S.J.R. 20 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Ralph Okerlund

House Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This joint resolution of the Legislature gives the Legislative Management Committee
             10      items of study it may assign to the appropriate interim committee.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This resolution:
             13          .    gives the Legislative Management Committee items of study it may assign to the
             14      appropriate interim committee during the 2014 legislative interim;
             15          .    directs interim committees assigned these studies to study and make
             16      recommendations for legislative action to the 60th Legislature before the 2015
             17      Annual General Session; and
             18          .    suggests that the Legislative Management Committee, in approving studies, give
             19      consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity of staff
             20      to respond to the assigned studies.
             21      Special Clauses:
             22          None
             24      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             25          WHEREAS, the Legislative Management Committee is created by law as a permanent
             26      committee to receive and assign matters for interim study by committees of the Legislature;
             27      and
             28          WHEREAS, the 60th Legislature has determined that certain legislative issues require
             29      additional investigation and study:

             30          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee
             31      is given the following items of study to assign to the appropriate interim committee with the
             32      duty to study and make recommendations for legislative action to the 60th Legislature before
             33      the 2015 Annual General Session.
             34          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee, in
             35      making study assignments from this list and in approving study requests for individual
             36      committees, give consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity
             37      of staff to respond adequately to the number and complexity of the assignments given.
             38          1. General Assistance Funding - to study changing the current reimbursement of
             39      general assistance to the General Fund to its own account.
             40          2. Motor Vehicle Insurance -- Settlement of Claims - to study provisions relating to
             41      unfair claim settlement practices on certain motor vehicle insurance policies (S.B. 197, with
             42      amendments).
             43          3. Age Eligibility for Mixed Martial Arts - to study whether to allow the Pete Suazo
             44      Utah Athletic Commission to make rules to allow mixed martial arts competition for youth
             45      between ages 16-17.
             46          4. Alcohol Service - to study the regulation of alcohol service in restaurants (H.B.
             47      285).
             48          5. Application of Antidiscrimination Act - to study applying Title 34A, Chapter 5,
             49      Utah Antidiscrimination Act, to nonprofit organizations.
             50          6. Community Associations - to study changes to the Condominium Ownership Act
             51      and the Community Association Act relating to fines and reserve accounts (H.B. 172).
             52          7. Deferred Deposit Lending - to study amendments to the Check Cashing and
             53      Deferred Deposit Lending Registration Act to address deferred deposit loans (H.B. 47).
             54          8. Dramshop Coverage - to study whether to modify the amount of dramshop coverage
             55      a retail licensee is required to carry (H.B. 312 and 1st Sub. H.B. 312).
             56          9. Healthcare Practice Acts - to study the uniformity of practice acts of health care
             57      professionals licensed, certified, or registered by the Division of Occupational and Professional

             58      Licensing.
             59          10. Healthy Workplace - to study and address abusive workplace environments.
             60          11. Insurance Contracts - to study discretionary language in insurance contracts.
             61          12. Insurance Regulation - to study and review the regulation of insurance (H.B. 76).
             62          13. Living Wage - to study increasing the minimum wage (H.B. 73).
             63          14. Manufacturing Licensees - to study issues related to alcoholic beverage
             64      manufacturing licensees (H.B. 352).
             65          15. New Automobile Franchise Act - to study state regulation of new automobile
             66      dealership placement (H.B. 54).
             67          16. Nonprofit Organizations - to study standards in receiving tax funds, whether
             68      nonprofit organizations are fulfilling their purposes efficiently, and what percentage of the
             69      funds they receive are used toward fulfilling their purposes.
             70          17. Prudent Banking - to study a resolution urging Congress to pass H.R. 129, the
             71      Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2013.
             72          18. Title and Escrow - to study legislation related to title and escrow issues.
             73          19. Uniform Building Code Commission - to study the repeal of the Uniform Building
             74      Code Commission.
             75          20. Workplace Discrimination - to study workplace discrimination, including the
             76      higher education grievance procedure (H.B. 359).
             77          21. "Ghost" Student Enrolling - to study "ghost" student enrolling, recruitment, and
             78      funding between private companies and local education agencies.
             79          22. Charter School Enrollment Capacity - to study proposals regarding an "at
             80      enrollment capacity" charter school using or borrowing the unused enrollment capacity of
             81      another charter school.
             82          23. Competency-Based Education - to study issues related to competency-based
             83      education.
             84          24. Competency-Based Education Model - to study how to implement an educational
             85      approach in which students only advance upon mastery of subject matter.

