S.B. 6 Enrolled

    Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper
    House Sponsor: Gage Froerer

General Description:
    This bill appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015.
Highlighted Provisions:
    This bill:
    .    provides appropriations for the use and support of certain state agencies;
    .    provides appropriations for other purposes as described;
    .    approves employment levels for internal service funds;
    .    approves capital acquisition amounts for internal service funds.
Money Appropriated in this Bill:
    This bill appropriates $1,504,018,500 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2015, including:
    .    $110,576,800 from the General Fund;
    .    $38,736,100 from the Education Fund;
    .    $1,354,705,600 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
    This bill appropriates $281,756,100 in business-like activities for fiscal year 2015.
    This bill appropriates $555,994,500 in capital project funds for fiscal year 2015.
Other Special Clauses:
    This bill takes effect on July 1, 2014.
Utah Code Sections Affected:
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
    Section 1. FY 2015 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015.
    Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or

fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah.
Item 1    To Transportation - Support Services
From Transportation Fund    27,324,800
From Federal Funds    1,982,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services    2,451,100
Risk Management    2,726,700
Building and Grounds    987,500
Human Resources Management    1,294,300
Procurement    1,083,100
Comptroller    2,645,600
Data Processing    9,295,800
Internal Auditor    831,200
Community Relations    528,400
Ports of Entry    7,464,000
Item 2    To Transportation - Engineering Services
From Transportation Fund    16,134,100
From Federal Funds    15,020,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,150,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Program Development and Research    11,094,000
Preconstruction Administration    1,878,900
Environmental    865,600
Structures    2,898,700
Materials Lab    4,364,500
Engineering Services    2,211,200
Right-of-Way    2,053,800
Research    2,715,600
Construction Management    3,827,500
Civil Rights    394,300
Item 3    To Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management
From Transportation Fund    139,279,200
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005    2,300,000
From Federal Funds    8,745,900
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,285,200
    Schedule of Programs:

Maintenance Administration    6,665,100
Region 1    21,479,600
Region 2    30,075,100
Region 3    20,324,100
Region 4    40,478,000
Seasonal Pools    996,900
Lands & Buildings    5,524,000
Field Crews    11,381,800
Traffic Safety/Tramway    3,566,000
Traffic Operations Center    9,108,000
Maintenance Planning    2,011,700
Item 4    To Transportation - Construction Management
From General Fund    1,470,600
From Transportation Fund    13,284,700
From Federal Funds    152,831,400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,550,000
From Designated Sales Tax    42,699,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Federal Construction - New    135,204,700
Rehabilitation/Preservation    76,631,800
Item 5    To Transportation - Region Management
From Transportation Fund    22,910,700
From Federal Funds    3,590,300
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,232,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Region 1    5,611,300
Region 2    9,939,400
Region 3    4,818,700
Region 4    6,658,200
Richfield    72,500
Price    292,000
Cedar City    341,100
Item 6    To Transportation - Equipment Management
From Transportation Fund    1,043,900
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    26,879,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Equipment Purchases    6,022,200

Shops    21,901,100
Item 7    To Transportation - Aeronautics
From Federal Funds    20,000,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    383,600
From Aeronautics Restricted Account    6,944,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    508,700
Airport Construction    23,536,100
Civil Air Patrol    80,000
Aid to Local Airports    2,240,000
Airplane Operations    963,000
Item 8    To Transportation - B and C Roads
From Transportation Fund    127,672,000
    Schedule of Programs:
B and C Roads    127,672,000
Item 9    To Transportation - Safe Sidewalk Construction
From Transportation Fund    500,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Sidewalk Construction    500,000
Item 10    To Transportation - Mineral Lease
From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease    63,929,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Mineral Lease Payments    61,460,000
Payment in Lieu    2,469,000
Item 11    To Transportation - Share the Road
From General Fund Restricted - Share the Road Bicycle Support    35,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Share the Road    35,000
Item 12    To Transportation - Transportation Investment Fund Capacity Program
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005    224,683,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Transportation Investment Fund Capacity Program    224,683,900
Department of Administrative Services
Item 13    To Department of Administrative Services - Executive Director
From General Fund    806,900
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    75,000

From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (65,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    731,500
Parental Defense    85,400
Item 14    To Department of Administrative Services - Inspector General of Medicaid Services
From General Fund    1,054,600
From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid    2,238,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Inspector General of Medicaid Services    3,292,900
Item 15    To Department of Administrative Services - Administrative Rules
From General Fund    397,000
    Schedule of Programs:
DAR Administration    397,000
Item 16    To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM Administration
From General Fund    2,322,300
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,517,800
From Capital Projects Fund    2,005,800
From Capital Project Fund - Project Reserve    200,000
From Capital Project Fund - Contingency Reserve    82,300
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    507,900
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (507,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
DFCM Administration    5,240,900
Governor's Residence    119,200
Energy Program    768,100
Item 17    To Department of Administrative Services - State Archives
From General Fund    2,243,600
From Federal Funds    100,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    51,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Archives Administration    1,035,800
Records Analysis    234,900
Preservation Services    262,900
Patron Services    524,500
Records Services    336,500
Item 18    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance

