S.B. 31





Chief Sponsor: Aaron Osmond

House Sponsor: Rebecca P. Edwards

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      Committee Note:
             9          The Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee recommended
             10      this bill.
             11      General Description:
             12          This bill modifies Title 9, Heritage, Arts, Libraries, and Cultural Development; Title
             13      35A, Utah Workforce Services Code; and Title 63M, Chapter 1, Governor's Office of
             14      Economic Development, by amending annual agency reporting provisions.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    describes annual written reporting requirements for the Department of Heritage and
             18      Arts, the Department of Workforce Services, and the Governor's Office of
             19      Economic Development;
             20          .    eliminates separate reports to certain legislative committees and instead requires
             21      that the information from those reports be included in an annual written report
             22      prepared by the Department of Heritage and Arts, the Department of Workforce
             23      Services, or the Governor's Office of Economic Development; and
             24          .    makes technical changes.
             25      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:

             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             30      AMENDS:
             31           9-1-201 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             32           9-7-217 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246
             33           9-9-107 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             34           9-9-405 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 203 and 255
             35           35A-1-201 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             36           35A-1-206 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             37           35A-3-116 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 354 and 400
             38           35A-3-203 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 212 and 246
             39           35A-3-206 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 400
             40           35A-3-313 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246
             41           35A-4-403 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 315
             42           35A-8-307 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             43           35A-8-508 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246 and renumbered and
             44      amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 212
             45           35A-8-602 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 242 and renumbered and
             46      amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 212
             47           35A-8-721 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             48           35A-8-804 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246 and renumbered and
             49      amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 212
             50           35A-8-1203 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246 and renumbered and
             51      amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 212
             52           35A-8-1607 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             53           35A-8-1708 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             54           35A-9-201 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             55           35A-9-305 , as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 59
             56           63I-4a-203 , as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 325
             57           63M-1-201 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             58           63M-1-403 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246

             59           63M-1-605 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             60           63M-1-704 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 392
             61           63M-1-904 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 18 and 246
             62           63M-1-1103 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246
             63           63M-1-1206 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 242
             64           63M-1-1304 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             65           63M-1-1404 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             66           63M-1-1606 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             67           63M-1-1805 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             68           63M-1-1901 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             69           63M-1-2006 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246
             70           63M-1-2406 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 255 and 392
             71           63M-1-2504 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             72           63M-1-2704 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246
             73           63M-1-2910 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 246 and 423
             74           63M-1-3105 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 255
             75           63M-1-3207 , as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 336
             76      ENACTS:
             77           9-1-208 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             78           35A-1-109 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             79           63M-1-206 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             80      REPEALS AND REENACTS:
             81           63M-1-3306 , as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 25
             82      REPEALS:
             83           35A-8-1802 , as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 212
             85      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             86          Section 1. Section 9-1-201 is amended to read:
             87           9-1-201. Department of Heritage and Arts -- Creation -- Powers and duties.
             88          (1) There is created the Department of Heritage and Arts.
             89          (2) The department shall:

             90          (a) be responsible for preserving and promoting the heritage of the state, the arts in the
             91      state, and cultural development within the state;
             92          (b) perform heritage, arts, and cultural development planning for the state;
             93          (c) coordinate the program plans of the various divisions within the department;
             94          (d) administer and coordinate all state or federal grant programs which are, or become,
             95      available for heritage, arts, and cultural development;
             96          (e) administer any other programs over which the department is given administrative
             97      supervision by the governor;
             98          (f) submit[, before November 1,] an annual written report to the governor and the
             99      Legislature as described in Section 9-1-208 ; and
             100          (g) perform any other duties as provided by the Legislature.
             101          (3) The department may solicit and accept contributions of money, services, and
             102      facilities from any other sources, public or private, but may not use those contributions for
             103      publicizing the exclusive interest of the donor.
             104          (4) Money received under Subsection (3) shall be deposited in the General Fund as
             105      restricted revenues of the department.
             106          Section 2. Section 9-1-208 is enacted to read:
             107          9-1-208. Annual report -- Content -- Format.
             108          (1) The department shall prepare and submit to the governor and the Legislature, by
             109      October 1 of each year, an annual written report of the operations, activities, programs, and
             110      services of the department, including its divisions, offices, boards, commissions, councils, and
             111      committees, for the preceding fiscal year.
             112          (2) For each operation, activity, program, or service provided by the department, the
             113      annual report shall include:
             114          (a) a description of the operation, activity, program, or service;
             115          (b) data selected and used by the department to measure progress, performance, and
             116      scope of the operation, activity, program, or service, including summary data;
             117          (c) budget data, including the amount and source of funding, expenses, and allocation
             118      of full-time employees for the operation, activity, program, or service;
             119          (d) historical data from previous years for comparison with data reported under
             120      Subsections (2)(b) and (c);

             121          (e) goals, challenges, and achievements related to the operation, activity, program, or
             122      service;
             123          (f) relevant federal and state statutory references and requirements;
             124          (g) contact information of officials knowledgeable and responsible for each operation,
             125      activity, program, or service; and
             126          (h) other information determined by the department that:
             127          (i) may be needed, useful, or of historical significance; or
             128          (ii) promotes accountability and transparency for each operation, activity, program, or
             129      service with the public and elected officials.
             130          (3) The annual report shall be designed to provide clear, accurate, and accessible
             131      information to the public, the governor, and the Legislature.
             132          (4) The department shall:
             133          (a) submit the annual report in accordance with Section 68-3-14 ; and
             134          (b) make the annual report, and previous annual reports, accessible to the public by
             135      placing a link to the reports on the department's website.
             136          Section 3. Section 9-7-217 is amended to read:
             137           9-7-217. Reporting.
             138          The division shall [submit an annual written report to the Economic Development and
             139      Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1 regarding] submit a report to the
             140      department regarding the compliance of library boards with the provisions of Section 9-7-215
             141      for inclusion in the annual written report described in Section 9-1-208 .
             142          Section 4. Section 9-9-107 is amended to read:
             143           9-9-107. Division report.
             144          The [division shall submit, before November 1, an annual written] department shall
             145      include a report of [its] the division's operations and recommendations [to:] in the annual
             146      written report described in Section 9-1-208 .
             147          [(1) the department;]
             148          [(2) the governor; and]
             149          [(3) the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee created in Section 36-22-1 .]
             150          Section 5. Section 9-9-405 is amended to read:
             151           9-9-405. Review committee.

             152          (1) There is created a Native American Remains Review Committee.
             153          (2) (a) The review committee shall be composed of seven members as follows:
             154          (i) four Tribal members shall be appointed by the director from nominations submitted
             155      by the elected officials of Indian Tribal Nations described in Subsection 9-9-104.5 (2)(b); and
             156          (ii) three shall be appointed by the director from nominations submitted by
             157      representatives of Utah's repositories.
             158          (b) A member appointed under Subsection (2)(a)(i) shall have familiarity and
             159      experience with this part.
             160          (c) (i) A member appointed under Subsection (2)(a)(i) serves at the will of the director,
             161      and if the member represents an Indian Tribal Nation, at the will of that Indian Tribal Nation.
             162      Removal of a member who represents an Indian Tribal Nation requires the joint decision of the
             163      director and the Indian Tribal Nation.
             164          (ii) A member appointed under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) serves at the will of the director,
             165      and if the member represents a repository, at the will of the Division of State History. Removal
             166      of a member who represents a repository requires the joint decision of the director and the
             167      Division of State History.
             168          (d) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the director shall appoint
             169      a replacement in the same manner as the original appointment under Subsection (2)(a).
             170          (e) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
             171      may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
             172          (i) Section 63A-3-106 ;
             173          (ii) Section 63A-3-107 ; and
             174          (iii) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             175      63A-3-107 .
             176          (f) The review committee shall designate one of its members as chair.
             177          (3) The review committee shall:
             178          (a) monitor the identification process conducted under Section 9-9-403 to ensure a fair
             179      and objective consideration and assessment of all available relevant information and evidence;
             180          (b) review a finding relating to the following, subject to the rules made by the division
             181      under Subsection 9-9-403 (6):
             182          (i) the identity or cultural affiliation of Native American remains; or

             183          (ii) the return of Native American remains;
             184          (c) facilitate the resolution of a dispute among Indian Tribal Nations or lineal
             185      descendants and state agencies relating to the return of Native American remains, including
             186      convening the parties to the dispute if considered desirable;
             187          (d) consult with Indian Tribal Nations on matters within the scope of the work of the
             188      review committee affecting these Indian Tribal Nations;
             189          (e) consult with the division in the development of rules to carry out this part;
             190          (f) perform other related functions as the division may assign to the review committee;
             191      and
             192          (g) make recommendations, if appropriate, regarding care of Native American remains
             193      that are to be repatriated.
             194          (4) A record or finding made by the review committee relating to the identity of or
             195      cultural affiliation of Native American remains and the return of Native American remains may
             196      be admissible in any action brought under this part.
             197          (5) The appropriate state agency having primary authority over the lands as provided in
             198      Chapter 8, Part 3, Antiquities, shall ensure that the review committee has reasonable access to:
             199          (a) Native American remains under review; and
             200          (b) associated scientific and historical documents.
             201          (6) The division shall provide reasonable administrative and staff support necessary for
             202      the deliberations of the review committee.
             203          (7) The [review committee shall submit, before November 1, an annual written report
             204      to the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee, created in Section 36-22-1 , on]
             205      department shall include in the annual written report described in Section 9-1-208 , a
             206      description of the progress made, and any barriers encountered, by the review committee in
             207      implementing this section during the previous year.
             208          Section 6. Section 35A-1-109 is enacted to read:
             209          35A-1-109. Annual report -- Content -- Format.
             210          (1) The department shall prepare and submit to the governor and the Legislature, by
             211      October 1 of each year, an annual written report of the operations, activities, programs, and
             212      services of the department, including its divisions, offices, boards, commissions, councils, and
             213      committees, for the preceding fiscal year.

