Senate Floor
Amendment 1 February 21, 2012 3:59 PM
Senator Wayne L. Niederhauser proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Lines 15 through 16 :
15 improve social skills and student achievement for students with autism and other
16 special needs
in self-contained classrooms
in pre-school through grade 2; and
2. Page 2, Lines 36 through 37 :
36 (2) To improve social skills and student achievement for students with autism and
37 other special needs
in self-contained classrooms
in pre-school through grade 2, the board shall
3. Page 2, Lines 42 through 44 :
42 experience to provide computer software programs and activity manuals to improve social
43 skills and student achievement for students with autism and other special needs
44 self-contained classrooms } in pre-school through grade 2;
4. Page 2, Line 57 through Page 3, Line 60 :
57 (4) The board shall provide the computer software programs and activity manuals
58 procured under this section to school districts and charter schools that demonstrate a
59 commitment by the school principal and staff
of the self-contained classrooms
to implement
60 the computer software programs and activity manuals as prescribed by the provider.
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LRGC astallings astallings M 02/16/12 3:56p