From General Fund    6,176,600
From Transportation Fund    450,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,763,700
From General Fund Restricted - Internal Service Fund Overhead    1,299,600
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    460,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Finance Director's Office    560,900
Payroll    2,050,600
Payables/Disbursing    1,638,300
Technical Services    987,600
Financial Reporting    1,631,800
Financial Information Systems    3,281,200
Item 19    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Mandated
From General Fund    16,450,800
From General Fund Restricted - Economic Incentive Restricted Account    8,565,600
From General Fund Restricted - Land Exchange Distribution Account    11,200,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Land Exchange Distribution    11,200,000
State Employee Benefits    4,500,000
Development Zone Partial Rebates    8,565,600
Jail Reimbursement    11,950,800
Item 20    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Elected Official Post-Retirement Benefits Contribution
From General Fund    2,030,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Elected Official Post-Retirement Trust Fund    2,030,000
Item 21    To Department of Administrative Services - Post Conviction Indigent Defense
From General Fund    33,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Post Conviction Indigent Defense Fund    33,900
Item 22    To Department of Administrative Services - Judicial Conduct Commission
From General Fund    240,400
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (3,300)
    Schedule of Programs:

Judicial Conduct Commission    237,100
Item 23    To Department of Administrative Services - Purchasing
From General Fund    615,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Purchasing and General Services    615,900
Department of Technology Services
Item 24    To Department of Technology Services - Chief Information Officer
From General Fund    557,000
From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    60,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Chief Information Officer    617,000
Item 25    To Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology Division
From General Fund    1,410,200
From Federal Funds    500,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    785,000
From General Fund Restricted - Statewide Unified E-911 Emergency Account    329,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Automated Geographic Reference Center    2,375,000
Statewide Interoperable Communications    650,000
Capital Budget
Item 26    To Capital Budget - Capital Improvements
From General Fund    20,167,300
From Education Fund    21,571,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Capital Improvements    41,739,100
State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
Item 27    To State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service - Debt Service
From General Fund    54,599,700
From Education Fund    17,164,300
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005    333,204,000
From Federal Funds    16,999,900
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    22,955,000
From County of First Class State Hwy Fund    24,614,700
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    2,679,200
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (755,500)

    Schedule of Programs:
Debt Service    471,461,300
    Subsection 1(b). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal Service Fund the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds as indicated estimated revenue from rates, fees, and other charges. Where applicable, the Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts among funds and accounts as indicated.
Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
Item 28    To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Finance
From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    1,851,600
    Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Purchasing Card    345,000
ISF - Consolidated Budget and Accounting    1,506,600
Budgeted FTE    20.0
Item 29    To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Purchasing and General Services
From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    19,152,500
    Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Central Mailing    13,266,300
ISF - Cooperative Contracting    2,293,800
ISF - Print Services    3,160,100
ISF - State Surplus Property    404,800
ISF - Federal Surplus Property    27,500
Budgeted FTE    89.7
Authorized Capital Outlay    3,061,100
Item 30    To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Fleet Operations
From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    70,717,700
From Sale of Fixed Assets    627,500
    Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Motor Pool    28,615,500
ISF - Fuel Network    42,220,200
ISF - Travel Office    509,500
Budgeted FTE    27.0
Authorized Capital Outlay    20,913,800
Item 31    To Department of Administrative Services - Risk Management

From Premiums    33,063,100
From Interest Income    311,000
From Risk Management - Workers Compensation Fund    9,039,900
    Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Risk Management Administration    33,374,100
ISF - Workers' Compensation    9,039,900
Budgeted FTE    27.0
Authorized Capital Outlay    200,000
Item 32    To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Facilities Construction and Management - Facilities Management
From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    29,103,900
    Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Facilities Management    29,103,900
Budgeted FTE    134.0
Authorized Capital Outlay    39,000
Department of Technology Services Internal Service Funds
Item 33    To Department of Technology Services - Operations
From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue    117,888,900
    Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Enterprise Technology Division    117,888,900
Budgeted FTE    800.0
Authorized Capital Outlay    9,102,800
    Subsection 1(c). Capital Project Funds. The Legislature has reviewed the following capital project funds. Where applicable, the Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts among funds and accounts as indicated.
Item 34    To Transportation - Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
From Transportation Fund    76,633,600
From Licenses/Fees    75,276,700
From Designated Sales Tax    398,084,200
From Revenue Transfers    6,000,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Transportation Investment Fund    555,994,500
    Section 2. Effective Date.
    This bill takes effect on July 1, 2014.

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