             214          (2) For each operation, activity, program, or service provided by the department, the
             215      annual report shall include:
             216          (a) a description of the operation, activity, program, or service;
             217          (b) data selected and used by the department to measure progress, performance, and
             218      scope of the operation, activity, program, or service, including summary data;
             219          (c) budget data, including the amount and source of funding, expenses, and allocation
             220      of full-time employees for the operation, activity, program, or service;
             221          (d) historical data from previous years for comparison with data reported under
             222      Subsections (2)(b) and (c);
             223          (e) goals, challenges, and achievements related to the operation, activity, program, or
             224      service;
             225          (f) relevant federal and state statutory references and requirements;
             226          (g) contact information of officials knowledgeable and responsible for each operation,
             227      activity, program, or service; and
             228          (h) other information determined by the department that:
             229          (i) may be needed, useful, or of historical significance; or
             230          (ii) promotes accountability and transparency for each operation, activity, program, or
             231      service with the public and elected officials.
             232          (3) The annual report shall be designed to provide clear, accurate, and accessible
             233      information to the public, the governor, and the Legislature.
             234          (4) The department shall:
             235          (a) submit the annual report in accordance with Section 68-3-14 ; and
             236          (b) make the annual report, and previous annual reports, accessible to the public by
             237      placing a link to the reports on the department's website.
             238          Section 7. Section 35A-1-201 is amended to read:
             239           35A-1-201. Executive director -- Appointment -- Removal -- Compensation --
             240      Qualifications -- Responsibilities -- Deputy directors.
             241          (1) (a) The chief administrative officer of the department is the executive director, who
             242      is appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate.
             243          (b) The executive director serves at the pleasure of the governor.
             244          (c) The executive director shall receive a salary established by the governor within the

             245      salary range fixed by the Legislature in Title 67, Chapter 22, State Officer Compensation.
             246          (d) The executive director shall be experienced in administration, management, and
             247      coordination of complex organizations.
             248          (2) The executive director shall:
             249          (a) administer and supervise the department in compliance with Title 67, Chapter 19,
             250      Utah State Personnel Management Act;
             251          (b) supervise and coordinate between the economic service areas and directors created
             252      under Chapter 2, Economic Service Areas;
             253          (c) coordinate policies and program activities conducted through the divisions and
             254      economic service areas of the department;
             255          (d) approve the proposed budget of each division, the Workforce Appeals Board, and
             256      each economic service area within the department;
             257          (e) approve all applications for federal grants or assistance in support of any
             258      department program; and
             259          (f) fulfill such other duties as assigned by the Legislature or as assigned by the
             260      governor that are not inconsistent with this title.
             261          (3) The executive director may appoint deputy or assistant directors to assist the
             262      executive director in carrying out the department's responsibilities.
             263          [(4) (a) The executive director shall submit, before November 1, an annual written
             264      report to the governor and the Legislature concerning the operations of the department and the
             265      programs that the department administers.]
             266          [(b) If federal law requires that a report to the governor or Legislature be given
             267      concerning the department or a program administered by the department, the executive director
             268      or the executive director's designee shall make that report.]
             269          [(5)] (4) The executive director shall at least annually provide for the sharing of
             270      information between the advisory councils established under this title.
             271          Section 8. Section 35A-1-206 is amended to read:
             272           35A-1-206. State Council on Workforce Services -- Appointment -- Membership
             273      -- Terms of members -- Compensation.
             274          (1) There is created a State Council on Workforce Services that shall:
             275          (a) perform the activities described in Subsection (8);

             276          (b) advise on issues requested by the department and the Legislature; and
             277          (c) make recommendations to the department regarding:
             278          (i) the implementation of Chapters 2, Economic Service Areas, 3, Employment
             279      Support Act, and 5, Training and Workforce Improvement Act; and
             280          (ii) the coordination of apprenticeship training.
             281          (2) (a) The council shall consist of the following voting members:
             282          (i) a private sector representative from each economic service area as designated by the
             283      economic service area director;
             284          (ii) the superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee;
             285          (iii) the commissioner of higher education or the commissioner's designee; and
             286          (iv) the following members appointed by the governor in consultation with the
             287      executive director:
             288          (A) four representatives of small employers as defined by rule by the department;
             289          (B) four representatives of large employers as defined by rule by the department;
             290          (C) four representatives of employees or employee organizations, including at least one
             291      representative from nominees suggested by public employees organizations;
             292          (D) two representatives of the clients served under this title including
             293      community-based organizations;
             294          (E) a representative of veterans in the state;
             295          (F) the executive director of the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation; and
             296          (G) the Applied Technology College president.
             297          (b) The following shall serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the council:
             298          (i) the executive director or the executive director's designee;
             299          (ii) a legislator appointed by the governor from nominations of the speaker of the
             300      House of Representatives and president of the Senate;
             301          (iii) the executive director of the Department of Human Services;
             302          (iv) the director of the Governor's Office of Economic Development or the director's
             303      designee; and
             304          (v) the executive director of the Department of Health.
             305          (3) (a) The governor shall appoint one nongovernmental member from the council as
             306      the chair of the council.

             307          (b) The chair shall serve at the pleasure of the governor.
             308          (4) (a) A member appointed by the governor shall serve a term of four years and may
             309      be reappointed to one additional term.
             310          (b) A member shall continue to serve until the member's successor has been appointed
             311      and qualified.
             312          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(d), as terms of council members expire, the
             313      governor shall appoint each new member or reappointed member to a four-year term.
             314          (d) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (4)(c), the governor shall, at the
             315      time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
             316      council members are staggered so that approximately one half of the council is appointed every
             317      two years.
             318          (e) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             319      appointed for the unexpired term.
             320          (5) A majority of the voting members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of
             321      business.
             322          (6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
             323      may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
             324          (a) Section 63A-3-106 ;
             325          (b) Section 63A-3-107 ; and
             326          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
             327      63A-3-107 .
             328          (7) The department shall provide staff and administrative support to the council at the
             329      direction of the executive director.
             330          (8) The council shall:
             331          (a) develop a state workforce services plan in accordance with Section 35A-1-207 ;
             332          (b) review economic service area plans to certify consistency with state policy
             333      guidelines;
             334          (c) improve the understanding and visibility of state workforce services efforts through
             335      external and internal marketing strategies;
             336          (d) [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the governor and the
             337      Legislature on] include in the annual written report described in Section 35A-1-109 ,

             338      information and accomplishments related to the activities of the department;
             339          (e) issue other studies, reports, or documents the council considers advisable that are
             340      not required under Subsection (8)(d);
             341          (f) coordinate the planning and delivery of workforce development services with public
             342      education, higher education, vocational rehabilitation, and human services; and
             343          (g) perform other responsibilities within the scope of workforce services as requested
             344      by:
             345          (i) the Legislature;
             346          (ii) the governor; or
             347          (iii) the executive director.
             348          Section 9. Section 35A-3-116 is amended to read:
             349           35A-3-116. Refugee services fund -- Use of money -- Committee and director
             350      duties -- Restrictions.
             351          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund, known as the "Refugee
             352      Services Fund."
             353          (2) The director shall administer the fund with input from the department and any
             354      advisory committee involved with the provision of refugee services within the department.
             355          (3) (a) Money shall be deposited into the fund from legislative appropriations, federal
             356      grants, private foundations, and individual donors.
             357          (b) The director shall encourage a refugee who receives services funded under
             358      Subsection (8) to be a donor to the fund when the refugee's financial situation improves
             359      sufficiently to make a donation.
             360          (4) Except for money restricted to a specific use under federal law or by a donor, the
             361      director may not spend money from the fund without the input described in Subsection (2).
             362          (5) The state treasurer shall invest the money in the fund under Title 51, Chapter 7,
             363      State Money Management Act, and all interest or other earnings derived from the fund money
             364      shall be deposited in the fund.
             365          (6) Money in the fund may not be used by the director for administrative expenses.
             366          (7) If the department establishes a refugee services advisory committee referenced in
             367      Subsection (2), the committee may:
             368          (a) advise the director on refugee services needs in the state and on relevant operational

             369      aspects of any grant or revenue collection program established under this part;
             370          (b) recommend specific refugee projects to the director;
             371          (c) recommend policies and procedures for administering the fund;
             372          (d) make recommendations on grants made from the fund for refugee services activities
             373      authorized under this section;
             374          (e) advise the director on the criteria by which grants from the fund shall be made;
             375          (f) recommend the order approved projects should be funded;
             376          (g) make recommendations regarding the distribution of money from the fund in
             377      accordance with federal or donor restrictions; and
             378          (h) have joint responsibility to solicit public and private funding for the fund.
             379          (8) The director may use fund money to:
             380          (a) train an existing refugee organization to develop its capacity to operate
             381      professionally and effectively and to become an independent, viable organization; or
             382          (b) provide grants to refugee organizations and other entities identified in Subsection
             383      (9) to assist them:
             384          (i) with case management;
             385          (ii) in meeting emergency housing needs for refugees;
             386          (iii) in providing English language services;
             387          (iv) in providing interpretive services;
             388          (v) in finding and maintaining employment for refugees;
             389          (vi) in collaborating with the state's public education system to improve the
             390      involvement of refugee parents in assimilating their children into public schools;
             391          (vii) in meeting the health and mental health needs of refugees;
             392          (viii) in providing or arranging for child care services; or
             393          (ix) in administering refugee services.
             394          (9) The director, with the input described in Subsection (2), may grant fund money for
             395      refugee services outlined in Subsection (8) through a request for proposal process to:
             396          (a) local governments;
             397          (b) nonprofit community, charitable, or neighborhood-based organizations or private
             398      for-profit organizations involved with providing or arranging for the provision of refugee
             399      services; or

             400          (c) regional or statewide nonprofit organizations.
             401          (10) (a) The director shall enter into a written agreement with each successful grant
             402      applicant.
             403          (b) The agreement shall include specific terms for each grant consistent with the
             404      provisions of this section, including the structure, amount, and nature of the grant.
             405          (11) The director shall monitor the activities of the recipients of grants issued from the
             406      fund on an annual basis to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions imposed on the
             407      recipient by the fund.
             408          (12) The director shall require an entity that receives a grant under this section to
             409      provide periodic accounting of how the money was used.
             410          (13) [The director shall submit an annual written report to the Economic Development
             411      and Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1 regarding] As part of the
             412      annual written report described in Section 35A-1-109 , the director shall report the status of the
             413      fund [and of], including programs and services funded by the fund.
             414          Section 10. Section 35A-3-203 is amended to read:
             415           35A-3-203. Functions and duties of office -- Annual report.
             416          The office shall:
             417          (1) assess critical child care needs throughout the state on an ongoing basis and focus
             418      its activities on helping to meet the most critical needs;
             419          (2) provide child care subsidy services for income-eligible children through age 12 and
             420      for income-eligible children with disabilities through age 18;
             421          (3) provide information:
             422          (a) to employers for the development of options for child care in the work place; and
             423          (b) for educating the public in obtaining quality child care;
             424          (4) coordinate services for quality child care training and child care resource and
             425      referral core services;
             426          (5) apply for, accept, or expend gifts or donations from public or private sources;
             427          (6) provide administrative support services to the committee;
             428          (7) work collaboratively with the following for the delivery of quality child care and
             429      early childhood programs, and school age programs throughout the state:
             430          (a) the State Board of Education; and

             431          (b) the Department of Health;
             432          (8) research child care programs and public policy that will improve quality and
             433      accessibility and that will further the purposes of the office and child care, early childhood
             434      programs, and school age programs;
             435          (9) provide planning and technical assistance for the development and implementation
             436      of programs in communities that lack child care, early childhood programs, and school age
             437      programs;
             438          (10) provide organizational support for the establishment of nonprofit organizations
             439      approved by the Child Care Advisory Committee, created in Section 35A-3-205 ; and
             440          (11) [submit an annual written report to the Economic Development and Workforce
             441      Services Interim Committee before November 1 on] coordinate with the department to include
             442      in the annual written report described in Section 35A-1-109 information regarding the status of
             443      child care in Utah.
             444          Section 11. Section 35A-3-206 is amended to read:
             445           35A-3-206. Child Care Fund -- Use of money -- Committee and director duties --
             446      Restrictions.
             447          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the "Child Care
             448      Fund."
             449          (2) The director of the office shall administer the fund under the direction of the
             450      committee.
             451          (3) (a) The office may form nonprofit corporations or foundations controlled by the
             452      director of the office and the committee to aid and assist the office in attaining its charitable,
             453      research, and educational objectives.
             454          (b) The nonprofit corporations or foundations may receive and administer Legislative
             455      appropriations, government grants, contracts, and private gifts to carry out their public
             456      purposes.
             457          (c) Money collected by the nonprofit corporation or foundation may be deposited in the
             458      Child Care Fund.
             459          (d) A nonprofit foundation controlled by the director of the office and the committee
             460      shall submit to the Division of Finance, within 60 days after the close of the foundation's fiscal
             461      year, a financial report summarizing the foundation's financial position and results of

