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S.J.R. 15
9 General Description:
10 This joint resolution of the Legislature recognizes the strong negative impact of
11 gateway pornography on brain development in children and urges parents and
12 concerned citizens to consider ways to mitigate its effects.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 . recognizes the strong negative impact of soft-core or gateway pornography on brain
16 development in children; and
17 . urges parents and concerned citizens to consider ways to mitigate the exposure of
18 children to gateway pornography.
19 Special Clauses:
20 None
22 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23 WHEREAS, soft-core or gateway pornography means the sexualized images found in
24 advertising and the media;
25 WHEREAS, children and teens are constantly exposed to this type of pornography;
26 WHEREAS, exposure to gateway pornography causes a release of stress hormones also
27 known as the "fight or flight" response;
28 WHEREAS, stress neurotransmitters and hormones inhibit the prefrontal cortex and
29 stimulate the basal ganglia;
30 WHEREAS, the prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that governs self control,
31 moral judgment, emotions, planning, ability to work toward a defined goal, analysis, and
32 complex cognitive behaviors;
33 WHEREAS, overstimulation of the basal ganglia leads to compulsiveness, difficulty
34 linking natural consequences with choices, increased violence and aggression, increased desire
35 for immediate gratification, loss of natural empathy and sympathy for others, loss of willpower,
36 increased self-centeredness, and a stronger tendency to engage in addictive behaviors;
37 WHEREAS, the brain is very adaptable to the stimuli it receives;
38 WHEREAS, once the brain adapts to the kind of overstimulation caused by exposure to
39 gateway pornography, addiction to the stimulation can greatly increase;
40 WHEREAS, the impact of gateway pornography on a child's brain development is
41 powerful and damaging; and
42 WHEREAS, the citizens of Utah should consider the consequences of exposure to
43 gateway pornography by children in our homes, communities, and across the state:
44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
45 recognizes the strong negative impact of soft-core or gateway pornography on brain
46 development in children.
47 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges parents and concerned
48 citizens to consider ways to mitigate the exposure of children to gateway pornography.
49 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Utah State
50 Board of Education, the Utah Parent Teacher Association, the Utah Medical Association, and
51 the Utah Department of Health.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-18-13 9:26 AM