1st Sub.
Senate Floor
Amendment 3 February 29, 2012 4:07 PM
Senator Mark B. Madsen proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Lines 13 through 14 :
13 of compulsory education violation, notices of truancy, and habitual truant notices;
. specifically exempts a student that attends school at home from truancy violation
14 . removes exclusive jurisdiction of certain truancy violations from the juvenile court;
2. Page 4, Lines 93 through 94
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments
2-28-2012 :
93 (b) may not be issued to a school-age minor who is less than 12 years old;
(c) may not be issued to a minor exempt from school attendance as provided in Section 53A-11-102 or 53A-11-102.5;
shall direct the school-age minor and the parent of the school-age minor to:
3. Page 4, Lines 97 through 98
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments
2-28-2012 :
97 regular attendance by the school-age minor; and
shall be mailed to, or served on, the school-age minor's parent.
4. Page 4, Lines 116 through 117
Senate 2nd Reading Amendments
2-28-2012 :
116 this part.
(9) Nothing in this part allows a local school board or charter school governing board to issue a citation pursuant to this section if the minor is exempt from school attendance as provided in Section 53A-11-102 or 53A-11-102.5.
117 Section 3. Section 53A-11-103 is amended to read:
5. Page 5, Lines 120 through 123 :
120 (1)
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), a
local school board, local charter
board, or school district shall make efforts to
121 resolve the school attendance problems of each school-age minor who is, or should be, enrolled
122 in the school district.
(b) A minor exempt from school attendance under Section 53A-11-102 or 53A-11-102.5 is not
considered to be a minor who is or should be enrolled in a school district or charter school under
Subsection (1)(a).
123 (2) The efforts described in Subsection (1) shall include, as reasonably feasible:
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