Senate Floor
Amendment 4 March 8, 2012 2:36 PM
Senator Aaron Osmond proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Lines 11 through 13a
House Committee Amendments
2-1-2012 :
11 This bill:
12 . adds to the divorce statute a statement that the court
may not discriminate against a
13 parent based on age, race, H. color, national origin, .H religious preference, or gender }
consider the best interest of the child without preference for either the mother or father
13a deciding custody.
2. Page 2, Lines 29 through 31
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments
3-7-2012 :
29 (a) In determining any form of custody, the court S. [
30 due to gender, race, H. color, national origin, .H religious preference, or age, but
30a1 consider
30a the best interests of the child S. without preference for either the mother or father solely
30b because of the biological sex of the parent
, or the parent's religious affiliation
31 and, among other factors the court finds relevant, the following:
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LRGC echelsea echelsea D 03/08/12 12:47p