             86          25. Competency-Based Funding - to study issues related to competency-based funding
             87      for higher education.
             88          26. Contribution and Credit for Education Funding - to study setting up a tax
             89      deductible fund within the Education Fund that would be credited to the donor's income tax.
             90      This would add to the Education Fund but would save 40,000 Utahns $250 million in
             91      Alternative Minimum Taxes (H.B. 153).
             92          27. Education Best Practices - to study and determine the value of establishing an
             93      education innovation research and development effort in partnership with the private business
             94      sector.
             95          28. Education Funding - to study long-term funding options for public education.
             96          29. Effective Principals and Teachers - to study what makes a principal and a teacher
             97      effective.
             98          30. Equalizing Capital Expenditures for School Buildings - to study the disparity for
             99      equalization of capital expenditures for school buildings and maintenance and methods for
             100      equalizing capital expenditures for school buildings.
             101          31. Guidance Counseling - to study the use of online tools to improve the work of high
             102      school guidance counselors.
             103          32. Guidance Counselor Independence - to study requiring guidance counselors to be
             104      independent from Local Education Agencies.
             105          33. Licensed Private Childcare and Prekindergarten Providers vs. Unlicensed
             106      Government Contracted Providers - to study what is happening in the marketplace when
             107      unlicensed providers are contracting with government entities to provide day care or
             108      prekindergarten services, such as Local Education Agencies and districts, that unfairly compete
             109      with licensed private providers.
             110          34. Limited English Proficiency - to study how to provide assistance to English
             111      Learning Students with limited English proficiency.
             112          35. Low-Performing Schools - to study incentives for low-performing schools.
             113          36. Moving from STEM to STEAM - to study adding the arts to Utah's Science,

             114      Technology, Engineering, and Math initiative (STEM) and funding, and review what it would
             115      take to centralize all Utah arts funding under the leadership of the STEM effort and move to a
             116      STEAM effort.
             117          37. New Development Impact on School Enrollment - to study ways municipalities,
             118      counties, land developers, and school officials might coordinate planning to anticipate new
             119      housing developments' impact on school enrollment.
             120          38. Objectivity in Delivering Scientific Content in Schools - to study ways to ensure
             121      objectivity in delivering scientific content and encouraging student inquiry in public schools.
             122      The teaching of biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming, and human
             123      cloning can cause controversy. These topics need to be addressed as such in schools, instead of
             124      as "fact."
             125          39. Parent Trigger Law - to study allowing parents to petition to change the
             126      management of a low-performing school.
             127          40. Parental Leave for School Activities - to study issues related to employers granting
             128      parental leave to attend certain school activities (H.C.R. 6).
             129          41. Public Education - to study issues related to public education funding.
             130          42. Public Education Funding Needs - to study the funding needs of public education
             131      (H.B. 403).
             132          43. Public School Counselors - to study the adequacy of current funding for public
             133      school counselors.
             134          44. Quality Teaching Block Grant Funding - to study the reinstatement of professional
             135      development quality teaching block grant funding.
             136          45. Strategic Education Plan - to study a research-based strategic education plan.
             137          46. Student Fee Use - to study the use of student fees for political purposes.
             138          47. Student Privacy - to study issues related to the release of public school student
             139      information (H.B. 169).
             140          48. Sustainable Education Funding Model - to study how to get to prerecession levels
             141      in education funding and a sustainable model for funding public education.

             142          49. Teacher Colleges - to study standards for teacher colleges.
             143          50. Technology in Schools - to study the use of technology in schools and the benefits
             144      and drawbacks, including a cost benefit analysis.
             145          51. Film Incentives - to study whether to expand the eligibility of film-related industry
             146      work for tax incentives (H.B. 204).
             147          52. Housing Loan Fund - to study funding for the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund
             148      and low-income housing.
             149          53. Local Economic Development - to study the creation of a local economic
             150      development tax incentive through the use of an interlocal agreement (H.B. 167).
             151          54. Tourism - to study tourism opportunities and constraints.
             152          55. Absentee Ballot - to study provisions related to voting by absentee ballot (H.B.
             153      252).
             154          56. Ballots on Social Media - to study whether to post ballots on social media.
             155          57. Campaign Financing - to study revisions to campaign finance laws.
             156          58. Capital Lease Programs - to study the effectiveness of current state capital lease
             157      programs and oversight.
             158          59. Career Service Review Board Hearing Process - to study rules and procedures for
             159      holding Career Service Review Board hearings.
             160          60. Costs of Records Under GRAMA - to study when costs for records under the
             161      Government Records Access and Management Act should be waived.
             162          61. Disclosure Filings - to study the timing of disclosure filings. During municipal
             163      election years, political issues committees, political action committees, and corporations are
             164      required to file a report by August 31. Would it make more sense for these groups to file the
             165      disclosures before the municipal primary earlier in August?
             166          62. Election Clean Up - to study and review the annual list of technical clean up items
             167      in the Election Code.
             168          63. Election Complaint Review - to study whether to create a Utah Elections Board to
             169      review and take certain actions on election complaints (H.B. 144).