             462      operations of the most recent fiscal year.
             463          (4) (a) There shall be deposited into the fund money from numerous sources, including,
             464      grants, private foundations, and individual donors.
             465          (b) The fund shall be used to accept money designated for child care initiatives
             466      improving the quality, affordability, or accessibility of child care.
             467          (5) The money in the fund that is not restricted to a specific use under federal law or by
             468      donors may not be expended without approval of the committee.
             469          (6) The state treasurer shall invest the money in the fund under Title 51, Chapter 7,
             470      State Money Management Act, except that all interest or other earnings derived from the fund
             471      money shall be deposited in the fund.
             472          (7) The money in the fund may not be used for administrative expenses of the office
             473      normally provided for by legislative appropriation.
             474          (8) The committee shall:
             475          (a) advise the director of the office on child care needs in the state and on relevant
             476      operational aspects of any grant, loan, or revenue collection program established under this
             477      part;
             478          (b) recommend specific child care projects to the director of the office;
             479          (c) recommend policy and procedures for administering the fund;
             480          (d) make recommendations on grants, loans, or contracts from the fund for any of the
             481      child care activities authorized under this part;
             482          (e) establish the criteria by which loans and grants will be made;
             483          (f) determine the order in which approved child care projects will be funded;
             484          (g) make recommendations regarding the distribution of money from the fund in
             485      accordance with the procedures, conditions, and restrictions placed upon the money by the
             486      donors; and
             487          (h) have joint responsibility with the office to solicit public and private funding for the
             488      fund.
             489          (9) Fund money shall be used for any of the following activities:
             490          (a) training of child care providers;
             491          (b) scholarships and grants for child care providers' professional development;
             492          (c) child care public awareness and consumer education services;

             493          (d) child care provider recruitment;
             494          (e) Office of Child Care sponsored activities;
             495          (f) matching money for obtaining grants; or
             496          (g) other activities that will assist in the improvement of child care quality,
             497      affordability, or accessibility.
             498          (10) The director of the office, with the consent of the committee and the executive
             499      director, may grant, lend, or contract fund money for child care purposes to:
             500          (a) local governments;
             501          (b) nonprofit community, charitable, or neighborhood-based organizations;
             502          (c) regional or statewide nonprofit organizations; or
             503          (d) child care providers.
             504          (11) Preference may be given but awards may not be limited to applicants for fund
             505      money that demonstrate any of the following:
             506          (a) programmatic or financial need;
             507          (b) diversity of clientele or geographic location; and
             508          (c) coordination with or enhancement of existing services.
             509          (12) The executive director or the executive director's designee shall monitor the
             510      activities of the recipients of grants, loans, or contracts issued from the fund on an annual basis
             511      to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions imposed on the recipient by the fund.
             512          (13) The entities receiving grants, loans, or contracts shall provide the director of the
             513      office with an annual accounting of how the money they received from the fund has been spent.
             514          (14) (a) The director of the office shall make an annual report to the committee
             515      regarding the status of the fund and the programs and services funded by the fund.
             516          (b) The report shall be included [as a component of the report to the Legislature
             517      required under Subsection 35A-3-203 (11)] in the annual written report described in Section
             518      35A-1-109 .
             519          Section 12. Section 35A-3-313 is amended to read:
             520           35A-3-313. Performance goals.
             521          (1) As used in this section:
             522          (a) "Performance goals" means a target level of performance or an expected level of
             523      performance against which actual performance is compared.

             524          (b) "Performance indicators" means actual performance information regarding a
             525      program or activity.
             526          (c) "Performance monitoring system" means a process to regularly collect and analyze
             527      performance information including performance indicators and performance goals.
             528          (2) (a) The department shall establish a performance monitoring system for cash
             529      assistance provided under this part.
             530          (b) The department shall establish the performance indicators and performance goals
             531      that will be used in the performance monitoring system for cash assistance under this part.
             532          (c) (i) The department shall [submit an annual written report to the legislative fiscal
             533      analyst and the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee before
             534      November 1 describing] include in the annual written report described in Section 35A-1-109 , a
             535      description of the difference between actual performance and performance goals for the second,
             536      third, and fourth quarters of the prior fiscal year and the first quarter of the current fiscal year.
             537          (ii) (A) The legislative fiscal analyst or the analyst's designee shall convey the
             538      information [contained in the report] described in Subsection (2)(c)(i) to the appropriation
             539      subcommittee that has oversight responsibilities for the Department of Workforce Services
             540      during the General Session that follows the submission of the report.
             541          (B) The subcommittee may consider the information in its deliberations regarding the
             542      budget for services and supports under this chapter.
             543          Section 13. Section 35A-4-403 is amended to read:
             544           35A-4-403. Eligibility of individual -- Conditions -- Furnishing reports -- Weeks
             545      of employment -- Successive benefit years.
             546          (1) Except as provided in Subsections (2) and (3), an unemployed individual is eligible
             547      to receive benefits for any week if the division finds:
             548          (a) the individual has made a claim for benefits for that week in accordance with rules
             549      the department may prescribe, except as provided in Subsection (4);
             550          (b) the individual has registered for work with the department and acted in a good faith
             551      effort to secure employment during each and every week for which the individual made a claim
             552      for benefits under this chapter in accordance with rules the department may prescribe, except as
             553      provided in Subsection (4);
             554          (c) the individual is able to work and is available for work during each and every week

             555      for which the individual made a claim for benefits under this chapter;
             556          (d) the individual has been unemployed for a waiting period of one week for each
             557      benefit year, but a week may not be counted as a week of unemployment for the purpose of this
             558      Subsection (1)(d):
             559          (i) unless it occurs within the benefit year that includes the week for which the
             560      individual claims benefits;
             561          (ii) if benefits have been paid for the claim; or
             562          (iii) unless the individual was eligible for benefits for the week as provided in this
             563      section and Sections 35A-4-401 and 35A-4-405 , except for the requirement of this Subsection
             564      (1)(d);
             565          (e) (i) the individual has furnished the division separation and other information the
             566      department may prescribe by rule, or proves to the satisfaction of the division that the
             567      individual had good cause for failing to furnish the information;
             568          (ii) if an employer fails to furnish reports concerning separation and employment as
             569      required by this chapter and rules adopted under the chapter, the division shall, on the basis of
             570      information it obtains, determine the eligibility and insured status of an individual affected by
             571      that failure and the employer is not considered to be an interested party to the determination;
             572          (f) (i) the individual's base-period wages were at least 1-1/2 times the individual's
             573      wages for insured work paid during that quarter of the individual's base period in which the
             574      individual's wages were highest; or
             575          (ii) for any claimant whose benefit year is effective on or before January 1, 2011, the
             576      individual shows to the satisfaction of the division that the individual worked at least 20 weeks
             577      in insured work during the individual's base-period and earned wages of at least 5% of the
             578      monetary base-period wage requirement each week, rounded to the nearest whole dollar,
             579      provided that the individual's total base-period wages were not less than the monetary
             580      base-period wage requirement as defined in Section 35A-4-201 ; and
             581          (g) (i) the individual applying for benefits in a successive benefit year has had
             582      subsequent employment since the effective date of the preceding benefit year equal to at least
             583      six times the individual's weekly benefit amount, in insured work; and
             584          (ii) the individual's total wages and employment experience in the individual's base
             585      period meet the requirements specified in Subsection (1)(f).

             586          (2) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (2), "suitable employment" means:
             587          (i) work of a substantially equal or higher skill level than the individual's past adversely
             588      affected employment as defined for purposes of the Trade Act of 1974; and
             589          (ii) wages for that work at not less than 80% of the individual's average weekly wage
             590      as determined for purposes of the Trade Act of 1974.
             591          (b) (i) An individual in training with the approval of the division is not ineligible to
             592      receive benefits by reason of nonavailability for work, failure to search for work, refusal of
             593      suitable work, failure to apply for or to accept suitable work, or not having been unemployed
             594      for a waiting period of one week for any week the individual is in the approved training.
             595          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(b)(i), the division shall approve any mandatory
             596      apprenticeship-related training.
             597          (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the division may not deny an
             598      otherwise eligible individual benefits for any week:
             599          (i) because the individual is in training approved under Section 236 (a)(1) of the Trade
             600      Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. 2296(a);
             601          (ii) for leaving work to enter training described in Subsection (2)(c)(i) if the work left
             602      is not suitable employment; or
             603          (iii) because of the application to any such week in training of provisions in this law or
             604      any applicable federal unemployment compensation law relating to availability for work, active
             605      search for work, or refusal to accept work.
             606          (3) An individual located in a foreign country for three or more days of a week and
             607      who is otherwise eligible for benefits is only eligible to receive benefits for that week if:
             608          (a) the individual is legally authorized to work in the foreign country; and
             609          (b) the state and the foreign country have entered into a reciprocal agreement
             610      concerning the payment of unemployment benefits.
             611          (4) The department may, by rule, waive or alter either or both of the requirements of
             612      Subsections (1)(a) and (b) as to:
             613          (a) individuals attached to regular jobs;
             614          (b) a disaster in Utah as declared by the president of the United States or by the state's
             615      governor after giving due consideration to factors directly associated with the disaster,
             616      including:

             617          (i) the disaster's impact on employers and their ability to employ workers in the
             618      affected area in Utah;
             619          (ii) the disaster's impact on claimants and their ability to comply with filing
             620      requirements in the affected area in Utah; and
             621          (iii) the magnitude of the disaster and the anticipated time for recovery; and
             622          (c) cases or situations when it finds that compliance with the requirements would be
             623      oppressive, or would be inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter, as long as the rule does
             624      not conflict with Subsection 35A-4-401 (1).
             625          [(5) The director of the division or the director's designee shall submit an annual
             626      written report to the Workforce Employment Advisory Council and to the Economic
             627      Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1 concerning the
             628      impact on individuals applying for unemployment compensation and the unemployment trust
             629      insurance fund as a result of amendments made to Subsections (1)(f) and 35A-4-201 (1) during
             630      the Legislature's 2010 General Session.]
             631          Section 14. Section 35A-8-307 is amended to read:
             632           35A-8-307. Impact fund administered by impact board -- Eligibility for
             633      assistance -- Review by board -- Administration costs -- Annual report.
             634          (1) (a) The impact board shall:
             635          (i) administer the impact fund in a manner that will keep a portion of the impact fund
             636      revolving;
             637          (ii) determine provisions for repayment of loans;
             638          (iii) establish criteria for determining eligibility for assistance under this part; and
             639          (iv) consider recommendations from the School and Institutional Trust Lands
             640      Administration when awarding a grant described in Subsection 35A-8-303 (6).
             641          (b) (i) The criteria for awarding loans or grants made from funds described in
             642      Subsection 35A-8-303 (5) shall be consistent with the requirements of Subsection
             643      35A-8-303 (5).
             644          (ii) The criteria for awarding grants made from funds described in Subsection
             645      35A-8-303 (2)(c) shall be consistent with the requirements of Subsection 35A-8-303 (6).
             646          (c) In order to receive assistance under this part, subdivisions and interlocal agencies
             647      shall submit formal applications containing the information that the impact board requires.

