House Floor
Amendment 6 February 21, 2012 9:35 AM
Representative Stephen E. Sandstrom proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Lines 14c through 14d
House Committee Amendments
2-9-2012 :
14c .
the governor advise the federal government of this state's
choice to opt
14d out of Internet gambling } if any federal law authorizes Internet gambling .H
in the states, this state
shall opt out of allowing Internet gambling by the procedure provided in the federal law; and
. provides an exemption for an Internet service provider or hosting company, a provider of public telecommunications services, and an Internet advertising service that is routing or providing connections without selecting the material
2. Page 3, Lines 85a through 85i
a.House Committee Amendments
b.2-9-2012 :
85a H. (3) (a) A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor who
knowingly transmits, receives, or relays
intentionally provides or offers to provide
form of Internet or online gambling
to any person in this state.
or within this state; or
85d (b) promotes, offers, or provides Internet gambling in this state. }
(b) Subsection (3)(a) does not apply to an Internet service provider or hosting company as defined in
Section 76-10-1230, a provider of public telecommunications services defined in Section 54-8b-2, or an
Internet advertising service by reason of the the fact that the Internet service provider, hosting
company, Internet advertising service, or provider of public telecommunications services:
(i) transmits, routes, or provides connections for material without selecting the material; or
(ii) stores or delivers the material at the direction of a user.
(4) If any federal law is enacted that authorizes Internet gambling in the states and the
85f federal law provides that individual states may opt out of allowing Internet gambling by the
85g process of the governor of the state advising the federal regulatory authority of the
85h state's choice to opt out, the governor of this state shall inform the regulatory authority in
85i compliance with the opt-out provisions of the federal legislation. }
(4) If any federal law is enacted that authorizes Internet gambling in the states and that federal law
provides that individual states may opt out of Internet gambling, this state shall opt out of Internet
gambling in the manner provided by federal law and within the time frame provided by that law.
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LRGC sallred sallred SS 02/16/12 10:44a