             170          64. Election Day Voter Registration - to study implementing an election day voter
             171      registration pilot project to test the advisability of implementing election day voter registration
             172      in Utah (H.B. 156).
             173          65. Elections and Campaign Reform - to study any additional recommendations for
             174      elections and campaign reform resulting from the House Investigative Committee Report.
             175          66. Electors for Presidential Elections - to study revisions to laws governing electors
             176      for presidential elections.
             177          67. Expungement of Administrative Disciplinary Action - to study whether to provide
             178      for the expungement of agency records related to an agency licensee under certain
             179      circumstances (H.B. 124).
             180          68. Federal Shutdown - to study the procedures for a federal government shutdown.
             181          69. Government Employment - to study changes to current law governing merit-based
             182      government employment.
             183          70. Government Meetings Search Engine - to study requiring a one-stop search engine
             184      for state, and perhaps local, government meetings.
             185          71. Grants and Contracting Procedures - to study streamlining grants and contracting
             186      procedures to create an opportunity for state entities and nonprofit organizations to discuss
             187      contracting challenges and develop win-win solutions.
             188          72. Initiative and Referendum Sponsors - to study whether sponsors of an initiative or
             189      a referendum should be able to rescind an application or stop a ballot measure once it is in
             190      progress or once it has qualified for the ballot.
             191          73. Lobbyist Definition - to study issues related to the definition of a lobbyist. For
             192      example, when an expert accompanies a registered lobbyist in communicating with public
             193      officials, should that individual be exempt from registering as a lobbyist?
             194          74. Lobbyist Disclosure Laws - to study whether local disclosure laws should be
             195      elaborated to match the Utah Code. Many municipal and county disclosure laws lack
             196      definitions and guidance that exist at the state level.
             197          75. Lobbyist Registration - to study exemptions to lobbyist registration and mandatory

             198      online training.
             199          76. Municipal Initiatives - to study issues related to municipal initiatives. For example,
             200      the state may reject an initiative application if the proposed law is nonsensical or
             201      unconstitutional. Should cities and counties have the same ability?
             202          77. Nonbinding Opinion Questions - to study the submission of nonbinding opinion
             203      questions to the voters.
             204          78. Online Signing of Initiative and Referenda Petitions - to study the process to
             205      implement the lieutenant governor's recommendations related to allowing voters to sign
             206      initiatives and referenda petitions online.
             207          79. Privatizing State Golf Courses - to study and work with the Division of Parks and
             208      Recreation to finalize the Request for Information (RFI) process and continue with the Request
             209      for Qualifications (RFQ) and Request for Proposals (RFP) processes in order to get the best
             210      value for operating and maintaining state golf courses (H.B. 145).
             211          80. Public Buildings - to study an alternative method for funding the construction,
             212      operation, and maintenance of public buildings through private capital investments. Look at
             213      the benefits and possible obstacles of transferring the risk involved in financing and
             214      constructing buildings to accommodate growth.
             215          81. Public Money in Campaigns - to study public money used for campaign purposes.
             216          82. Recall Elections - to study whether to add to the Elections Code, subject to
             217      passage of an enabling amendment to the Utah Constitution, provisions for the recall of the
             218      governor, the state auditor, the state treasurer, or the attorney general (H.B. 63).
             219          83. Signature Gathering - to study issues related to signature gatherers. For example, a
             220      person who verifies signatures on a petition cannot also sign the signature packet. If the person
             221      does, should only the signature be disqualified or should the entire packet be rejected? Should
             222      signature gatherers be Utah residents?
             223          84. State Board of Elections - to study the pros and cons of establishing a State Board
             224      of Elections (H.B. 144).
             225          85. State Employee Leave Programs - to study issues related to employee leave

             226      programs, including the creation of the State Employees' Annual Leave Program II Trust Fund
             227      Act (S.B. 269).
             228          86. State Fair - to study issues related to the state fair, the State Fair Park, and state fair
             229      funding.
             230          87. State Fair Buildings - to study structural improvements to the buildings at the State
             231      Fair Park.
             232          88. State Motor Pool - to study the number of motor vehicles in the state motor pool,
             233      their locations, how extensively they are used, and methods of tracking their location and use.
             234          89. Access to Investigational Medications, Products, and Devices - to study providing
             235      terminally ill patients with access to investigational drugs, biological products, and devices that
             236      have completed at least phase I clinical trials.
             237          90. Accountable Care Organizations - to study the effectiveness of accountable care
             238      organizations in reducing healthcare costs for Medicaid, whether this model works, and
             239      whether it is better than fee-for-service.
             240          91. Aging and Adult Services - to study issues related to vulnerable adults (1st Sub.
             241      H.B. 267).
             242          92. Assisted Living Facilities - to study whether assisted living facilities are meeting
             243      their residents' needs, whether administrative rule or legislation is required to establish a ratio
             244      of certified nurse assistants to residents, and whether the Bureau of Health Facility Licensing is
             245      effective in regulating the facilities.
             246          93. Caregiving - to study the impact of demographic changes on the services provided
             247      to seniors, the state's response, and support for caregivers (H.J.R. 14).
             248          94. Child Welfare System and Children and Family Issues - to study the current status
             249      and budget practices of the state child welfare system, performance audits, fundamental liberty
             250      interests of parents and children, and family preservation policies and outcomes.
             251          95. Community Health Worker - to study the certification of individuals who meet
             252      certain criteria as a certified community health worker (S.B. 66).
             253          96. Foster Families - to study issues related to foster and foster-adoptive families.