             648          (2) In determining eligibility for loans and grants under this part, the impact board shall
             649      consider the following:
             650          (a) the subdivision's or interlocal agency's current mineral lease production;
             651          (b) the feasibility of the actual development of a resource that may impact the
             652      subdivision or interlocal agency directly or indirectly;
             653          (c) current taxes being paid by the subdivision's or interlocal agency's residents;
             654          (d) the borrowing capacity of the subdivision or interlocal agency, including:
             655          (i) its ability and willingness to sell bonds or other securities in the open market; and
             656          (ii) its current and authorized indebtedness;
             657          (e) all possible additional sources of state and local revenue, including utility user
             658      charges;
             659          (f) the availability of federal assistance funds;
             660          (g) probable growth of population due to actual or prospective natural resource
             661      development in an area;
             662          (h) existing public facilities and services;
             663          (i) the extent of the expected direct or indirect impact upon public facilities and
             664      services of the actual or prospective natural resource development in an area; and
             665          (j) the extent of industry participation in an impact alleviation plan, either as specified
             666      in Title 63M, Chapter 5, Resource Development Act, or otherwise.
             667          (3) The impact board may not fund an education project that could otherwise have
             668      reasonably been funded by a school district through a program of annual budgeting, capital
             669      budgeting, bonded indebtedness, or special assessments.
             670          (4) The impact board may restructure all or part of the agency's or subdivision's
             671      liability to repay loans for extenuating circumstances.
             672          (5) The impact board shall:
             673          (a) review the proposed uses of the impact fund for loans or grants before approving
             674      them and may condition its approval on whatever assurances the impact board considers
             675      necessary to ensure that proceeds of the loan or grant will be used in accordance with the
             676      Leasing Act and this part; and
             677          (b) ensure that each loan specifies the terms for repayment and is evidenced by general
             678      obligation, special assessment, or revenue bonds, notes, or other obligations of the appropriate

             679      subdivision or interlocal agency issued to the impact board under whatever authority for the
             680      issuance of those bonds, notes, or obligations exists at the time of the loan.
             681          (6) The impact board shall allocate from the impact fund to the department those funds
             682      that are appropriated by the Legislature for the administration of the impact fund, but this
             683      amount may not exceed 2% of the annual receipts to the impact fund.
             684          (7) The department shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the
             685      Legislature concerning] include in the annual written report described in Section 35A-1-109 ,
             686      the number and type of loans and grants made as well as a list of subdivisions and interlocal
             687      agencies that received this assistance.
             688          Section 15. Section 35A-8-508 is amended to read:
             689           35A-8-508. Annual accounting.
             690          (1) The executive director shall monitor the activities of recipients of grants and loans
             691      issued under this part on a yearly basis to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions
             692      imposed on the recipient by the executive director with the approval of the board or by this
             693      part.
             694          (2) An entity that receives a grant or loan under this part shall provide the executive
             695      director with an annual accounting of how the money the entity received from the fund has
             696      been spent.
             697          (3) The executive director shall make an annual report to the board accounting for the
             698      expenditures authorized by the board.
             699          [(4) The board shall submit an annual written report to the Economic Development and
             700      Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1:]
             701          (4) The board shall submit a report to the department for inclusion in the annual
             702      written report described in Section 35A-1-109 :
             703          (a) accounting for expenditures authorized by the board; and
             704          (b) evaluating the effectiveness of the program.
             705          Section 16. Section 35A-8-602 is amended to read:
             706           35A-8-602. Purposes of Homeless Coordinating Committee -- Uses of Pamela
             707      Atkinson Homeless Account.
             708          (1) (a) The Homeless Coordinating Committee shall work to ensure that services
             709      provided to the homeless by state agencies, local governments, and private organizations are

             710      provided in a cost-effective manner.
             711          (b) Programs funded by the committee shall emphasize emergency housing and
             712      self-sufficiency, including placement in meaningful employment or occupational training
             713      activities and, where needed, special services to meet the unique needs of the homeless who:
             714          (i) have families with children;
             715          (ii) have a disability or a mental illness; or
             716          (iii) suffer from other serious challenges to employment and self-sufficiency.
             717          (c) The committee may also fund treatment programs to ameliorate the effects of
             718      substance abuse or a disability.
             719          (2) The committee members designated in Subsection 35A-8-601 (2) shall:
             720          (a) award contracts funded by the Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account with the advice
             721      and input of those designated in Subsection 35A-8-601 (3);
             722          (b) consider need, diversity of geographic location, coordination with or enhancement
             723      of existing services, and the extensive use of volunteers; and
             724          (c) give priority for funding to programs that serve the homeless who have a mental
             725      illness and who are in families with children.
             726          (3) (a) In any fiscal year, no more than 80% of the funds in the Pamela Atkinson
             727      Homeless Account may be allocated to organizations that provide services only in Salt Lake,
             728      Davis, Weber, and Utah Counties.
             729          (b) The committee may:
             730          (i) expend up to 3% of its annual appropriation for administrative costs associated with
             731      the allocation of funds from the Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account, and up to 2% of its
             732      annual appropriation for marketing the account and soliciting donations to the account; and
             733          (ii) pay for the initial costs of the State Tax Commission in implementing Section
             734      59-10-1306 from the account.
             735          (4) (a) The committee may not expend, except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), an
             736      amount equal to the greater of $50,000 or 20% of the amount donated to the Pamela Atkinson
             737      Homeless Account during fiscal year 1988-89.
             738          (b) If there are decreases in contributions to the account, the committee may expend
             739      money held in the account to provide program stability, but the committee shall reimburse the
             740      amount of those expenditures to the account.

             741          (5) The committee shall make an annual report to the [Business, Economic
             742      Development, and Labor Appropriations Subcommittee] department regarding the programs
             743      and services funded by contributions to the Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account for inclusion
             744      in the annual written report described in Section 35A-1-109 .
             745          (6) The state treasurer shall invest the money in the Pamela Atkinson Homeless
             746      Account according to the procedures and requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money
             747      Management Act, except that interest and other earnings derived from the restricted account
             748      shall be deposited in the restricted account.
             749          Section 17. Section 35A-8-721 is amended to read:
             750           35A-8-721. Annual report to governor and Legislature -- Contents -- Audits.
             751          (1) (a) The corporation shall, following the close of each fiscal year, submit, before
             752      November 1, an annual written report of its activities for the preceding year to the governor and
             753      the Legislature.
             754          (b) Each report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement of the
             755      corporation during the fiscal year it covers.
             756          (c) At least once each year, an independent certified public accountant shall audit the
             757      books and accounts of the corporation.
             758          (d) A complete copy of each annual audit report shall be:
             759          (i) included in the report to the governor and the Legislature under Subsection (2); and
             760          (ii) available for public inspection at the corporation's office.
             761          (2) The corporation shall, each fiscal year, submit a budget of its operations to the
             762      Legislature and the governor.
             763          (3) (a) The corporation shall form an audit committee consisting of no less than three
             764      trustees.
             765          (b) The audit committee has exclusive authority to:
             766          (i) select and engage the independent certified public accountant to audit the
             767      corporation; and
             768          (ii) supervise the audit.
             769          (4) The corporation shall provide additional information upon request by the governor,
             770      the Legislature, a legislative committee, the legislative auditor general, or the state auditor.
             771          (5) The reporting described in this section shall be included in the department's annual

             772      written report described in Section 35A-1-109 .
             773          Section 18. Section 35A-8-804 is amended to read:
             774           35A-8-804. Technical assistance to political subdivisions for housing plan.
             775          (1) Within appropriations from the Legislature, the division shall establish a program
             776      to assist municipalities to meet the requirements of Section 10-9a-408 and counties to meet the
             777      requirements of Section 17-27a-408 .
             778          (2) Assistance under this section may include:
             779          (a) financial assistance for the cost of developing a plan for low and moderate income
             780      housing;
             781          (b) information on how to meet present and prospective needs for low and moderate
             782      income housing; and
             783          (c) technical advice and consultation on how to facilitate the creation of low and
             784      moderate income housing.
             785          (3) The division shall submit an annual [written report to the Economic Development
             786      and Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1] report to the department
             787      regarding the scope, amount, and type of assistance provided to municipalities and counties
             788      under this section, including the number of low and moderate income housing units constructed
             789      or rehabilitated within the state, for inclusion in the department's annual written report
             790      described in Section 35A-1-109 .
             791          Section 19. Section 35A-8-1203 is amended to read:
             792           35A-8-1203. Annual accounting.
             793          (1) The director shall monitor the activities of recipients of the loans and loan
             794      guarantees issued under this part on a yearly basis to ensure compliance with the terms and
             795      conditions imposed on the recipient by the director under this part.
             796          (2) An entity receiving a loan or loan guarantee under this part shall provide the
             797      director with an annual accounting of how the money it received from the fund was spent.
             798          (3) The director shall [submit an annual written report to the Economic Development
             799      and Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1] provide the following
             800      information to the department for inclusion in the department's annual written report described
             801      in Section 35A-1-109 :
             802          (a) an accounting [for] of expenditures made from the fund; and

             803          (b) [evaluating] an evaluation of the effectiveness of the loan and loan guarantee
             804      program.
             805          Section 20. Section 35A-8-1607 is amended to read:
             806           35A-8-1607. Division to distribute money -- Annual report -- Administration
             807      costs.
             808          (1) The division shall distribute loan and grant money if the loan or grant is approved
             809      by the board.
             810          (2) The division shall [submit an annual written report, before November 1,] provide
             811      an annual report to the department concerning the number and type of loans and grants made as
             812      well as a list of recipients of this assistance [to:] for inclusion in the department's annual
             813      written report described in Section 35A-1-109 .
             814          [(a) the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee, created in Section 36-22-1 ;
             815      and]
             816          [(b) the governor.]
             817          (3) The division, with board approval, may use fund money for the administration of
             818      the fund, but this amount may not exceed 2% of the annual receipts to the fund.
             819          Section 21. Section 35A-8-1708 is amended to read:
             820           35A-8-1708. Annual report.
             821          The division shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the Native
             822      American Legislative Liaison Committee and the governor] provide an annual report to the
             823      department concerning the number and type of loans and grants made as well as a list of
             824      recipients of this assistance for inclusion in the department's annual written report described in
             825      Section 35A-1-109 .
             826          Section 22. Section 35A-9-201 is amended to read:
             827           35A-9-201. Intergenerational poverty tracking system -- Data -- Analysis --
             828      Annual report.
             829          (1) The department shall establish and maintain a system to track intergenerational
             830      poverty.
             831          (2) The system shall:
             832          (a) identify groups that have a high risk of experiencing intergenerational poverty;
             833          (b) identify incidents, patterns, and trends that explain or contribute to

