1st Sub.
House Floor
Amendment 1 February 28, 2012 1:56 PM
Representative Stephen E. Sandstrom proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 4, Lines 95 through 103 :
95 (c) "Fault" means that one party committed substantiated acts or engaged in
96 substantiated behavior during the marriage that unilaterally and substantially compromised the
97 marriage, or unilaterally and substantially harmed the
safety, or financial stability of the other
98 party or their minor children, including:
99 (i) sexual relations with a person who is not the party's spouse;
100 (ii) physical abuse of the spouse or minor children
(iii) substantiated long term addictions to alcohol, drugs, pornography, or gambling; or
(iv) conviction of a violent felony
101 (d) A party may stipulate to an allegation of fault.
102 (e)
The participation by a party in professional counseling, therapy, or other programs for the
purpose of seeking to overcome addictions may not be used to establish fault.
The court may, when fault is at issue, close the proceedings and seal the court
103 records.
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LRGC echelsea echelsea Y 02/28/12 12:11p