H.B. 397

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 24, 2012 3:52 PM

Representative Kraig Powell proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 16 through 20 :    

             16      professional development or technical assistance for governing board members and
             17      staff of new charter schools;
{   and   }

             18          .    directs the State Board of Education to make rules for the award and use of grants
             19      for charter school start-up costs
{   .   }        ; and

    . repeals provisions related to charter school start-up costs on July 1, 2017.  

             20      Money Appropriated in this Bill:

2.    Page 2, Line 29 :    

             29          53A-1a-513, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 371
      63I-2-253, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 303, 330, and 419      

3.    Page 6, Line 181 :    

             181          (ii) a final report on the expenditure of the grant money.
  Section 3. Section 63I-2-253 is amended to read:      

     63I-2-253 .   Repeal dates -- Titles 53, 53A, and 53B.
     (1) Section 53A-1-403.5 is repealed July 1, 2012.
     (2) Subsection 53A-1-603 (5) is repealed July 1, 2015.
  Section 53A-1a-513.5 is repealed July 1, 2017.

Title 53A, Chapter 1a, Part 10, UPSTART, is repealed July 1, 2014.

{   (4)   }        (5)       Subsection 53A-13-110 (4) is repealed July 1, 2013.

{   (5)   }        (6)       Section 53A-15-1215 is repealed July 1, 2012.

4.    Page 7, Lines 190 through 194 :    

             190                  Charter School Start-up Costs        $2,500,000
             191          The Legislature intends that the appropriation under this section:
             192          (1)
  is ongoing, subject to availability of funds;

    (2) is for fiscal years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 only;
be used as provided in Section 53A-1a-513.5 ; and

{   (2)   }        (4)       not lapse at the end of        each       fiscal year      {   2013   } .

             194          Section 4. Effective date.

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