House Floor
Amendment 4 March 5, 2012 3:16 PM
Representative Brian S. King proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Lines 31 through 35
House Committee Amendments
3-1-2012 :
31 (2) Proof that a product seller designed, formulated, produced, constructed, created,
32 assembled, or rebuilt the type of product in question is not proof that the product seller
33 H. designed, .H formulated, produced, constructed, created, assembled, or rebuilt the actual
33a defective product
34 in the product liability action
, so long as the product seller proves it has no financial interest in the sale
of the product in question
. A product seller may not be held liable in a product liability
35 action based on market share, enterprise, or industry-wide liability.
(3) An entity that sells or distributes a product that is manufactured by another entity is subject
to the same liability as the product's manufacturer.
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LRGC echelsea echelsea P 03/05/12 10:33a