S.B. 75 Enrolled
8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions of the Utah Health Code related to primary care grants.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . creates the Primary Care Grant Committee;
13 . directs the committee to evaluate applications for primary care grants and make
14 recommendations to the department;
15 . directs the department to review and rank applications for primary care grants;
16 . allows the department to use up to 5% of funds appropriated by the Legislature for
17 primary care grants to pay the department's costs to administer the primary care
18 grant program;
19 . recodifies provisions related to community outreach and education contracts;
20 . adds the primary care grant program to the list of programs with nonlapsing funds;
21 and
22 . makes technical and conforming amendments.
23 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
24 This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2014-15:
25 . to the Department of Health - Primary Care Grants as a one-time appropriation:
26 . from General Fund, $2,000,000.
27 Other Special Clauses:
28 None
29 Utah Code Sections Affected:
31 26-1-7 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 246
32 26-10b-101 , as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 340
33 26-10b-102 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 347
34 26-10b-103 , as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 340
35 26-10b-104 , as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 340
36 63J-1-602.1 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 394
38 26-10b-105 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
39 26-10b-106 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
41 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
42 Section 1. Section 26-1-7 is amended to read:
43 26-1-7. Committees within department.
44 (1) There are created within the department the following committees:
45 (a) Health Facility Committee;
46 (b) State Emergency Medical Services Committee;
47 (c) Health Data Committee; [
48 (d) Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program Advisory Committee[
49 and
50 (e) Primary Care Grant Committee.
51 (2) The department shall:
52 (a) review all committees and advisory groups in existence before July 1, 2003 that are
53 not listed in Subsection (1) or Section 26-1-7.5 , and not required by state or federal law; and
54 (b) beginning no later than July 1, 2003:
55 (i) consolidate those advisory groups and committees with other committees or
56 advisory groups as appropriate to create greater efficiencies and budgetary savings for the
57 department; and
58 (ii) create in writing, time-limited and subject-limited duties for the advisory groups or
59 committees as necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the department.
60 Section 2. Section 26-10b-101 is amended to read:
61 26-10b-101. Definitions.
62 As used in this [
63 (1) "Committee" means the Primary Care Grant Committee created in Section 26-1-7
64 and described in Section 26-10b-105 .
65 [
66 (a) means a private entity; and
67 (b) includes for profit and not for profit entities.
68 [
69 policies that come together in a system, agency, or profession and enables that system, agency,
70 or profession to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
71 (4) "Executive director" means the executive director of the department.
72 [
73 obtain, process, and understand health information and services needed to make appropriate
74 health decisions.
75 [
76 to implement public and private contracts.
77 [
78 area or a population group [
79 determines has a shortage of primary health care [
80 (8) "Primary care grant" means a grant awarded by the department under Subsection
81 26-10b-102 (1).
82 [
83 [
84 screen for or to prevent illness and disease, or for simple and common illnesses and injuries;
85 and
86 [
87 [
88 [
89 practice in this state under Title 58, Occupations and Professions;
90 [
91 [
92 and other services that seek to prevent disease or its consequences;
93 [
94 [
95 [
96 (10) "Program" means the primary care grant program created under this chapter.
97 Section 3. Section 26-10b-102 is amended to read:
98 26-10b-102. Department to award grants -- Applications.
99 (1) [
100 department may [
102 or nonprofit entity to provide primary health care [
103 [
104 [
108 [
109 [
111 [
112 [
113 [
114 [
115 [
116 [
117 [
118 [
119 [
121 [
122 [
123 (2) When awarding a grant under Subsection (1), the department shall, in accordance
124 with the committee's recommendation, consider:
125 [
126 (b) whether an application is submitted in the manner and form prescribed by the
127 department; and
128 [
129 [
130 [
131 [
132 [
133 primary health care [
134 [
135 [
137 [
138 [
139 [
142 [
144 [
145 [
147 [
149 Section 4. Section 26-10b-103 is amended to read:
150 26-10b-103. Content of grant applications.
151 [
152 application:
153 (1) a statement of specific, measurable objectives, and the methods [
154 applicant will use to assess the achievement of those objectives;
155 (2) the precise boundaries of the area [
157 population [
158 (3) the results of [
159 demonstrates that the population [
160 services provided by the applicant;
161 (4) a description of the personnel responsible for carrying out the activities of the grant
162 along with a statement justifying the use of any grant funds for the personnel;
163 [
166 (5) evidence that demonstrates the applicant's existing financial and professional
167 assistance and any attempts by the applicant to obtain financial and professional assistance;
168 (6) a list of services [
169 (7) the schedule of fees [
170 (8) the estimated number of [
171 the applicant will serve with the grant award; and
172 (9) [
173 in consultation with the committee.
174 Section 5. Section 26-10b-104 is amended to read:
175 26-10b-104. Process and criteria for awarding primary care grants.
176 (1) The department shall review and rank applications based on the criteria in this
177 section and transmit the applications to the committee for review.
178 (2) The committee shall, after reviewing the applications transferred to the committee
179 under Subsection (1), make recommendations to the executive director.
180 (3) The executive director shall, in accordance with the committee's recommendations,
181 decide which applications to award grants under Subsection 26-10b-102 (1).
182 [
183 Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, governing the application form, the process, and the
184 criteria [
185 contracts under this chapter.
186 [
187 26-10b-102 (1)[
188 (a) demonstrates that the area or a population group [
189 serve under the application has a shortage of primary health care and that the [
190 health care will be located so that [
191 number of [
192 (b) utilizes other sources of funding, including private funding, to provide primary
193 health care;
194 (c) demonstrates the ability and expertise to serve [
195 underserved [
198 [
201 (d) agrees to submit a report to the committee annually; and
202 (e) meets other criteria determined by the department in consultation with the
203 committee.
