House Floor
Amendment 2 March 7, 2012 10:54 AM
Representative James A. Dunnigan proposes the following amendments:
1. Page 3, Line 71 :
71 Affairs,
or the United State's Department of Health and Human Services for Medicare beneficiaries,
or provided to Native Americans.
2. Page 3, Lines 74 through 75 :
74 (5) "Member state base funding level"
in the first year
means a number equal to the total federal
75 spending on health care in the member state during federal fiscal year
annually for inflation and population growth pursuant to Subsections (1), (7) and (8)
. On or before the
3. Page 3, Line 78 :
78 member state base funding level for the state of Utah
in federal fiscal year 2010
is $4,102,000,000.
4. Page 3, Lines 84 through 85 :
84 state
in federal fiscal year 2010,
in the preceding year,
divided by the average population of the
member state in
federal fiscal year 2010,
the preceding year,
plus 1. Average population in a member state shall
be determined by
5. Page 3, Line 87 through Page 4, Line 90 :
87 (8) "Current year inflation adjustment factor" means the
total gross domestic product
88 deflator in the current year divided by the total gross domestic product deflator in federal fiscal
89 year 2010. Total gross domestic product deflator }
regional medical inflation rate in the current
year. The regional medical inflation rate
shall be determined by the Bureau of
Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce
Labor Statistics of the
United States Department of Labor
6. Page 4, Lines 109 through 110 :
109 (a) Each federal fiscal year, each member state shall have the right to federal monies
110 to an amount } equal to its member state current year funding level for that federal fiscal year,
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LRGC cdupont cdupont K 03/07/12 9:53a