             254          97. Health care for the "Medically Frail" - to study how "medically frail" individuals
             255      who are not eligible for Medicaid or any state or federal assistance receive and pay for health
             256      care, who these individuals are, what medical conditions they have, and their health outcomes.
             257          98. Medicaid Client Costs - to study the small percentage of Medicaid clients who
             258      account for 50% of Medicaid expenditures, to identify these clients' problems, and to determine
             259      how to better address their needs and reduce costs.
             260          99. Medicaid Waiver - to study the Katie Beckett Medicaid Waiver, including what
             261      Idaho did, what it would look like in Utah, what it would cost, and how many families would
             262      be helped.
             263          100. Medical Language Interpreter Act - to study and review improvements or
             264      necessary updates to the Medical Language Interpreter Act.
             265          101. Mental Illness Funding - to study how mental illness is currently funded under
             266      Medicaid, whether this method works, and whether it needs to be changed.
             267          102. Reducing Medicaid, Mental Health, and Pharmaceutical Costs - to study
             268      strategies to reduce Medicaid, mental health, and pharmaceutical costs, including preferred
             269      drug lists vs. other strategies, such as direct feedback to providers about costs of prescriptions.
             270          103. Rights of Children Conceived Through Artificial Insemination - to study whether
             271      the state should regulate fertility clinics, set up a registry for donors and children conceived
             272      through artificial insemination, require clinics to screen donors, establish guidelines, etc.
             273          104. Vending Services by the Blind - to study vending services operated by blind
             274      persons and whether to grant the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired the
             275      authority to establish a vending stand or food services for operation by blind persons.
             276          105. Asbestos Settlement - to study issues related to asbestos settlements.
             277          106. Asset Protection Trusts - to study what, if any, is the public policy justification
             278      for asset protection trusts (H.B. 162).
             279          107. Bail Bond Agents - to study whether bail bond agents should be under the
             280      Department of Insurance or the Bureau of Criminal Identification. Also review licensing surety
             281      collateralization when a bond is processed, when and how a penalty is paid, and other issues

             282      related to the industry.
             283          108. Civil Rights Restoration - to study all nonviolent felonies to determine when a
             284      person may become eligible for various civil rights to be restored.
             285          109. Collateral Consequences of Conviction - to study the enactment of a uniform law
             286      providing procedures for identifying collateral consequences of convictions for criminal
             287      offenses.
             288          110. Counsel for Defendants - to study indigent counsel for criminal defendants.
             289          111. Court Rulings on Polygamy - to study recent court rulings related to polygamy
             290      and impact of those rulings on state statute.
             291          112. Criminal Justice System Review - to study and comprehensively review the
             292      criminal justice system, including arrest, prosecution and defense, sentencing, incarceration,
             293      and postincarceration rehabilitation and recidivism.
             294          113. Cyber Bullying - to study increased penalties for intentionally or knowingly using
             295      the Internet, a cell phone, or other devices to hurt or threaten an individual and endanger the
             296      individual's health or safety.
             297          114. Determining Imputed Income - to study whether courts should consider whether a
             298      parent was a stay-at-home parent when determining imputed income (H.B. 348).
             299          115. Divorced Fathers - to study the rights of divorced fathers.
             300          116. Domestic Asset Protection Trust - to study changes to current domestic asset
             301      protection trust law, including provisions regarding real property transferred to the trust,
             302      clarifying a settlor-trustee's role in determining discretionary distributions, and clarifying
             303      claims for relief for fraudulent transfers (1st Sub. H.B. 208).
             304          117. E-Warrants - to study the current e-warrant system, including the process,
             305      templates, and future plans.
             306          118. Electronic Cigarettes - to study the regulation of electronic cigarettes (H.B. 112).
             307          119. Family Expenses - to study the conditions of contracts or agreements between a
             308      husband and a wife related to family expenses (H.B. 179).
             309          120. Federal Regulatory Overreach - to study the regulatory overreach of federal

             310      agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of
             311      Education, etc.
             312          121. Federalism and the "Police Power" - to study and review United States Supreme
             313      Court and Circuit Court cases on federalism and the "police power" jurisdiction of the states.
             314          122. Implementing Putative Father Registry Compact - to study and develop
             315      legislation to amend Utah adoption law to implement the Compact for Interstate Sharing of
             316      Putative Father Registry Information (S.B. 63).
             317          123. Litigation Transparency - to study whether to require that a person that sues the
             318      state or a political subdivision disclose the person's source of funding (H.B. 407).
             319          124. Nurse Practitioner Prescribing Authority - to study whether to allow an advanced
             320      practice registered nurse to prescribe a schedule II or a schedule III controlled substance
             321      without mandatory physician consultation.
             322          125. Process Serving - to study and review the structure, duties, and authority of
             323      constables, private investigators, special function officers, and process servers to delineate
             324      requirements for each category, and to determine what process serving can be done and by
             325      whom. Also establish demarcations and identification.
             326          126. Protecting Wives and Children in Polygamy - to study ways to protect families,
             327      specifically wives and children, in polygamous relationships.
             328          127. Rape Kit Processing - to study establishing additional rights for victims of a
             329      sexual offense (1st Sub. H.B. 157).
             330          128. Religious Freedom Issues - to study religious freedom for students, businesses,
             331      and churches.
             332          129. Safety Belt Use - to study whether safety belt use should be considered
             333      contributory or comparative negligence in civil cases where a person is seeking recovery for
             334      injuries, or whether a primary seatbelt law should be enacted (H.B. 305).
             335          130. Tobacco Use by Minors - to study the age limit corresponding with tobacco and
             336      related products (S.B. 12).
             337          131. Vehicle Accident Penalties - to study enhanced penalties for injuries or deaths in

