S.B. 187
This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 12:10 PM by lerror. --> 1
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies the Rights-Of-Way Act by amending provisions relating to public
10 uses constituting an abandonment and dedication of a highway to the public.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 . provides that a highway, street, or road, for purposes of determining whether a
14 highway is abandoned and dedicated to the use of the public, does not include an
15 area principally used as a parking lot;
16 . repeals the requirement that a barricade be manned for it to be considered an
17 interruption of the continuous use as a public thoroughfare; and
18 . makes technical corrections.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 None
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 72-5-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 341
27 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
House Committee Amendments 3-6-2014 le/sch
Section 1.
is amended to read:28
29 72-5-104. Public use constituting dedication -- Scope.
30 (1) As used in this section,"highway," "street," or "road" does not include an area
31 principally used as a parking lot.
32 [
33 been continuously used as a public thoroughfare for a period of 10 years.
34 (b) Dedication to the use of the public under Subsection [
35 act of dedication or implied dedication by the property owner.
36 [
37 use is as frequent as the public finds convenient or necessary and may be seasonal or follow
38 some other pattern.
39 [
40 interrupted only when:
41 (a) the regularly established pattern and frequency of public use for the given road has
42 actually been interrupted H. for a period of no less than 24 hours .H to a degree that
42a reasonably puts the traveling public on notice; or
43 (b) for interruptions by use of a [
44 (i) H. if .H the person or entity interrupting the continuous use gives not less
44a than 72 hours
45 advance written notice of the interruption to the highway authority having jurisdiction of the
46 highway, street, or road; and
47 (ii) the [
47a H. , then an interruption will be deemed to have occurred .H .
48 [
49 evidence but are not solely determinative of whether an interruption has occurred.
50 [
51 demands that an interruption cease or that a barrier or barricade blocking public access be
52 removed and the property owner accedes to the demand, the attempted interruption does not
53 constitute an interruption under Subsection [
54 [
55 asserting the dedication.
56 (b) The burden of proving interruption under Subsection [
57 asserting the interruption.
58 [
60 [
61 ensure safe travel according to the facts and circumstances.
62 [
63 which a court of competent jurisdiction has not issued a final unappealable judgment or order.
64 (b) The Legislature finds that the application of this section:
65 (i) does not enlarge, eliminate, or destroy vested rights; and
66 (ii) clarifies legislative intent in light of Utah Supreme Court rulings in Wasatch
67 County v. Okelberry, 179 P.3d 768 (Utah 2008), Town of Leeds v. Prisbrey, 179 P.3d 757
68 (Utah 2008), and Utah County v. Butler, 179 P.3d 775 (Utah 2008).
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-12-14 4:49 PM