             834      intergenerational poverty;
             835          (c) assist case workers, social scientists, and government officials in the study and
             836      development of effective and efficient plans and programs to help individuals and families in
             837      the state to break the cycle of poverty; and
             838          (d) gather and track available local, state, and national data on:
             839          (i) official poverty rates;
             840          (ii) child poverty rates;
             841          (iii) years spent by individuals in childhood poverty;
             842          (iv) years spent by individuals in adult poverty; and
             843          (v) related poverty information.
             844          (3) The department shall:
             845          (a) use available data in the tracking system, including public assistance data, census
             846      data, and other data made available to the department;
             847          (b) develop and implement methods to integrate, compare, analyze, and validate the
             848      data for the purposes described in Subsection (2);
             849          (c) protect the privacy of individuals living in poverty by using and distributing data
             850      within the tracking system in compliance with:
             851          (i) federal requirements; and
             852          (ii) the provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             853      Management Act; and
             854          (d) [submit, before November 1, an annual written] include in the annual written report
             855      described in Section 35A-1-109 , a report on the data, findings, and potential uses of the
             856      tracking system [to:].
             857          [(i) the governor;]
             858          [(ii) the Legislative Management Committee; and]
             859          [(iii) the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee.]
             860          Section 23. Section 35A-9-305 is amended to read:
             861           35A-9-305. Annual report by the commission.
             862          (1) The commission shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to:]
             863      provide a report to the department for inclusion in the department's annual written report
             864      described in Section 35A-1-109 .

             865          [(a) the governor;]
             866          [(b) the Legislative Management Committee;]
             867          [(c) the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee;]
             868          [(d) the Education Interim Committee;]
             869          [(e) the Health and Human Services Interim Committee;]
             870          [(f) the Judiciary Interim Committee; and]
             871          [(g) the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee.]
             872          (2) The report [described in Subsection (1)] shall:
             873          (a) include the five and 10-year plans described in Subsection 35A-9-303 (2)(e);
             874          (b) describe how the commission fulfilled its statutory purposes and duties during the
             875      year;
             876          (c) describe policies, procedures, and programs that have been implemented or
             877      modified to help break the cycle of poverty and end welfare dependency for children in the
             878      state affected by intergenerational poverty; and
             879          (d) contain recommendations on how the state should act to address issues relating to
             880      breaking the cycle of poverty and ending welfare dependency for children in the state affected
             881      by intergenerational poverty.
             882          Section 24. Section 63I-4a-203 is amended to read:
             883           63I-4a-203. Free Market Protection and Privatization Board -- Duties.
             884          (1) The board shall:
             885          (a) determine whether an activity provided by an agency could be privatized to provide
             886      the same types and quality of a good or service that would result in cost savings;
             887          (b) review privatization of an activity at the request of:
             888          (i) an agency; or
             889          (ii) a private enterprise;
             890          (c) review issues concerning agency competition with one or more private enterprises
             891      to determine:
             892          (i) whether privatization:
             893          (A) would be feasible;
             894          (B) would result in cost savings; and
             895          (C) would result in equal or better quality of a good or service; and

             896          (ii) ways to eliminate any unfair competition with a private enterprise;
             897          (d) recommend privatization to an agency if a proposed privatization is demonstrated
             898      to provide a more cost efficient and effective manner of providing a good or service, taking
             899      into account:
             900          (i) the scope of providing the good or service;
             901          (ii) whether cost savings will be realized;
             902          (iii) whether quality will be improved;
             903          (iv) the impact on risk management;
             904          (v) the impact on timeliness;
             905          (vi) the ability to accommodate fluctuating demand;
             906          (vii) the ability to access outside expertise;
             907          (viii) the impact on oversight;
             908          (ix) the ability to develop sound policy and implement best practices; and
             909          (x) legal and practical impediments to privatization;
             910          (e) comply with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, in making
             911      rules establishing privatization standards, procedures, and requirements;
             912          (f) in fulfilling the duties described in this Subsection (1), consult with, maintain
             913      communication with, and access information from:
             914          (i) other entities promoting privatization; and
             915          (ii) managers and employees in the public sector;
             916          (g) comply with Part 3, Commercial Activities Inventory and Review; and
             917          (h) (i) prepare an annual report for each calendar year that contains:
             918          (A) information about the board's activities;
             919          (B) recommendations on privatizing an activity provided by an agency; and
             920          (C) the status of the inventory created under Part 3, Commercial Activities Inventory
             921      and Review;
             922          (ii) submit the annual report to the Legislature and the governor by no later than
             923      January 15 immediately following the calendar year for which the report is made; and
             924          (iii) [each interim, provide an oral] submit, before November 1, an annual written
             925      report to the Government Operations Interim Committee [and the Economic Development and
             926      Workforce Services Interim Committee].

             927          (2) The board may, using the criteria described in Subsection (1), consider whether to
             928      recommend privatization of an activity provided by an agency, a county, or a special district:
             929          (a) on the board's own initiative;
             930          (b) upon request by an agency, a county, or a special district;
             931          (c) in response to a complaint that an agency, a county, or a special district is engaging
             932      in unfair competition with a private enterprise; or
             933          (d) in light of a proposal made by any person, regardless of whether the proposal was
             934      solicited.
             935          (3) In addition to filing a copy of recommendations for privatization with an agency
             936      head, the board shall file a copy of its recommendations for privatization with:
             937          (a) the governor's office; and
             938          (b) the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst for submission to the relevant legislative
             939      appropriation subcommittee.
             940          (4) (a) The board may appoint advisory groups to conduct studies, research, or
             941      analyses, and make reports and recommendations with respect to a matter within the
             942      jurisdiction of the board.
             943          (b) At least one member of the board shall serve on each advisory group.
             944          (5) (a) Subject to Subsection (5)(b), this chapter does not preclude an agency from
             945      privatizing the provision of a good or service independent of the board.
             946          (b) If an agency privatizes the provision of a good or service, the agency shall include
             947      as part of the contract that privatizes the provision of the good or service that any contractor
             948      assumes all liability to provide the good or service.
             949          Section 25. Section 63M-1-201 is amended to read:
             950           63M-1-201. Creation of office.
             951          (1) There is created the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
             952          (2) The office shall:
             953          (a) be responsible for economic development within the state;
             954          (b) perform economic development planning for the state;
             955          (c) administer and coordinate all state or federal grant programs which are, or become
             956      available, for economic development;
             957          (d) administer any other programs over which the office is given administrative

             958      supervision by the governor;
             959          (e) submit[, before November 1,] an annual written report [to the Legislature] as
             960      described in Section 63M-1-206 ; and
             961          (f) perform any other duties as provided by the Legislature.
             962          (3) The office may solicit and accept contributions of money, services, and facilities
             963      from any other source, public or private, but may not use the money for publicizing the
             964      exclusive interest of the donor.
             965          (4) Money received under Subsection (3) shall be deposited in the General Fund as
             966      dedicated credits of the office.
             967          (5) (a) The office is recognized as an issuing authority as defined in Subsection
             968      63M-1-3002 (7), entitled to issue bonds from the Small Issue Bond Account created in
             969      Subsection 63M-1-3006 (1)(c) as a part of the state's private activity bond volume cap
             970      authorized by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and computed under Section 146 of the code.
             971          (b) To promote and encourage the issuance of bonds from the Small Issue Bond
             972      Account for manufacturing projects, the office may:
             973          (i) develop campaigns and materials that inform qualified small manufacturing
             974      businesses about the existence of the program and the application process;
             975          (ii) assist small businesses in applying for and qualifying for these bonds; or
             976          (iii) develop strategies to lower the cost to small businesses of applying for and
             977      qualifying for these bonds, including making arrangements with financial advisors,
             978      underwriters, bond counsel, and other professionals involved in the issuance process to provide
             979      their services at a reduced rate when the division can provide them with a high volume of
             980      applicants or issues.
             981          Section 26. Section 63M-1-206 is enacted to read:
             982          63M-1-206. Annual report -- Content -- Format.
             983          (1) The office shall prepare and submit to the governor and the Legislature, by October
             984      1 of each year, an annual written report of the operations, activities, programs, and services of
             985      the office, including the divisions, sections, boards, commissions, councils, and committees
             986      established under this chapter, for the preceding fiscal year.
             987          (2) For each operation, activity, program, or service provided by the office, the annual
             988      report shall include:

             989          (a) a description of the operation, activity, program, or service;
             990          (b) data selected and used by the office to measure progress, performance, and scope of
             991      the operation, activity, program, or service, including summary data;
             992          (c) budget data, including the amount and source of funding, expenses, and allocation
             993      of full-time employees for the operation, activity, program, or service;
             994          (d) historical data from previous years for comparison with data reported under
             995      Subsections (2)(b) and (c);
             996          (e) goals, challenges, and achievements related to the operation, activity, program, or
             997      service;
             998          (f) relevant federal and state statutory references and requirements;
             999          (g) contact information of officials knowledgeable and responsible for each operation,
             1000      activity, program, or service; and
             1001          (h) other information determined by the office that:
             1002          (i) may be needed, useful, or of historical significance; or
             1003          (ii) promotes accountability and transparency for each operation, activity, program, or
             1004      service with the public and elected officials.
             1005          (3) The annual report shall be designed to provide clear, accurate, and accessible
             1006      information to the public, the governor, and the Legislature.
             1007          (4) The office shall:
             1008          (a) submit the annual report in accordance with Section 68-3-14 ; and
             1009          (b) make the annual report, and previous annual reports, accessible to the public by
             1010      placing a link to the reports on the office's website.
             1011          Section 27. Section 63M-1-403 is amended to read:
             1012           63M-1-403. Powers of the office.
             1013          The office shall:
             1014          (1) monitor the implementation and operation of this part and conduct a continuing
             1015      evaluation of the progress made in the enterprise zones;
             1016          (2) evaluate an application for designation as an enterprise zone from a county
             1017      applicant or a municipal applicant and determine if the applicant qualifies for that designation;
             1018          (3) provide technical assistance to county applicants and municipal applicants in
             1019      developing applications for designation as enterprise zones;

