S.J.R. 3

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 March 8, 2012 4:26 PM

Representative Brian S. King proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 15, Line 431 through Page 15, Line 431b :    

             431      Utah's communities and the need for diversity training for new legislators (S.J.R. 24).
             431a      S. Voting Shares Assessments - to study the assessing of shares of stock by a water company
             431b      in proportion to the voting rights of the shares. .S
  Oil, Gas, and Coal Taxes - to study the need for increasing severance taxes on oil and gas and adding a severance tax on coal.

    Tax Credit for Hiring Homeless - to study the granting of tax credits for hiring a homeless person (H.B. 101).  

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