House Floor
Amendment 6 February 16, 2012 11:52 AM
Representative Neal B. Hendrickson proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Lines 14 through 15 :
14 . prohibits a tire retailer from transferring ownership of a waste tire to anyone other
15 than
a waste tire transporter
that agrees to transport the tire to a tire retailer that sells the tire wholesale
or retail or a recycler;
a person who purchases it for the person's own use;
2. Page 6, Lines 172 through 175 :
172 (4) A tire retailer may only transfer ownership of a waste tire described in Subsection
173 19-6-803 (28)(b) to:
174 (a) a person who purchases it for the person's own use and not for resale; or
175 (b) a waste tire transporter that
is registered in accordance with Section
; and
(ii) agrees to transport the tire to:
(A) a tire retailer that sells the tire wholesale or retail; or
(B) a recycler.
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