             1020          (4) assist county applicants and municipal applicants designated as enterprise zones in
             1021      obtaining assistance from the federal government and agencies of the state;
             1022          (5) assist a qualified business entity in obtaining the benefits of an incentive or
             1023      inducement program authorized by this part; and
             1024          (6) as part of the annual written report described in Section 63M-1-206 , prepare an
             1025      annual evaluation based, in part, on data provided by the State Tax Commission that[: (a)]
             1026      evaluates the effectiveness of the program and any suggestions for legislation[; and].
             1027          [(b) is available upon request to the governor and to the Revenue and Taxation Interim
             1028      Committee of the Legislature before November 1 of each year.]
             1029          Section 28. Section 63M-1-605 is amended to read:
             1030           63M-1-605. Duties and powers.
             1031          (1) The council shall:
             1032          (a) encourage the use of science and technology in the administration of state and local
             1033      government;
             1034          (b) develop programs whereby state agencies and the several public and private
             1035      institutions of higher education and technical colleges within the state may assist business and
             1036      industry in the utilization of science and technology;
             1037          (c) further communication between agencies of federal, state, and local government
             1038      who wish to utilize science and technology;
             1039          (d) develop programs of cooperation on matters of science and technology between:
             1040          (i) state and local government agencies;
             1041          (ii) the several public and private institutions of higher education and technical
             1042      colleges within the state; and
             1043          (iii) business and industry within the state; or
             1044          (iv) any combination of these;
             1045          (e) provide a means whereby government, business, industry, and higher education
             1046      may be represented in the formulation and implementation of state policies and programs on
             1047      matters of science and technology;
             1048          (f) review, catalog, and compile the research and development uses by the state
             1049      universities of the revenue derived from mineral lease funds on state and federal lands;
             1050          (g) [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the Legislature on] submit

             1051      an annual report to the office regarding the expenditure and utilization of these mineral lease
             1052      funds for inclusion in the office's annual written report described in Section 63M-1-206 ;
             1053          (h) make recommendations to the Legislature on the further uses of these mineral lease
             1054      funds in order to stimulate research and development directed toward the more effective
             1055      utilization of the state's natural resources; and
             1056          (i) prepare and submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the governor
             1057      and the Legislature.
             1058          (2) The council may:
             1059          (a) in accordance with Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, apply for,
             1060      receive, and disburse funds, contributions, or grants from whatever source for the purposes set
             1061      forth in this part;
             1062          (b) employ, compensate, and prescribe the duties and powers of those individuals,
             1063      subject to the provisions of this part relating to the adviser, necessary to execute the duties and
             1064      powers of the council; and
             1065          (c) enter into contracts for the purposes of this part.
             1066          Section 29. Section 63M-1-704 is amended to read:
             1067           63M-1-704. Administration -- Grants and loans.
             1068          (1) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall administer this part.
             1069          (2) (a) (i) The office may award Technology Commercialization and Innovation
             1070      Program grants or issue loans to the various colleges, universities, and licensees in the state for
             1071      the purposes of this part.
             1072          (ii) If loans are issued under Subsection (2)(a)(i), the Division of Finance may set up a
             1073      fund or account as necessary for the proper accounting of the loans.
             1074          (b) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall develop a process to
             1075      determine whether a college or university that receives a grant under this part must return the
             1076      grant proceeds or a portion of the grant proceeds if the technology that is developed with the
             1077      grant proceeds is licensed to a licensee that:
             1078          (i) does not maintain a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
             1079      licensee or a sublicensee exploits the technology; or
             1080          (ii) initially maintains a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
             1081      licensee or a sublicensee exploits the technology, but within five years after issuance of the

             1082      license the licensee or sublicensee transfers the manufacturing or service location for the
             1083      technology to a location out of the state.
             1084          (c) A repayment by a college or university of grant proceeds or a portion of the grant
             1085      proceeds shall come only from the proceeds of the license established between the licensee and
             1086      the college or university.
             1087          (d) (i) A licensee that receives a grant under this part shall return the grant proceeds or
             1088      a portion of the grant proceeds to the office if the licensee:
             1089          (A) does not maintain a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
             1090      licensee exploits the technology; or
             1091          (B) initially maintains a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
             1092      licensee exploits the technology, but within five years after issuance of the grant the licensee
             1093      transfers the manufacturing or service location for the technology to an out of state location.
             1094          (ii) A repayment by a licensee that receives a grant shall come only from the proceeds
             1095      of the license to that licensee.
             1096          (iii) A repayment by a licensee shall be prorated based only on the number of full years
             1097      the licensee operated in the state from the date of the awarded grant.
             1098          (3) (a) Funding allocations shall be made by the office with the advice of the State
             1099      Advisory Council for Science and Technology and the board.
             1100          (b) Each proposal shall receive the best available outside review.
             1101          (4) (a) In considering each proposal, the office shall weigh technical merit, the level of
             1102      matching funds from private and federal sources, and the potential for job creation and
             1103      economic development.
             1104          (b) Proposals or consortia that combine and coordinate related research at two or more
             1105      colleges and universities shall be encouraged.
             1106          (5) The State Advisory Council on Science and Technology shall review the activities
             1107      and progress of grant recipients on a regular basis and assist the office in [preparing an annual
             1108      report on] including as part of the office's annual written report described in Section
             1109      63M-1-206 , the accomplishments and direction of the Technology Commercialization and
             1110      Innovation Program.
             1111          Section 30. Section 63M-1-904 is amended to read:
             1112           63M-1-904. Rural Fast Track Program -- Creation -- Funding -- Qualifications

             1113      for program participation -- Awards -- Reports.
             1114          (1) (a) There is created the Rural Fast Track Program.
             1115          (b) The program is a funded component of the economically disadvantaged rural areas
             1116      designation in Subsection 63M-1-903 (1)(a).
             1117          (2) The purpose of the program is to provide an efficient way for small companies in
             1118      rural areas of the state to receive incentives for creating high paying jobs in those areas of the
             1119      state.
             1120          (3) (a) Twenty percent of the unencumbered amount in the Industrial Assistance
             1121      Account created in Subsection 63M-1-903 (1) at the beginning of each fiscal year shall be used
             1122      to fund the program.
             1123          (b) The 20% referred to in Subsection (3)(a) is not in addition to but is a part of the up
             1124      to 50% designation for economically disadvantaged rural areas referred to in Subsection
             1125      63M-1-903 (1)(a).
             1126          (c) If any of the 20% allocation referred to in Subsection (3)(a) has not been used in the
             1127      program by the end of the third quarter of each fiscal year, that money may be used for any
             1128      other loan, grant, or assistance program offered through the Industrial Assistance Account
             1129      during the fiscal year.
             1130          (4) (a) To qualify for participation in the program a company shall:
             1131          (i) complete and file with the office an application for participation in the program,
             1132      signed by an officer of the company;
             1133          (ii) be located and conduct its business operations in a county in the state that has:
             1134          (A) a population of less than 30,000; and
             1135          (B) an average household income of less than $60,000 as reflected in the most recently
             1136      available data collected and reported by the United States Census Bureau;
             1137          (iii) have been in business in the state for at least two years; and
             1138          (iv) have at least two employees.
             1139          (b) (i) The office shall verify an applicant's qualifications under Subsection (4)(a).
             1140          (ii) The application must be approved by the administrator in order for a company to
             1141      receive an incentive or other assistance under this section.
             1142          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             1143      administrator may make rules governing:

             1144          (i) the content of the application form referred to in Subsection (4)(a)(i);
             1145          (ii) who qualifies as an employee under Subsection (4)(a)(iv); and
             1146          (iii) the verification procedure referred to in Subsection (4)(b).
             1147          (5) (a) The administrator shall make incentive cash awards to small companies under
             1148      this section based on the following criteria:
             1149          (i) $1,000 for each new incremental job that pays over 110% of the county's average
             1150      annual wage;
             1151          (ii) $1,250 for each incremental job that pays over 115% of the county's average annual
             1152      wage; and
             1153          (iii) $1,500 for each incremental job that pays over 125% of the county's average
             1154      annual wage.
             1155          (b) The administrator shall make a cash award under Subsection (5)(a) when a new
             1156      incremental job has been in place for at least 12 months.
             1157          (c) The creation of a new incremental job by a company is based on the number of
             1158      employees at the company during the previous 24 months.
             1159          (d) (i) A small company may also apply for grants, loans, or other financial assistance
             1160      under the program to help develop its business in rural Utah and may receive up to $50,000
             1161      under the program if approved by the administrator.
             1162          (ii) The board must approve a distribution that exceeds the $50,000 cap under
             1163      Subsection (5)(d)(i).
             1164          (6) The administrator shall make a quarterly report to the board of the awards made by
             1165      the administrator under this section and [submit an annual written report to the Economic
             1166      Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1] submit a report
             1167      to the office on the awards and their impact on economic development in the state's rural areas
             1168      for inclusion in the office's annual written report described in Section 63M-1-206 .
             1169          Section 31. Section 63M-1-1103 is amended to read:
             1170           63M-1-1103. Duties of the office.
             1171          The office shall:
             1172          (1) facilitate recycling development zones through state support of county incentives
             1173      which encourage development of manufacturing enterprises that use recycling materials
             1174      currently collected;

             1175          (2) evaluate an application from a county or municipality executive authority to be
             1176      designated as a recycling market development zone and determine if the county or municipality
             1177      qualifies for that designation;
             1178          (3) provide technical assistance to municipalities and counties in developing
             1179      applications for designation as a recycling market development zone;
             1180          (4) assist counties and municipalities designated as recycling market development
             1181      zones in obtaining assistance from the federal government and agencies of the state;
             1182          (5) assist a qualified business in obtaining the benefits of an incentive or inducement
             1183      program authorized by this part;
             1184          (6) monitor the implementation and operation of this part and conduct a continuing
             1185      evaluation of the progress made in the recycling market development zone; and
             1186          (7) [submit an annual written report evaluating] include in the annual written report
             1187      described in Section 63M-1-206 , an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program and
             1188      [providing] recommendations for legislation [to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and
             1189      Environment Interim Committee before November 1].
             1190          Section 32. Section 63M-1-1206 is amended to read:
             1191           63M-1-1206. Board duties and powers.
             1192          (1) The board shall:
             1193          (a) establish criteria and procedures for the allocation and issuance of contingent tax
             1194      credits to designated investors by means of certificates issued by the board, provided that a
             1195      contingent tax credit may not be issued unless the Utah fund of funds:
             1196          (i) first agrees to treat the amount of the tax credit redeemed by the state as a loan from
             1197      the state to the Utah fund of funds; and
             1198          (ii) agrees to repay the loan upon terms and conditions established by the board;
             1199          (b) establish criteria and procedures for assessing the likelihood of future certificate
             1200      redemptions by designated investors, including:
             1201          (i) criteria and procedures for evaluating the value of investments made by the Utah
             1202      fund of funds; and
             1203          (ii) the returns from the Utah fund of funds;
             1204          (c) establish criteria and procedures for registering and redeeming contingent tax
             1205      credits by designated investors holding certificates issued by the board;

