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First Substitute H.B. 220

Representative John Knotwell proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: John Knotwell

Senate Sponsor: Aaron Osmond

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill repeals provisions related to the authority or duties of the state auditor.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    repeals the town fiscal committee and provisions requiring the committee to assist,
             13      advise, and make recommendations to the state auditor;
             14          .    repeals the Citizens and County Officials Advisory Committee appointed by the
             15      state auditor and provisions requiring the committee to assist, advise, and make
             16      recommendations to the state auditor;
             17          .    repeals provisions requiring the state auditor to analyze and evaluate certain county
             18      budgets; and
             19          .    repeals provisions requiring that the Public Service Commission submit a statement
             20      of collected money to the state auditor.
             21      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             26      AMENDS:
             27          54-1-12, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1983, Chapter 246
             28      REPEALS:
             29          10-5-130, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1983, Chapter 34
             30          17-36-5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 286 and 324
             31          17-36-42, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1983, Chapter 73
             33      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             34          Section 1. Section 54-1-12 is amended to read:
             35           54-1-12. Deposit of funds.
             36          All money collected by the commission under any provision of this title shall be
             37      deposited without deduction in the state treasury on or before the 15th day of each month next
             38      succeeding the month in which the same was received, accompanied by a statement showing
             39      the date received[, from whom received, on what account the same was received and the
             40      amount thereof. A duplicate statement shall be delivered by the commission to the state
             41      auditor and the state treasurer shall give his receipt for the money received and deliver a
             42      duplicate thereof to the state auditor].
             43          Section 2. Repealer.
             44          This bill repeals:
             45          Section 10-5-130, Town fiscal committee -- Creation -- Appointment of members --
             46      Terms -- Vacancies -- Functions.
             47          Section 17-36-5, Creation of Citizens and County Officials Advisory Committee.
             48          Section 17-36-42, Analysis and evaluation of practices of selected counties by state
             49      auditor.

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