Senate Floor
Amendment 4 March 1, 2012 4:03 PM
Senator John L. Valentine proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 3, Lines 60i through 61a
House Floor Amendments
2-15-2012 :
60i shall appoint legal counsel to represent the minor at the hearing. .H
(i) For any minor served with a subpoena under this Section, attorneys representing the state, or
special prosecutors appointed under Section 77-10a-12, shall interview and prepare the minor in the
presence of the minor's parent or legal guardian and guardian ad litem or attorney at least 24 hours
prior to the time the minor is required to testify. The provisions of this paragraph requiring the
presence of the minor's parent do not apply if:
(A) the parent is the subject of the grand jury investigation: or
(B) the parent is engaged in, or conspires with, another to frustrate the protections and purposes of Subsection (3)(d).
61 [
.H The managing judge may enter any order necessary to secure
61a compliance with
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