             1206          (d) establish a target rate of return or range of returns on venture capital investments of
             1207      the Utah fund of funds;
             1208          (e) establish criteria and procedures governing commitments obtained by the board
             1209      from designated purchasers including:
             1210          (i) entering into commitments with designated purchasers; and
             1211          (ii) drawing on commitments to redeem certificates from designated investors;
             1212          (f) have power to:
             1213          (i) expend funds;
             1214          (ii) invest funds;
             1215          (iii) issue debt and borrow funds;
             1216          (iv) enter into contracts;
             1217          (v) insure against loss; and
             1218          (vi) perform any other act necessary to carry out its purpose; and
             1219          (g) make, amend, and repeal rules for the conduct of its affairs, consistent with this part
             1220      and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             1221          (2) (a) All rules made by the board under Subsection (1)(g) are subject to review by the
             1222      Legislative Management Committee:
             1223          (i) whenever made, modified, or repealed; and
             1224          (ii) in each even-numbered year.
             1225          (b) Subsection (2)(a) does not preclude the legislative Administrative Rules Review
             1226      Committee from reviewing and taking appropriate action on any rule made, amended, or
             1227      repealed by the board.
             1228          (3) (a) The criteria and procedures established by the board for the allocation and
             1229      issuance of contingent tax credits shall:
             1230          (i) include the contingencies that must be met for a certificate and its related tax credits
             1231      to be:
             1232          (A) issued by the board;
             1233          (B) transferred by a designated investor; and
             1234          (C) redeemed by a designated investor in order to receive a contingent tax credit; and
             1235          (ii) tie the contingencies for redemption of certificates to:
             1236          (A) the targeted rates of return and scheduled redemptions of equity interests purchased

             1237      by designated investors in the Utah fund of funds; and
             1238          (B) the scheduled principal and interest payments payable to designated investors that
             1239      have made loans or other debt obligations to the Utah fund of funds.
             1240          (b) The board may not issue contingent tax credits under this part prior to July 1, 2004.
             1241          (4) (a) The board may charge a placement fee to the Utah fund of funds for the
             1242      issuance of a certificate and related contingent tax credit to a designated investor.
             1243          (b) The fee shall:
             1244          (i) be charged only to pay for reasonable and necessary costs of the board; and
             1245          (ii) not exceed .5% of the private investment of the designated investor.
             1246          (5) The board's criteria and procedures for redeeming certificates:
             1247          (a) shall give priority to the redemption amount from the available funds in the
             1248      redemption reserve; and
             1249          (b) to the extent there are insufficient funds in the redemption reserve to redeem
             1250      certificates, shall grant the board the option to redeem certificates:
             1251          (i) by certifying a contingent tax credit to the designated investor; or
             1252          (ii) by making demand on designated purchasers consistent with the requirements of
             1253      Section 63M-1-1221 .
             1254          (6) (a) The board shall, in consultation with the corporation, publish an annual report
             1255      of the activities conducted by the Utah fund of funds, and [submit the report to the governor
             1256      and the Business, Economic Development, and Labor Appropriations Subcommittee] the
             1257      executive director shall include the report in the office's annual written report described in
             1258      Section 63M-1-206 .
             1259          (b) The annual report shall:
             1260          (i) include a copy of the audit of the Utah fund of funds and a valuation of the assets of
             1261      the Utah fund of funds;
             1262          (ii) review the progress of the investment fund allocation manager in implementing its
             1263      investment plan; and
             1264          (iii) describe any redemption or transfer of a certificate issued under this part.
             1265          (c) The annual report may not identify any specific designated investor who has
             1266      redeemed or transferred a certificate.
             1267          (d) (i) Beginning July 1, 2006, and thereafter every two years, the board shall publish a

             1268      progress report which shall evaluate the progress of the state in accomplishing the purposes
             1269      stated in Section 63M-1-1202 .
             1270          [(ii) The board shall give a copy of the report to the Legislature.]
             1271          (ii) The executive director shall include the progress report in the office's annual
             1272      written report described in Section 63M-1-206 .
             1273          Section 33. Section 63M-1-1304 is amended to read:
             1274           63M-1-1304. Council powers and duties.
             1275          (1) The council shall:
             1276          (a) coordinate and advise on policies and objectives related to economic development
             1277      and growth within the state;
             1278          (b) coordinate with state and private entities, including private venture capital and seed
             1279      capital firms, to avoid duplication of programs and to increase the availability of venture and
             1280      seed capital for research and for the development and growth of new and existing businesses in
             1281      the state;
             1282          (c) focus on technologies, industries, and geographical areas of the state in which the
             1283      state can expand investment and entrepreneurship and stimulate job growth;
             1284          (d) coordinate ideas and strategies to increase national and international business
             1285      activities for both the urban and rural areas of the state; and
             1286          (e) plan, coordinate, advise, or recommend any other action that would better the state's
             1287      economy.
             1288          (2) The council shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report of its
             1289      activities to the governor and the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim
             1290      Committee] annually report its activities to the office for inclusion in the office's annual written
             1291      report described in Section 63M-1-206 .
             1292          Section 34. Section 63M-1-1404 is amended to read:
             1293           63M-1-1404. Powers and duties of office related to tourism development plan --
             1294      Annual report and survey.
             1295          (1) The office shall:
             1296          (a) be the tourism development authority of the state;
             1297          (b) develop a tourism advertising, marketing, and branding program for the state;
             1298          (c) receive approval from the Board of Tourism Development under Subsection

             1299      63M-1-1403 (1)(a) before implementing the out-of-state advertising, marketing, and branding
             1300      campaign;
             1301          (d) develop a plan to increase the economic contribution by tourists visiting the state;
             1302          (e) plan and conduct a program of information, advertising, and publicity relating to the
             1303      recreational, scenic, historic, and tourist advantages and attractions of the state at large; and
             1304          (f) encourage and assist in the coordination of the activities of persons, firms,
             1305      associations, corporations, travel regions, counties, and governmental agencies engaged in
             1306      publicizing, developing, and promoting the scenic attractions and tourist advantages of the
             1307      state.
             1308          (2) Any plan provided for under Subsection (1) shall address, but not be limited to,
             1309      enhancing the state's image, promoting Utah as a year-round destination, encouraging
             1310      expenditures by visitors to the state, and expanding the markets where the state is promoted.
             1311          (3) The office shall:
             1312          (a) conduct a regular and ongoing research program to identify statewide economic
             1313      trends and conditions in the tourism sector of the economy; and
             1314          (b) [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the Economic
             1315      Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee and the Business, Economic
             1316      Development, and Labor Appropriations Subcommittee] include in the annual written report
             1317      described in Section 63M-1-206 , a report on the economic efficiency of the advertising and
             1318      branding campaigns conducted under this part.
             1319          Section 35. Section 63M-1-1606 is amended to read:
             1320           63M-1-1606. Annual report.
             1321          The office shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written] include in the annual
             1322      written report described in Section 63M-1-206 , a report of the program's operations and
             1323      recommendations [to:].
             1324          [(1) the governor;]
             1325          [(2) the Rural Development Legislative Liaison Committee created in Section
             1326      36-25-102 ; and]
             1327          [(3) the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee.]
             1328          Section 36. Section 63M-1-1805 is amended to read:
             1329           63M-1-1805. Annual report.

             1330          The office shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the Economic
             1331      Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee describing] include the following
             1332      information in the annual written report described in Section 63M-1-206 :
             1333          (1) the office's success in attracting within-the-state production of television series,
             1334      made-for-television movies, and motion pictures, including feature films and independent
             1335      films;
             1336          (2) the amount of incentive commitments made by the office under this part and the
             1337      period of time over which the incentives will be paid; and
             1338          (3) the economic impact on the state related to:
             1339          (a) dollars left in the state; and
             1340          (b) providing motion picture incentives under this part.
             1341          Section 37. Section 63M-1-1901 is amended to read:
             1342           63M-1-1901. Military installation projects for economic development -- Funding
             1343      -- Criteria -- Dispersal -- Report.
             1344          (1) The Legislature recognizes that significant growth in the state's economy can be
             1345      achieved by state and local support of the continuing expansion and development of federal
             1346      military installations throughout the state.
             1347          (2) The office, through its director, may receive and distribute legislative
             1348      appropriations and public and private grants and donations for military installation projects
             1349      that:
             1350          (a) have a strong probability of increasing the growth and development of a military
             1351      facility within the state, thereby providing significant economic benefits to the state;
             1352          (b) will provide a significant number of new jobs within the state that should remain
             1353      within the state for a period of several years; and
             1354          (c) involve a partnership between the military and private industry or local government
             1355      or the military and private industry and local government.
             1356          (3) (a) The director may distribute money under this section to:
             1357          (i) a regional or statewide nonprofit economic development organization; or
             1358          (ii) a federal military partnership that has the mission of promoting the economic
             1359      growth of a military installation.
             1360          (b) The director shall make a distribution under this section upon:

             1361          (i) receipt of an application on a form prescribed by the office that lists:
             1362          (A) the particulars of the proposed use of the money requested, such as needed
             1363      equipment purchases and anticipated training costs;
             1364          (B) the estimated number of new jobs that will be created by the proposed project;
             1365          (C) pending contracts related to the project that are to be finalized from funding
             1366      anticipated under this section; and
             1367          (D) a projected date on which the applicant shall provide the director with a report on
             1368      the implementation and performance of the project, including the creation of new jobs; and
             1369          (ii) a determination by the director that the project satisfies the requirements listed in
             1370      Subsection (2).
             1371          (c) (i) The office shall monitor the activities of a recipient of money under this section
             1372      to ensure that there is compliance with the terms and conditions imposed on the recipient under
             1373      this part.
             1374          (ii) The office shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the
             1375      Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee and the Business,
             1376      Economic Development, and Labor Appropriations Subcommittee] include in the annual
             1377      written report described in Section 63M-1-206 , a report regarding the use and impact of the
             1378      money distributed under this section.
             1379          Section 38. Section 63M-1-2006 is amended to read:
             1380           63M-1-2006. Report on amount of grants and loans, projects, and outstanding
             1381      debt.
             1382          The board shall [submit an annual written report to the Economic Development and
             1383      Workforce Services Interim Committee before November 1 on] annually provide the following
             1384      information to the office for inclusion in the office's annual written report described in Section
             1385      63M-1-206 :
             1386          (1) the total amount of grants and loans the board awarded to eligible counties under
             1387      this part during the fiscal year that ended on the June 30 immediately preceding the November
             1388      interim meeting;
             1389          (2) a description of the projects with respect to which the board awarded a grant or loan
             1390      under this part;
             1391          (3) the total amount of outstanding debt service that is being repaid by a grant or loan

             1392      awarded under this part;
             1393          (4) [on] whether the grants and loans awarded under this part have resulted in
             1394      economic development within project areas; and
             1395          (5) [on] whether the board recommends:
             1396          (a) that the grants and loans authorized by this part should be continued; or
             1397          (b) any modifications to this part[; and].
             1398          [(6) on any other issue relating to this part as determined by the Economic
             1399      Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee.]
             1400          Section 39. Section 63M-1-2406 is amended to read:
             1401           63M-1-2406. Reports -- Posting monthly and annual reports -- Audit and study of
             1402      tax credits.
             1403          (1) The office shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the
             1404      Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee describing] include the
             1405      following information in the annual written report described in Section 63M-1-206 :
             1406          (a) the office's success in attracting new commercial projects to development zones
             1407      under this part and the corresponding increase in new incremental jobs;
             1408          (b) the estimated amount of tax credit commitments made by the office and the period
             1409      of time over which tax credits will be paid;
             1410          (c) the economic impact on the state related to generating new state revenues and
             1411      providing tax credits under this part;
             1412          (d) the estimated costs and economic benefits of the tax credit commitments that the
             1413      office made;
             1414          (e) the actual costs and economic benefits of the tax credit commitments that the office
             1415      made; and
             1416          (f) tax credit commitments that the office made, with the associated calculation.
             1417          [(2) The office shall post the annual report under Subsection (1) on its website and on a
             1418      state website.]
             1419          [(3)] (2) The office shall monthly post on its website and on a state website:
             1420          (a) the new tax credit commitments that the office made during the previous month;
             1421      and
             1422          (b) the estimated costs and economic benefits of those tax credit commitments.

