House Committee
Amendment 1 February 23, 2012 10:59 AM
Representative Melvin R. Brown proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 9, Lines 260 through 271 :
(4) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (4), "pending" means that the process to
261 incorporate an unincorporated area has been initiated by the filing of a request for incorporation
262 under Section 10-2-103 but that, as of May 12, 2012, a petition described in Section 10-2-109
263 has not yet been filed for final certification with the county clerk in accordance with Section
264 10-2-110 .
265 (b) The amendments to Subsections (1) through (3) that become effective on May 12,
266 2012:
267 (i) apply to each pending proceeding proposing the incorporation of an unincorporated
268 area; and
269 (ii) do not apply to a municipal incorporation proceeding under this part in which a
270 petition described in Section 10-2-109 has been filed for final certification with the county
271 clerk in accordance with Section 10-2-110 . }
(4)(a) For purposes of this Subsection (4), "pending"
means that the process to incorporate an unincorporated area has been initiated by:
(i) the certification of a request for a feasibility study under the prior provisions of this Chapter; or
(ii) the filing of a request for incorporation under Section 10-2-103 if, as of May 8, 2012, a petition described in Section 10-2-109 has not yet been filed for final certification with the county clerk in accordance with Section 10-2-110 .
(b) The amendments to Subsections (1) through (3) that become effective on May 8, 2012:
(i) apply to a pending proceeding proposing the incorporation of an unincorporated area; and
(ii) do not apply to a municipal incorporation proceeding under this part in which a petition described in Section 10-2-109 has been filed for final certification with the county clerk in accordance with Section 10-2-110.
2. Page 11, Lines 323 through 325 :
323 (6) The requirements of this section that become effective on May
, 2012, do not
324 apply to a petition for incorporation certified by the county clerk, in accordance with Section
325 10-2-110 , before May
, 2012.
3. Page 12, Lines 358 through 359 :
(3) If a majority of the registered voters residing within the area boundaries of the
359 proposed city vote to incorporate as a city, the area shall incorporate. }
(3) If a majority of those
casting votes within the area boundaries of the proposed city vote to incorporate as a city, the area shall
4. Page 25, Lines 763 through 764 :
(5) If a majority of the registered voters residing within the area boundaries of the
764 proposed town vote to incorporate as a town, the area shall incorporate. }
(5) If a majority of those
casting votes within the area boundaries of the proposed town vote to incorporate as a town, the area
shall incorporate.
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LRGC victoriaashby victoriaashby N 02/16/12 8:48a