cultivating

{   , processing,

             51      and distributing  
             52          (i) with a reasonable expectation of profit
  from the sale of the food       ; and

             53          (ii) from irrigated land located in a county of the first class.
             54          (b) "Urban farming" does not include:
             55          (i) cultivating
{   , processing, and distributing   } food derived from an animal; or

             56          (ii) grazing.

2.    Page 3, Line 87 through Page 4, Line 94 :    

             87          (2) (a) In determining whether land is actively devoted to urban farming, production
             88      per acre for a given county or area and a given type of land shall be determined by using the
             89      first applicable of the following:

             90          (i) production levels reported in the current publication of Utah Agricultural Statistics;
             91          (ii) current crop budgets developed and published by Utah State University; or
             92          (iii) other acceptable standards of agricultural production designated by the
             93      commission by rule adopted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             94      Rulemaking Act
  , using:

        (A) information provided annually to the commission by the county assessor in a county where urban farming occurs; and
        (B) other information the commission determines is appropriate  

3.    Page 7, Lines 209 through 212 :    

             209          (1)
  (a)       Land under a structure used in or related to urban farming, including a barn, shed,

             210      silo, crib, or greenhouse, or under a facility used in or related to urban farming, including a
             211      lake, dam, pond, stream, or irrigation ditch, is included in determining the total area of land
             212      actively devoted to urban farming.
  (b) The land described in Subsection (1)(a) shall be included in determining if the land meets the urban farming production requirements of Subsection 59-2-1703(2)(a).



        Curtis S. Bramble
        Committee Chair

Voting: 3-0-4
3 SB0122.SC1.wpd /PVD RLR/PVD 2/3/12 3:12 pm

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Action Class
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