House Committee
Amendment 2 February 1, 2012 1:38 PM
Representative Rebecca Chavez-Houck proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Lines 12 through 16 :
12 This bill:
13 . requires a prospective petitioner for divorce to complete the mandatory divorce
14 orientation course before filing a petition for divorce;
. provides an exception for a victim of domestic violence;
15 . requires the respondent to complete the mandatory divorce orientation course within
16 30 days of receipt of a petition for divorce;
2. Page 2, Lines 40 through 41 :
40 (2) A prospective petitioner shall [
(3) The prefiling completion requirement shall be waived for a victim of domestic violence who
(a) a valid protective order or its equivalent from any jurisdiction;
(b) a police report that indicates domestic violence has occurred against the respondent by a spouse; or
(c) a letter from a domestic violence shelter stating that the petitioner is fleeing domestic violence.
(4) A petitioner who files for divorce under Subsection (3) shall be required to complete the course within 30 days after filing for divorce.
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