             338      vehicle accidents with pedestrians and bicyclists.
             339          132. Weapons Restrictions - to study weapons restrictions on veterans who have
             340      post-traumatic stress disorder but have not gone through a formal commitment hearing, when
             341      they are "listed" as mentally defective according to the opinion of a United States Department
             342      of Veterans Affairs doctor without having gone through due process.
             343          133. Allowable Charges - to study whether to make adjustments to the allowable
             344      charges assessed by private automobile booting companies.
             345          134. Correctional Procurement - to study the process by which goods and services are
             346      procured through Utah Correctional Industries, including whether approval from the director of
             347      Utah Correctional Industries should continue to be required when determining that it is not
             348      feasible for a procurement unit to buy a procurement item from Utah Correctional Industries
             349      (H.B. 343).
             350          135. Corrections Construction Industry - to study ways to strengthen the corrections
             351      construction industry to help inmates succeed.
             352          136. Insurance for Fallen Officers' Families - to study providing an additional
             353      insurance benefit, a $1 million policy, for the surviving spouse and dependent children of a
             354      public safety officer killed in the line of duty.
             355          137. Key Access to Address Fire Safety - to study a private business requirement to
             356      have Knox Boxes key access for fire safety access and the possibility that keys to Knox Boxes
             357      are not properly accounted for, enabling inappropriate access to private businesses.
             358          138. Mental Illness in County Jails - to study the treatment of mental illness in county
             359      jails, including how to improve outcome, reduce costs, and address forced medication hearings
             360      and guidelines for treatment of substance abuse in jails.
             361          139. Protection for Police - to study and evaluate the use of bulletproof glass on police
             362      cars and consider other less expensive alternatives.
             363          140. Stolen Property Database - to study establishing a state database for stolen
             364      property to enhance the process for identifying stolen items and facilitating their return to their
             365      lawful owners. Also require recyclers to check the database before purchasing. Contractors and

             366      farmers need more protection from thieves who steal and sell to recyclers.
             367          141. Transferring Strike Force - to study whether to transfer from the Office of the
             368      Attorney General to the Department of Public Safety the management of the multiagency strike
             369      force created to combat violent and other major felony crimes associated with illegal
             370      immigration and human trafficking and to investigate fraudulent document crimes (H.B. 100).
             371          142. Agriculture Protection Act Appeals - to study whether the Agriculture Protection
             372      Act should have any appeals process.
             373          143. Air - to study issues related to the definition of "air."
             374          144. Air Emissions - to study whether to authorize the Air Quality Board to establish
             375      rules requiring the Division of Air Quality to evaluate air pollution controls at a facility and
             376      authorizing the Division of Air Quality to require the implementation of additional air pollution
             377      controls at a facility under certain circumstances (H.B. 180).
             378          145. Canal Safety Act - to study ways to assess the risks associated with canals and
             379      efforts to remediate those risks (S.B. 114 and H.B. 370).
             380          146. Clean Air Fund Utilization - to study the utilization and effectiveness of current
             381      clean air funds administered by the Division of Air Quality.
             382          147. Clean Coal Power Plants - to study ways to support clean coal power plants.
             383          148. Conversion of Homes to Cleaner Fuels - to study the impact of programs
             384      subsidizing conversions of homes with wood as their sole source of heat -- and listed on the
             385      "sole source" list in nonattainment areas -- to natural gas and other cleaner fuels.
             386          149. Costs of Federal Actions Regarding State Trust Lands - to study the full costs and
             387      impacts to the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) and to the trust as
             388      result of federal actions that amount to de facto takings of SITLA lands (monuments, species
             389      designation, wilderness, de facto wilderness, air quality, RS 2477, etc.).
             390          150. Definition of "Air Contaminant" - to study whether to change the definition of
             391      "air contaminant" to clarify that natural components of the atmosphere do not constitute a
             392      contaminant (H.B. 229).
             393          151. Disposition of Sovereign Lands Management Account Funds - to study whether

