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H.B. 154
8 General Description:
9 This bill provides requirements for suicide prevention programs.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . requires the State Board of Education to:
13 . designate a State Office of Education suicide prevention coordinator to oversee
14 school district and charter school youth suicide prevention programs;
15 . establish model youth suicide prevention programs for school districts and
16 charter schools that include certain requirements; and
17 . report the progress of implementation of programs related to youth suicide
18 prevention to the Legislature's Education Interim Committee;
19 . requires school districts and charter schools to implement a youth suicide
20 prevention program for students in secondary grades;
21 . requires the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health to designate a state
22 suicide prevention coordinator;
23 . requires the state suicide prevention coordinator to:
24 . coordinate suicide prevention programs and efforts statewide with multiple
25 entities, including the State Board of Education; and
26 . report to the Legislature's Education Interim Committee, jointly with the State
27 Board of Education, on suicide prevention programs and coordination with the
28 State Board of Education;
29 . provides money:
30 . to the State Board of Education and the Department of Human Services to
31 oversee suicide prevention programs; and
32 . for resources to implement youth suicide prevention programs for school
33 districts and charter schools.
34 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
35 This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2014:
36 . to the State Board of Education - State Office of Education, as an ongoing
37 appropriation:
38 . from the General Fund, $150,000;
39 . to the Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental
40 Health, as an ongoing appropriation:
41 . from the General Fund, $100,000.
42 Other Special Clauses:
43 This bill provides an effective date.
44 Utah Code Sections Affected:
46 53A-15-1301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
47 62A-15-1101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
49 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
50 Section 1. Section 53A-15-1301 is enacted to read:
52 53A-15-1301. Youth suicide prevention programs required in secondary schools --
53 State Board of Education to develop model programs -- Reporting requirements.
54 (1) As used in the section:
55 (a) "Board" means the State Board of Education.
56 (b) "Intervention" means an effort to prevent a student from attempting suicide.
57 (c) "Postvention" means mental health intervention after a suicide attempt or death to
58 prevent or contain contagion.
59 (d) "Program" means a youth suicide prevention program described in Subsection (2).
60 (e) "Secondary grades":
61 (i) means grades 7 through 12; and
62 (ii) if a middle or junior high school includes grade 6, includes grade 6.
63 (f) "State Office of Education suicide prevention coordinator" means a person
64 designated by the board as described in Subsection (3).
65 (g) "State suicide prevention coordinator" means the state suicide prevention
66 coordinator described in Section 62A-15-1101 .
67 (2) (a) In collaboration with the state office of education suicide prevention
68 coordinator, a school district or charter school shall implement a youth suicide prevention
69 program in the secondary grades of the school district or charter school.
70 (b) A school district or charter school's program shall include the following
71 components:
72 (i) prevention of youth suicides;
73 (ii) youth suicide intervention; and
74 (iii) postvention for family, students, and faculty.
75 (3) The board shall:
76 (a) designate a State Office of Education suicide prevention coordinator; and
77 (b) in collaboration with the Department of Heath and the state suicide prevention
78 coordinator, develop model programs to provide to school districts and charter schools:
79 (i) program training; and
80 (ii) resources regarding the required components described in Subsection (2)(b).
81 (4) The State Office of Education suicide prevention coordinator shall:
82 (a) oversee the youth suicide prevention programs of school districts and charter
83 schools; and
84 (b) coordinate prevention and postvention programs, services, and efforts with the state
85 suicide prevention coordinator.
86 (5) Subject to legislative appropriation, the board may distribute money to a school
87 district or charter school to be used to implement a program in the school district or charter
88 school.
89 (6) (a) The board shall report to the Legislature's Education Interim Committee, by the
90 November 2014 meeting, jointly with the state suicide prevention coordinator, on:
91 (i) the progress of school district and charter school programs; and
92 (ii) the board's coordination efforts with the Department of Health and the state suicide
93 prevention coordinator.
94 (b) School districts and charter schools shall provide to the board information that is
95 necessary for the board's report to the Legislature's Education Interim Committee as required in
96 Subsection (6)(a).
97 Section 2. Section 62A-15-1101 is enacted to read:
99 62A-15-1101. Suicide prevention program -- Reporting requirements.
100 (1) As used in the section:
101 (a) "Division" means the State Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.
102 (b) "Intervention" means an effort to prevent a person from attempting suicide.
103 (c) "Postvention" means mental health intervention after a suicide attempt or death to
104 prevent or contain contagion.
105 (d) "State suicide prevention coordinator" means a person designated by the division as
106 described in Subsection (2).
107 (2) The division shall appoint a state suicide prevention coordinator.
108 (3) The state suicide prevention coordinator shall coordinate suicide prevention,
109 intervention, and postvention programs, services, and efforts statewide, with at least the
110 following:
111 (a) local mental health and substance abuse authorities;
112 (b) the State Board of Education, including the State Office of Education suicide
113 prevention coordinator described in Section 53A-15-1301 ;
114 (c) the Department of Health;
115 (d) health care providers, including emergency rooms; and
116 (e) other public health suicide prevention efforts.
117 (4) The state suicide prevention coordinator shall report to the Legislature's Education
118 Interim Committee, by the November 2014 meeting, jointly with the State Board of Education,
119 on the coordination of suicide prevention programs and efforts with the State Board of
120 Education and the State Office of Education suicide prevention coordinator as described in
121 Section 53A-15-1301 .
122 Section 3. Appropriation.
123 Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, for
124 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and ending June 30, 2014, the following sums of money
125 are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts
126 previously appropriated, out of the funds or accounts indicated. These sums of money are in
127 addition to any amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2014.
128 To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
129 From General Fund
130 Schedule of Programs:
131 Teaching and Learning $150,000
132 To Department of Human Services -
133 State Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
134 From General Fund
135 Schedule of Programs:
136 Administration $100,000
137 The Legislature intends that:
138 (1) the appropriation for Teaching and Learning be used by the State Office of
139 Education:
140 (a) to develop youth suicide prevention program models, training, and resources as
141 described in Section 53A-15-1301 ; and
142 (b) to distribute money or resources to school districts and charter schools to
143 implement youth suicide prevention programs;
144 (2) the appropriation for Administration be used for a suicide prevention program as
145 described in Section 62A-15-1101 ; and
146 (3) the appropriations described in Subsections (1) and (2):
147 (a) be ongoing; and
148 (b) not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.
149 Section 4. Effective date.
150 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on May 14, 2013.
151 (2) Uncodified Section 3, Appropriation, takes effect on July 1, 2013.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-14-13 3:03 PM