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February 24, 2012
Rep. Brad Daw
Rep. Susan Duckworth
Rep. Wayne Harper
Rep. Brad Last
Rep. Merlynn Newbold
Rep. Mark Wheatley
Members Absent: Rep. Gage Froerer, Vice Chair
Rep. Lynn Hemingway
Staff Present: Mr. Benjamin N. Christensen, Policy Analyst
Ms. Sylvia Newton, Committee Secretary
Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Chair Ipson called the meeting to order at 1:37 p.m.
MOTION: Rep. Harper moved to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2012 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
H.B. 437 Public Employee Health Care Benefits (Rep. B. Daw)
MOTION: Rep. Daw moved to adopt 1st Substitute H.B. 437. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Newbold absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Daw moved to amend the substitute bill as follows:
1. Page 1, Lines 13 through 14 :
13 . clarifies that health insurance benefits provided to employees do not constitute a
14 continuing obligation
and may be changed by the Legislature at any time
2. Page 2, Lines 43 through 46 :
43 (2) The benefits provided to a covered individual under this chapter
44 (a) } do not constitute a continuing obligation of the state, its political subdivisions, or
45 educational institutions
; and
46 (b) may be changed by the Legislature at any time } .
3. Page 3, Lines 66 through 73 :
66 (b) offer to all employees training regarding health plans offered to employees,
67 including
, if offered,
high deductible health plans and health savings accounts;
68 (c) prepare online training as an option for the training required by Subsections (2)(b)
69 and (4)[
70 (d) ensure the training offered under Subsections (2)(b) and (c)
71 information on changing coverages to the high deductible plan with a health savings account,
72 including coordination of benefits with other insurances, restrictions on other insurance
73 coverages, and general tax implications.
4. Page 3, Lines 83 through 85 :
83 (c) The office shall distribute the annual amount determined under Subsection (3)(b) to
84 employees in two equal amounts with
the first
pay date in January and
the first
pay date in July
85 of each plan year.
The motion to amend the substitute bill passed unanimously with Rep. Newbold absent for the vote.
Rep. Daw explained the substitute bill and the amendment with the assistance of Chad Loftis, Public Employees Health Plan.
Spoke in favor of the bill: Stan Rasmussen, Sutherland Institute
Christy Cushing, Utah Public Employees Association
MOTION: Rep. Newbold moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 437 as amended out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Newbold moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously
Chair Ipson adjourned the meeting at 1:49 p.m.
Rep. Don Ipson, Chair