             394      to require that funds from the Sovereign Lands Management Account only be expended to
             395      manage and benefit sovereign lands and state lands (H.B. 421).
             396          152. Environmental Policy Act - to study the creation of a State Environmental Policy
             397      Act, which states already have this act, do they work, and whether Utah needs something
             398      similar in view of potential acquisition of public federal lands.
             399          153. Euthanasia Standards - to study and identify which animal shelters use
             400      compressed carbon monoxide and which use euthanasia by injection, and examine how much it
             401      costs to use each method. Also, address whether the state has a euthanasia policy.
             402          154. Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States - to study jurisdiction over
             403      federal areas within the states, based on the report of the Interdepartmental Committee for the
             404      Study of Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States, and the current status of the
             405      conclusions of this report.
             406          155. Legislative Discussions on Labeling Genetically Modified Foods - to study
             407      whether to appoint legislative members to participate in multistate discussions involving
             408      agreements to label genetically modified food (H.B. 205).
             409          156. Liability Related to Private Sales of Raw Milk - to study private sales of raw milk
             410      between a dairy owner and a private individual, and holding the state and health care plans
             411      harmless via written contracts and insurance riders.
             412          157. Medical Waste Incineration - to study and conduct an analysis of the best
             413      available control technology for pathologic, carcinogenic, and chemotherapeutic medical waste
             414      streams.
             415          158. Municipal Water Rights - to study whether municipalities should be required to
             416      disclose their water rights assets.
             417          159. Payments In Lieu of Taxes - to study the consequences and costs, including
             418      opportunity costs, associated with the uncertainty created by Congress's failure or refusal to
             419      fully fund Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) on a permanent and mandatory basis.
             420          160. Pesticides - to study changes to current laws governing pesticides.
             421          161. Reducing Air Pollution - to study methods to reduce air pollution in

             422      nonattainment areas.
             423          162. Risks of Forest Overgrowth - to study the risk to air quality, watersheds, wildlife,
             424      habitat, and persons and property from disease-ridden, pest-infested, overgrown forests in the
             425      state.
             426          163. State Parks - to study and assess the conditions of state parks and whether
             427      funding and fees are adequate.
             428          164. State Regulations Impacting Small Irrigation and Ditch Companies - to study the
             429      difficulty that small irrigation and ditch companies are having complying with recent state
             430      regulations that apply primarily to canal companies (H.B. 298).
             431          165. State Resource Stewardship Coordinator for Air Quality - to study the need for a
             432      state resource stewardship coordinator to work with all state agencies to implement best
             433      practices to improve air quality (2nd Sub. H.B. 38).
             434          166. Stream Relocation Notification - to study requirements to notify affected parties
             435      of stream alteration.
             436          167. Surface and Mineral Rights - to study issues related to surface and mineral rights.
             437          168. Tier III Fuel Production - to study the options for encouraging low sulfur fuel
             438      production and sales in the state of Utah.
             439          169. Water Reuse - to study issues related to reuse water and waste water (H.B. 371).
             440          170. Wild Animal Damage - to study wild horse and burro damage related to state
             441      trust lands and federal lands.
             442          171. Wildfire Mitigation - to study incentives for wildfire mitigation in the
             443      wildfire-urban interface.
             444          172. Interior Design - to study interior design licensure.
             445          173. Construction and Fire Codes - to study whether to allow a county legislative body
             446      of a county of the fourth, fifth, or sixth class to modify the State Fire Code Act and the State
             447      Construction Code within the unincorporated areas of the counties if certain conditions are met
             448      (H.B. 328).
             449          174. County Governance - to study the governance and internal controls in Utah's

             450      county governments.
             451          175. Good Landlord Program - to study local governments' implementation of the
             452      Good Landlord Program.
             453          176. Local Governments Qualifying as a Contract Customer - to study whether to
             454      authorize a municipality or county to qualify as a contract customer, develop requirements for a
             455      municipality or county to qualify as a contract customer, and whether to require the Public
             456      Service Commission to determine appropriate charges and credits for participating customers
             457      within a municipality or county who do not pay a separate demand charge (1st Sub. H.B. 110).
             458          177. Municipal Business Licensing - to study whether to exempt certain businesses
             459      from municipal licensure (2nd Sub. H.B. 258).
             460          178. Planning Districts - to study changes to current law governing planning districts.
             461          179. School Planning and Zoning - to study municipal and county land use provisions
             462      related to a school (H.B. 104).
             463          180. Voter Accountability - to study providing municipal retention elections (H.B.
             464      413).
             465          181. Digital Media Technology or Equipment - to study the creation of a Digital
             466      Media Technology or Equipment Fund to be used for student education and commercial
             467      leasing and to encourage production of digital media film, television production, video gaming,
             468      and national commercial productions within the state (S.B. 266).
             469          182. Drone Technology - to study regulation of the private, commercial, and
             470      government use of drone technology.
             471          183. Geographic Information Systems and Digital Mapping Technology - to study and
             472      update statutes related to the expectations and provision of geographic information systems and
             473      digital mapping technology by the Automated Geographic Reference Center of the Department
             474      of Technology Services.
             475          184. Integrated Utility Networks - to study the future of integrated utility networks,
             476      including distributed generation and solar networks, net metering, infrastructure upgrades,
             477      variability on the system, and cost impacts.

