H.B. 101

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 2, 2012 2:21 PM

Representative Brian S. King proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 49 through 51 :    

             49          (3)
{   A   }        Subject to the other provisions of this section, a       tax credit:

             50          (a)
{   may not exceed   }        is equal to       $1,000 per homeless person a corporation hires; and

             51          (b) may be claimed only once per homeless person a corporation hires.

2.    Page 2, Line 58 through Page 3, Line 65:

             58          (iii) current address, or if the homeless person is no longer employed by the
             59      corporation, the last known address of the homeless person;
{   and   }

             60          (b) documentation provided by a permanent housing, permanent supportive, or
             61      transitional facility:
             62          (i) stating the address of the permanent housing, permanent supportive, or transitional
             63      facility; and
             64          (ii) establishing that the homeless person resided at the permanent housing, permanent
             65      supportive, or transitional facility on the date the corporation hired the homeless person
{   .   }        ; and

(c) documentation establishing that the homeless person worked for the corporation for at least 80 hours during each month of a six-month period that begins on the date the homeless person is hired by the corporation.  

2.    Page 4, Lines 98 through 100 :    

             98          (3)
{   A   }        Subject to the other provisions of this section, a       tax credit:

             99          (a)
{   may not exceed   }        is equal to       $1,000 per homeless person a claimant, estate, or trust hires; and

             100          (b) may be claimed only once per homeless person a claimant, estate, or trust hires.

3.    Page 4, Lines 107 through 115 :    

             107          (iii) current address, or if the homeless person is no longer employed by the claimant,
             108      estate, or trust, the last known address of the homeless person;
{   and   }

             109          (b) documentation provided by a permanent housing, permanent supportive, or
             110      transitional facility:
             111          (i) stating the address of the permanent housing, permanent supportive, or transitional
             112      facility; and
             113          (ii) establishing that the homeless person resided at the permanent housing, permanent

             114      supportive, or transitional facility on the date the claimant, estate, or trust hired the homeless
             115      person
{   .   }        ; and

(c) documentation establishing that the homeless person worked for the claimant, estate, or trust for at least 80 hours during each month of a six-month period that begins on the date the homeless person is hired by the claimant, estate, or trust.  

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