             1423          [(4)] (3) (a) On or before November 1, 2014, and every five years after November 1,
             1424      2014, the office shall:
             1425          (i) conduct an audit of the tax credits allowed under Section 63M-1-2405 ;
             1426          (ii) study the tax credits allowed under Section 63M-1-2405 ; and
             1427          (iii) make recommendations concerning whether the tax credits should be continued,
             1428      modified, or repealed.
             1429          (b) An audit under Subsection [(4)] (3)(a)(i) shall include an evaluation of:
             1430          (i) the cost of the tax credits;
             1431          (ii) the purposes and effectiveness of the tax credits; and
             1432          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credits.
             1433          Section 40. Section 63M-1-2504 is amended to read:
             1434           63M-1-2504. Creation of Office of Consumer Health Services -- Duties.
             1435          (1) There is created within the Governor's Office of Economic Development the Office
             1436      of Consumer Health Services.
             1437          (2) The office shall:
             1438          (a) in cooperation with the Insurance Department, the Department of Health, and the
             1439      Department of Workforce Services, and in accordance with the electronic standards developed
             1440      under Sections 31A-22-635 and 63M-1-2506 , create a Health Insurance Exchange that:
             1441          (i) provides information to consumers about private and public health programs for
             1442      which the consumer may qualify;
             1443          (ii) provides a consumer comparison of and enrollment in a health benefit plan posted
             1444      on the Health Insurance Exchange; and
             1445          (iii) includes information and a link to enrollment in premium assistance programs and
             1446      other government assistance programs;
             1447          (b) contract with one or more private vendors for:
             1448          (i) administration of the enrollment process on the Health Insurance Exchange,
             1449      including establishing a mechanism for consumers to compare health benefit plan features on
             1450      the exchange and filter the plans based on consumer preferences;
             1451          (ii) the collection of health insurance premium payments made for a single policy by
             1452      multiple payers, including the policyholder, one or more employers of one or more individuals
             1453      covered by the policy, government programs, and others; and

             1454          (iii) establishing a call center in accordance with Subsection (3);
             1455          (c) assist employers with a free or low cost method for establishing mechanisms for the
             1456      purchase of health insurance by employees using pre-tax dollars;
             1457          (d) establish a list on the Health Insurance Exchange of insurance producers who, in
             1458      accordance with Section 31A-30-209 , are appointed producers for the Health Insurance
             1459      Exchange; and
             1460          (e) [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the Business and Labor
             1461      Interim Committee and the Health System Reform Task Force regarding] include in the annual
             1462      written report described in Section 63M-1-206 , a report on the operations of the Health
             1463      Insurance Exchange required by this chapter.
             1464          (3) A call center established by the office:
             1465          (a) shall provide unbiased answers to questions concerning exchange operations, and
             1466      plan information, to the extent the plan information is posted on the exchange by the insurer;
             1467      and
             1468          (b) may not:
             1469          (i) sell, solicit, or negotiate a health benefit plan on the Health Insurance Exchange;
             1470          (ii) receive producer compensation through the Health Insurance Exchange; and
             1471          (iii) be designated as the default producer for an employer group that enters the Health
             1472      Insurance Exchange without a producer.
             1473          (4) The office:
             1474          (a) may not:
             1475          (i) regulate health insurers, health insurance plans, health insurance producers, or
             1476      health insurance premiums charged in the exchange;
             1477          (ii) adopt administrative rules, except as provided in Section 63M-1-2506 ; or
             1478          (iii) act as an appeals entity for resolving disputes between a health insurer and an
             1479      insured;
             1480          (b) may establish and collect a fee for the cost of the exchange transaction in
             1481      accordance with Section 63J-1-504 for:
             1482          (i) processing an application for a health benefit plan;
             1483          (ii) accepting, processing, and submitting multiple premium payment sources;
             1484          (iii) providing a mechanism for consumers to filter and compare health benefit plans in

             1485      the exchange based on consumer preferences; and
             1486          (iv) funding the call center; and
             1487          (c) shall separately itemize the fee established under Subsection (4)(b) as part of the
             1488      cost displayed for the employer selecting coverage on the exchange.
             1489          Section 41. Section 63M-1-2704 is amended to read:
             1490           63M-1-2704. Establishment and administration of business resource centers --
             1491      Components.
             1492          (1) The Governor's Office of Economic Development, hereafter referred to in this part
             1493      as "the office," shall establish business resource centers in at least four different geographical
             1494      regions of the state where host institutions are located and the host institutions agree to enter
             1495      into a business resource center partnership with the office.
             1496          (2) The office, in partnership with a host institution, shall provide methodology and
             1497      oversight for a business resource center.
             1498          (3) A host institution shall contribute 50% of a business resource center's operating
             1499      costs through cash or in-kind contributions, unless otherwise provided under Subsection
             1500      63M-1-2707 (7).
             1501          (4) The office shall work with the Utah Business Assistance Advisory Board
             1502      established under Section 63M-1-2706 , hereafter referred to in this part as "the board," to
             1503      provide operational oversight and coordination of the business resource centers established
             1504      under this part.
             1505          (5) (a) A business resource center shall work with state agencies in creating methods to
             1506      coordinate functions and measure the impact of the efforts provided by the state agencies and
             1507      the center.
             1508          (b) The host institution, state, local and federal governmental entities,
             1509      quasi-governmental entities, and private entities may:
             1510          (i) participate in the activities offered by or through a business resource center; and
             1511          (ii) provide personnel or other appropriate links to the center.
             1512          (c) (i) Other entities that are not initially involved in the establishment of a business
             1513      resource center and that are capable of providing supportive services to Utah businesses may
             1514      apply to the center to become a provider of services at the center.
             1515          (ii) Entities identified in Subsections (5)(a) and (b) shall provide the board with a

             1516      service plan, to include funding, which would be made available or supplied to cover the
             1517      expenses of their services offered at a business resource center.
             1518          (iii) The board shall review each application made under Subsection (5)(c)(i) and make
             1519      a recommendation for approval by the office as a precondition for providing the service being
             1520      offered.
             1521          (6) A business resource center may:
             1522          (a) partner with the [Governor's Office of Economic Development] office, other host
             1523      institutions, and other entities to develop and establish web-based access to virtual business
             1524      resource center services over the Internet to assist in establishing and growing businesses in the
             1525      state, particularly in those situations where traveling to a business resource center site is not
             1526      practical;
             1527          (b) develop a data base and software for:
             1528          (i) tracking clients and their progress; and
             1529          (ii) tracking responses and services provided by state agencies and evaluating their
             1530      effectiveness; and
             1531          (c) develop outreach programs and services targeted to business clients in rural areas of
             1532      the state.
             1533          (7) The [Governor's Office of Economic Development shall submit an annual written
             1534      report to the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee before
             1535      November 1] office shall include in the annual written report described in Section 63M-1-206 ,
             1536      a report on measured performance of economic development programs offered by or through
             1537      established business resource centers.
             1538          Section 42. Section 63M-1-2910 is amended to read:
             1539           63M-1-2910. Reports on tax credit certificates -- Study by legislative committees.
             1540          (1) The office shall [submit an annual written report to the Revenue and Taxation
             1541      Interim Committee before November 1 describing] include the following information in the
             1542      annual written report described in Section 63M-1-206 :
             1543          (a) the total amount listed on tax credit certificates the office issues under this part;
             1544          (b) the criteria that the office uses in prioritizing the issuance of tax credits amongst tax
             1545      credit applicants under this part; and
             1546          (c) the economic impact on the state related to providing tax credits under this part.

             1547          (2) (a) On or before November 1, 2016, and every five years after November 1, 2016,
             1548      the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall:
             1549          (i) study the tax credits allowed under Sections 59-7-614.6 , 59-10-1025 , and
             1550      59-10-1109 ; and
             1551          (ii) make recommendations concerning whether the tax credits should be continued,
             1552      modified, or repealed.
             1553          (b) The study under Subsection (2)(a) shall include an evaluation of:
             1554          (i) the cost of the tax credits under Sections 59-7-614.6 , 59-10-1025 , and 59-10-1109 ;
             1555          (ii) the purposes and effectiveness of the tax credits; and
             1556          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credits.
             1557          Section 43. Section 63M-1-3105 is amended to read:
             1558           63M-1-3105. Report to the legislative committees.
             1559          The office shall [submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the Economic
             1560      Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee and the Revenue and Taxation
             1561      Interim Committee describing] provide the following information in the annual written report
             1562      described in Section 63M-1-206 :
             1563          (1) the office's success in attracting alternative energy manufacturing projects to the
             1564      state and the resulting increase in new state revenues under this part;
             1565          (2) the amount of tax credits the office has granted or will grant and the time period
             1566      during which the tax credits have been or will be granted; and
             1567          (3) the economic impact on the state by comparing new state revenues to tax credits
             1568      that have been or will be granted under this part.
             1569          Section 44. Section 63M-1-3207 is amended to read:
             1570           63M-1-3207. Report to Legislature and the State Board of Education.
             1571          (1) The board shall report the progress of the STEM Action Center, including the
             1572      information described in Subsection (2), to the following groups once each year:
             1573          (a) the Education Interim Committee;
             1574          (b) the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee; [and]
             1575          (c) the State Board of Education[.]; and
             1576          (d) the office for inclusion in the office's annual written report described in Section
             1577      63M-1-206 .

             1578          (2) The report described in Subsection (1) shall include information that demonstrates
             1579      the effectiveness of the program, including:
             1580          (a) the number of educators receiving professional development;
             1581          (b) the number of students receiving services from the STEM Action Center;
             1582          (c) a list of the providers selected pursuant to this part;
             1583          (d) a report on the STEM Action Center's fulfilment of its duties described in
             1584      Subsection 63M-1-3204 ; and
             1585          (e) student performance of students participating in a STEM Action Center program as
             1586      collected in Subsection 63M-1-3204 (4).
             1587          Section 45. Section 63M-1-3306 is repealed and reenacted to read:
             1588          63M-1-3306. Annual report.
             1589          The executive director shall include in the annual written report described in Section
             1590      63M-1-206 , a report from the director on the activities of the Outdoor Recreation Office.
             1591          Section 46. Repealer.
             1592          This bill repeals:
             1593          Section 35A-8-1802 , Interim study.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-21-13 6:38 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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