1st Sub.
House Committee
Amendment 2 February 8, 2012 2:12 PM
Representative Joel K. Briscoe proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 10, Lines 277 through 295 :
277 (4) The executive director shall appoint an administrative law judge who:
278 (a) is a member in good standing of the Utah State Bar;
279 (b) has a minimum of:
280 (i) 10 years of experience practicing law; and
281 (ii) five years of experience practicing in the field of:
282 (A) environmental compliance;
283 (B) natural resources;
284 (C) regulation by an administrative agency; or
285 (D) a field related to a field listed in Subsections (4)(b)(ii)(A) through (C);
286 (c) has a working knowledge of the federal laws and regulations and state statutes and
287 rules applicable to a request for agency action
(d) has not been employed by state government for at least one year; and
(e) is appointed with the consent of all parties to the adjudicative proceeding.
(5) In appointing an administrative law judge who meets the qualifications listed in
289 Subsection (4), the executive director may:
290 (a) compile a list of persons who may be engaged as an administrative law judge pro
291 tempore by mutual consent of the parties to an adjudicative proceeding;
292 (b) appoint an assistant attorney general as an administrative law judge pro tempore; or
293 (c) (i) appoint an administrative law judge as an employee of the department; and
294 (ii) assign the administrative law judge responsibilities in addition to conducting an
295 adjudicative proceeding. }
2. Page 10, Line 296 :
(a) An administrative law judge [shall]:
3. Page 11, Line 317 :
To conduct an adjudicative proceeding, an administrative law judge may:
4. Page 11, Line 324 :
A party may appear before an administrative law judge in person, through an agent
5. Page 11, Line 326 :
(a) An administrative law judge [or board member] or the executive director may
6. Page 11, Line 334 :
Nothing in this section limits a party's right to an adjudicative proceeding under
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