             478          185. Interstate Transmission Line Corridors - to study the impact on Utah and options
             479      for addressing impacts.
             480          186. Intrastate Transmission Lines - to study issues related to intrastate transmission
             481      lines. With various agencies involved in electrical transmission line regulation and approval,
             482      what controls can Utah and its agencies and regulatory entities have over these transmission
             483      lines?
             484          187. Open Access and Electrical Deregulation - to study how open access is a form of
             485      electrical deregulation.
             486          188. Parity of Communication Assessments - to study the parity of communication
             487      assessments for fees, surcharges, and taxes across telecommunication providers.
             488          189. Prohibition of Electronic Data Collection Assistance - to study whether to
             489      prohibit cooperation between a federal agency that collects electronic data and any political
             490      subdivisions of the state (H.B. 161).
             491          190. RELAY UTAH Program - to study the modernization of Utah Code Section
             492      54-8b-10, which imposes a telephone surcharge to provide hearing and speech impaired
             493      persons with telecommunication devices, including:
             494      1. whether the statute update should reflect modern telecommunications technology and
             495      usage;
             496      2. how current technology trends have impacted program demand; and
             497      3. if the program should be moved from the Public Service Commission to an agency with
             498      the infrastructure better suited to administer a statewide public assistance program.
             499          191. Renewable Electric Power - to study community choice aggregation for
             500      renewable electric power purchasing and generation.
             501          192. Solar Power - to study solar power development and the impact on the provision
             502      of electrical power.
             503          193. Transmission Corridor Master Planning - to study issues related to transmission
             504      corridor master planning.
             505          194. Utah Science Center Authority - to study updates and revisions to the Utah

             506      Science Center Authority.
             507          195. Utah's Competitive Energy Cost Advantage - to study deregulation, price
             508      comparisons, Renewable Portfolio Standards impacts in other states, the cost of "Choice," etc.
             509          196. 501(c)(3) Charitable Fundraising - to study whether 501(c)(3) organizations that
             510      have occasional concession sales to raise money for the purpose of giving the proceeds away to
             511      charitable causes should be subject to sales taxes.
             512          197. Business Personal Property Tax Exemption - to study whether to amend the Utah
             513      Constitution to provide a property tax exemption for business-owned tangible personal
             514      property (H.J.R. 2).
             515          198. Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Tax Credits and Rebates - to study tax credits
             516      and rebates for compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles. Utah has tax credits for CNG
             517      conversions and electric cars. How would an actual tax rebate work? What are the potential
             518      funding sources? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
             519          199. Distribution of Local Sales and Use Tax - to study the distribution of local sales
             520      and use taxes if a sales and use tax on remote sales is required or allowed to be collected in the
             521      future (H.B. 434).
             522          200. Historical Preservation Tax Credits - to study and review possible improvements
             523      to state historical preservation tax credits.
             524          201. Military Installation Development Authority - to study tax issues relating to a
             525      Military Installation Development Authority.
             526          202. Renewable Energy Tax Credits - to study whether to harmonize corporate and
             527      individual income tax credits for renewable energy.
             528          203. Report on Tax Provisions - to study the State Tax Commission Report on Tax
             529      Provisions (2nd Sub. H.B. 51).
             530          204. Residential Assessed Valuation Property Tax Change - to study replacing the
             531      residential assessed valuation property tax with a residential tax based on size or cost of
             532      government services, which would increase fairness and lower administration costs.
             533          205. Sales Tax Reductions on Sales with Trade-Ins - to study the policy of only

             534      licensed dealers being able to take advantage of sales tax reductions on sales with trade-ins.
             535          206. Severance Tax - to study changes to current law governing severance taxes.
             536          207. Tangible Personal Property Tax Exemption - to study and address a property tax
             537      exemption for certain tangible personal property (H.B. 391).
             538          208. Tax on Fine Art - to study whether to remove the sales tax on fine art.
             539          209. Tax Rate Calculation - to study issues related to the certified tax rate calculation.
             540          210. Taxing Social Security - to study state taxation of Social Security benefits.
             541          211. Financial Security in Retirement - to study how to help people prepare to be
             542      financially self-sufficient in retirement.
             543          212. Independent Entities - to study and review independent entities, including what
             544      they are and what they do.
             545          213. Postretirement Reemployment - to study the costs associated with postretirement
             546      reemployment.
             547          214. Retirement Account Exemption - to study a retirement account exemption for
             548      short-term workers.
             549          215. Retirement Contribution Rates - to study and receive a presentation on
             550      preliminary retirement contribution rates.
             551          216. Retirement Impacts of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders After a Divorce if
             552      the Employed Party Never Remarries - to study a glitch in the Utah Code that would prevent a
             553      surviving spouse from receiving the surviving spouse's portion of the retirement benefits if the
             554      employed party never remarries.
             555          217. Retirement Systems Overview - to study a retirement systems overview and
             556      actuarial information.
             557          218. Utah Retirement Systems - to study and review the Utah Retirement Systems,
             558      what it does, and how it accomplishes its mission.
             559          219. Utah Retirement Systems Benefits Claims - to study statutes of limitations for
             560      benefits claims in the Utah Retirement Systems.
             561          220. Utah Retirement Systems Modifications - to study and review annual Utah

