House Committee
Amendment 3 February 14, 2012 1:51 PM
Representative Stephen E. Sandstrom proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 4, Lines 108 through 110 :
108 [
109 whether or not to award alimony
, as well as the amount and duration
. An alimony award is not
considered punitive if it complies
110 with this subsection.
2. Page 4, Lines 111 through 113 :
111 (d) "Fault" means that one party committed substantiated acts or engaged in
112 substantiated behavior during the marriage that unilaterally and substantially compromised the
113 marriage, or unilaterally and substantially harmed the
or financial stability of the
3. Page 5, Line 151 through Page 6, Line 155 :
151 [
152 that the marriage existed unless[
153 (i) the payor spouse was at fault in the divorce;
(ii) the recipient spouse refrained from significant employment during the marriage to provide
care for the parties' minor children;
(iii) the parties will still have minor children beyond the number of years the marriage existed;
at any time prior to termination of alimony, extenuating circumstances that justify
155 the payment of alimony for a longer period of time.
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LRGC echelsea echelsea A 02/14/12 1:51p