204 [
206 [
207 [
211 [
213 [
216 [
217 [
219 [
221 [
222 [
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228 [
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235 [
238 (6) The department may use up to 5% of the funds appropriated by the Legislature to
239 the primary care grant program under this chapter to pay the costs of administering the
240 program.
241 Section 6. Section 26-10b-105 is enacted to read:
242 26-10b-105. Primary Care Grant Committee.
243 (1) The Primary Care Grant Committee created in Section 26-1-7 shall:
244 (a) review grant applications forwarded to the committee by the department under
245 Subsection 26-10b-104 (1);
246 (b) recommend, to the executive director, grant applications to award under Subsection
247 26-10b-102 (1);
248 (c) evaluate:
249 (i) the need for primary health care in different areas of the state;
250 (ii) how the program is addressing those needs; and
251 (iii) the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the program;
252 (d) review annual reports from primary care grant recipients;
253 (e) meet as necessary to carry out its duties, or upon a call by the committee chair or by
254 a majority of committee members; and
255 (f) make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
256 Rulemaking Act, that govern the committee, including the committee's grant selection criteria.
257 (2) The committee shall consist of:
258 (a) as chair, the executive director or an individual designated by the executive
259 director; and
260 (b) six members appointed by the governor to serve up to two consecutive, two-year
261 terms of office, including:
262 (i) four licensed health care professionals; and
263 (ii) two community advocates who are familiar with a medically underserved
264 population and with health care systems, where at least one is familiar with a rural medically
265 underserved population.
266 (3) The executive director may remove a committee member:
267 (a) if the member is unable or unwilling to carry out the member's assigned
268 responsibilities; or
269 (b) for a rational reason.
270 (4) A committee member may not be compensated for the member's service, except a
271 committee member may be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses related to the member's
272 committee responsibilities.
273 Section 7. Section 26-10b-106 is enacted to read:
274 26-10b-106. Community education and outreach contracts.
275 (1) The department may, as funding permits, contract with community based
276 organizations for the purpose of developing culturally and linguistically appropriate programs
277 and services for low income and medically underserved populations to accomplish one or more
278 of the following:
279 (a) to educate individuals:
280 (i) to use private and public health care coverage programs, products, services, and
281 resources in a timely, effective, and responsible manner;
282 (ii) to pursue preventive health care, health screenings, and disease management; and
283 (iii) to locate health care programs and services;
284 (b) to assist individuals to develop:
285 (i) personal health management;
286 (ii) self-sufficiency in daily care; and
287 (iii) life and disease management skills;
288 (c) to support translation of health materials and information;
289 (d) to facilitate an individual's access to primary care and providers, including mental
290 health services; and
291 (e) to measure and report empirical results of the pilot project.
292 (2) When awarding a contract for community based services under Subsection (1), the
293 department shall consider the extent to which the applicant:
294 (a) demonstrates that the area or a population group to be served under the application
295 is a medically underserved population and that the services will be located to provide
296 assistance to the greatest number of individuals residing in the area or included in the
297 population group;
298 (b) utilizes other sources of funding, including private funding, to provide the services
299 described in Subsection (1);
300 (c) demonstrates the ability and expertise to serve medically underserved populations,
301 including individuals with limited English-speaking ability, single heads of households, the
302 elderly, individuals with low income, and individuals with a chronic disease;
303 (d) meets other criteria determined by the department; and
304 (e) demonstrates the ability to empirically measure and report the results of all contract
305 supported activities.
306 (3) The department may only award a contract under Subsection (1):
307 (a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code;
308 (b) that contains the information described in Section 26-10b-103 , relating to grants;
309 and
310 (c) that complies with Subsections (4) and (5).
311 (4) An applicant under this chapter shall demonstrate to the department that the
312 applicant will not deny services to a person because of the person's inability to pay for the
313 services.
314 (5) Subsection (4) does not preclude an applicant from seeking payment from the
315 person receiving services, a third party, or a government agency if:
316 (a) the applicant is authorized to charge for the services; and
317 (b) the person, third party, or government agency is under legal obligation to pay for
318 the services.
319 (6) The department shall maximize the use of federal matching funds received for
320 services under Subsection (1) to fund additional contracts under Subsection (1).
321 Section 8. Section 63J-1-602.1 is amended to read:
322 63J-1-602.1. List of nonlapsing accounts and funds -- General authority and Title
323 1 through Title 30.
324 (1) Appropriations made to the Legislature and its committees.
325 (2) The Percent-for-Art Program created in Section 9-6-404 .
326 (3) The Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Support Restricted Account created in
327 Section 9-18-102 .
328 (4) The LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program created in Section
329 11-38-301 .
330 (5) An appropriation made to the Division of Wildlife Resources for the appraisal and
331 purchase of lands under the Pelican Management Act, as provided in Section 23-21a-6 .
332 (6) Award money under the State Asset Forfeiture Grant Program, as provided under
333 Section 24-4-117 .
334 (7) Funds collected from the emergency medical services grant program, as provided in
335 Section 26-8a-207 .
336 (8) The Prostate Cancer Support Restricted Account created in Section 26-21a-303 .
337 (9) State funds appropriated for matching federal funds in the Children's Health
338 Insurance Program as provided in Section 26-40-108 .
339 (10) The Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program created in Section
340 26-46-102 .
341 (11) The primary care grant program created in Section 26-10b-102 .
342 Section 9. Appropriation.
343 Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, for
344 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2015, the following sums of money
345 are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts
346 previously appropriated, out of the funds or accounts indicated. These sums of money are in
347 addition to any amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2015.
348 To Department of Health - Primary Care Grants
349 From General Fund, One-time
350 Schedule of Programs:
351 Primary Care Grants $2,000,000
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