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Room 445, State Capitol
January 31, 2012

MEMBERS PRESENT:    Rep. Francis Gibson, Chair
        Rep. Bill Wright, Vice Chair
        Rep. Patrice Arent
        Rep. LaVar Christensen
        Rep. Becky Edwards
        Rep. Steven Eliason
        Rep. Greg H. Hughes    
        Rep. John G. Mathis
        Rep. Kay L. McIff
        Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
        Rep. Merlynn Newbold
        Rep. Marie H. Poulson
        Rep. Kraig Powell
MEMBERS EXCUSED:    Rep. Rebecca D. Lockhart
MEMBERS ABSENT:    Rep. Ken W. Sumsion            
STAFF PRESENT:    Constance C. Steffen, Policy Analyst
        Linda Service, Committee Secretary
Note: List of visitors and copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes.

MOTION:    Rep. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of January 25, 2012. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Hughes, Rep. McIff, Rep. Moss, Rep. Powell, and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of January 27, 2012. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Hughes, Rep. McIff, Rep. Moss, Rep. Powell, and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.

H.B. 206    Curriculum Options for Secondary School Students (Rep. J. Dougall)

Rep. Dougall introduced the bill which amends provisions related to the career and technical education of public school students .

The following spoke in support of the bill:
    Peter Cannon, citizen
    Judi Clark, Parents for Choice in Education
    Tom Bingham, Board of Trustees, Utah College of Applied Technology

MOTION:    Rep. Mathis moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 2, Lines 29 through 30 :    

             29          If a [school district] secondary student
{   , or   }        and       the secondary student's parent or guardian,

{   determines   }        determine       that [a] the secondary student's career and technical education goals are better

The motion passed unanimously. Rep. McIff and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Wright moved to pass the bill out as amended with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. McIff was absent for the vote.

    Rep. Newbold moved to place the bill on the consent calendar. The motion failed with Rep. Powell voting in opposition. Rep. McIff was absent for the vote.

S.B. 39    Gubernatorial Authority over Higher Education Officials (Sen. S. Reid) (Rep. B. Wright)

Sen. Reid introduced the bill which modifies the hiring and termination process for the commissioner of higher education and president of the Utah College of Applied Technology.

    Rep. Wright moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed with Rep. Arent, Rep. Edwards, Rep. McIff, Rep. Moss, Rep. Poulson, and Rep. Powell voting in opposition.

H.B. 258    Education Funding Amendments (Rep. K. Powell)

Rep. Powell introduced the bill which modifies funding for a secondary school student who attends a regional applied technology college.

The following spoke in support of the bill:
    Supt. Larry Shumway, State Board of Education
    Supt. Steven Norton, Cache County
    Ms. Patti Harrington, Utah School Boards Association
    Mr. Zane Woolstenhulme, Logan School District
    Mr. Kyle Sedgwick, Morgan School District

Mr. Peter Cannon, citizen, spoke in opposition to the bill.

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation. The

motion passed with Rep. Gibson, Rep. Hughes, Rep. Newbold, and Rep. Wright voting in opposition.

S.B. 93    School Construction Revisions (Sen. S. Jenkins) (Rep. M. Morley)

Sen. Jenkins introduced the bill which modifies provisions in the Utah Code relating to school construction contracts.

MOTION:    Rep. Hughes moved to adopt 1st Substitute S.B. 93. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Powell and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.

The following spoke in support of the bill:
    Mr. Brad Stevens representing small contractors and electrical contractors.
    Mr. Peter Cannon, citizen

MOTION:    Rep. Christensen moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 7, Lines 199 through 200 :    

             199          (6) (a) A local school board may require in the proposed contract that [at least 10%]

{   up

             200      to  
  at least       5% of the contract price be withheld until the project is completed and accepted by the

The motion passed unanimously. Rep. McIff, Rep. Powell, and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Hughes moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 93 as amended out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. Rep. Arent, Rep. McIff, and Rep. Wright were absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Mathis moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Gibson adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.

            Rep. Francis Gibson, Chair