             562      Retirement Systems modifications, including technical amendments.
             563          221. Utah Retirement Tier II Systems - to study pension reform follow-up
             564      implementation issues.
             565          222. Airport Authority - to study issues related to the Salt Lake Airport Authority.
             566          223. Airports - to study issues related to airports, including management, leasing and
             567      vendors, and oversight authority.
             568          224. Driving Under the Influence Standards - to study whether to change one of the
             569      standards for a driving under the influence violation from "being under the influence of
             570      alcohol, any drug, or the combined influence of alcohol and any drug to a degree that renders
             571      the person incapable of safely operating a vehicle" to "being impaired to the slightest degree by
             572      alcohol, any drug, any substance, or any combination thereof" (1st Sub. H.B. 303).
             573          225. Gas Tax - to study issues related to the gas tax.
             574          226. Impounding Vehicles - to study impounding vehicles of unlicensed drivers when
             575      no other driver is present (H.B. 79).
             576          227. Natural Gas - to study issues related to natural gas.
             577          228. Salvage Vehicles - to study the impact of salvage vehicles and when a vehicle
             578      should be salvaged.
             579          229. School Bus Traffic Safety - to study whether to allow school districts to contract
             580      for technology that will generate a recorded image of a motor vehicle driver passing a school
             581      bus when the red signal light is flashing, and to receive and submit the recorded image to law
             582      enforcement for possible investigation (1st Sub. H.B. 406).
             583          230. Transit Funding - to study funding for mass transit and issues related to mass
             584      transit funding (H.B. 210).
             585          231. Transportation in Salt Lake County - to study transportation in Salt Lake County,
             586      particularly at the Salt Lake International Airport, and its effect on the state. Also study the
             587      regulation of concessions, including charter buses, shuttles, taxis, limousines, rental cars, etc.
             588      How should it be done to maximize its benefit to the entire state? (S.B. 235)
             589          232. UTA Bus Routes - to study current bus routes, especially current east-west routes,

             590      express buses, and any proposed new bus routes to help east riders' access to TRAX and
             591      Frontrunner.
             592          233. Vehicle Title Transfer Sales - to study whether to require a confirmation or an
             593      affidavit validating fair market value in vehicle title transfer sales.
             594          234. Waiver for Purple Heart - to study granting a waiver relating to motorcycles for
             595      Purple Heart recipients.
             596          235. Standards for Allocating Utah's Water Supply - to study the standards for
             597      allocating Utah's water supply, including:
             598      1. standards for the allocation of water for domestic use and whether the standards should
             599      be revised to accurately reflect actual domestic beneficial use;
             600      2. standards for the allocation of irrigation water based on flood irrigation and whether
             601      standards should be revised based on pipeline based sprinkler irrigations systems;
             602      3. whether the reduction or elimination of natural vegetative water consumption should
             603      result in a recognition of the reduced water use and:
             604      a. a corresponding reduction in the water requirement associated with developing the land;
             605      and
             606      b. recognition of a landowner's right to put to alternative use the water previously consumed
             607      by the eliminated natural vegetation;
             608      4. whether current allocation standards comply with existing Utah statutory and case law;
             609      and
             610      5. ways that these revisions can identify overallocation, resulting in the availability of
             611      additional water resources and reduced costs that can fuel the growth of Utah's economy.
             612          236. Bill Sponsorship - to study a process that would allow more than one legislator to
             613      be designated as a primary sponsor of a bill.
             614          237. Legislative Process Ethics - to study and review policies requiring ethical
             615      descriptions of proposed legislation by staff and legislators.
             616          238. Standing Committee Agenda Practices - to study legislative rule changes to
             617      address pulling bills from a standing committee agenda at the end of a legislative session to

             618      avoid the possibility of a bill failing in committee and improving the legislation's chances of
             619      receiving floor debate.
             620          239. To study how to effectively and fairly control workers' compensation system
             621      medical costs including the cost of hospital care and treatment and prescription drugs.
             622          240. Title and escrow insurance related amendments.
             623          241. Highway safety issues related to non-motorized vehicles.
             624          242. Whether sufficient due process protection is provided a police officer involved in
             625      a critical incident.
             626          243. The economic benefits of removing the three year economic life component of the
             627      manufacturer's sales tax exemption.
             628          244. H.B. 263 - Use of Business Names.
             629          245. Salt Lake Airport management, leases, governance, and oversight.
             630          246. Asbestos funds double dipping.
             631          247. Utah Health Safety Net and coverage.
             632          248. Medicaid entitlement fraud/super-utilizers.

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