House Floor
Amendment 5 March 6, 2012 1:41 PM
Representative John Dougall proposes the following amendments:
1. Pages 25-26, Lines 940-944: Strike lines 940-944
2. Page 26, Line 968: After line 968 insert:
"The Legislature intends that the Department of Health, in
conjunction with the Department of Workforce Services and the
Department of Human Services, use part of their appropriations to
pursue obtaining CHIPRA Performance Bonuses if the
Department of Health determines that it would be in the best
financial interest of the state."
3. Page 27, Line 1013: After line 1013 insert:
"The Legislature intends that the Department of Health, in
conjunction with the Department of Workforce Services and the
Department of Human Services, use part of their appropriations to
pursue obtaining CHIPRA Performance Bonuses if the
Department of Health determines that it would be in the best
financial interest of the state."
4. Page 29, Line 1058: After line 1058 insert:
"The Legislature intends that the Department of Health, in
conjunction with the Department of Workforce Services and the
Department of Human Services, use part of their appropriations to
pursue obtaining CHIPRA Performance Bonuses if the
Department of Health determines that it would be in the best
financial interest of the state."
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