H.B. 231 Genetic Information Amendments
Bill Sponsor: ![]() Rep. Hall, Craig |
- Drafting Attorney: Chelsea Grant
- Fiscal Analyst: Russell T. Frandsen
- Bill Text
- Introduced
(Currently Displayed)
- Introduced
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- Last Action: 12 Mar 2020, House/ filed
- Last Location: House file for bills not passed
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H.B. 231
4Chief Sponsor: Craig Hall
5Senate Sponsor: ____________
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies provisions and provides limitations regarding the use of genetic
10 information.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ defines terms;
14 ▸ removes provisions regulating an employer's and a health insurer's use of personal
15 genetic information;
16 ▸ provides limitations on law enforcement's ability to obtain and use personal genetic
17 information;
18 ▸ provides limitations on law enforcement's ability to obtain a DNA sample from
19 certain sources; and
20 ▸ makes conforming changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 26-45-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
29 26-45-104.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31 26-45-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
32 26-45-104, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
33 26-45-105, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
35 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
36 Section 1. Section 26-45-102 is amended to read:
37 26-45-102. Definitions.
38 As used in this chapter:
39 [(1) "Blood relative" means a person's biologically related:]
40 [(a) parent;]
41 [(b) grandparent;]
42 [(c) child;]
43 [(d) grandchild;]
44 [(e) sibling;]
45 [(f) uncle;]
46 [(g) aunt;]
47 [(h) nephew;]
48 [(i) niece; or]
49 [(j) first cousin.]
50 [(2)] (1) "Combined DNA Index System" or "CODIS" means the program operated by
51 the Federal Bureau of Investigation to support criminal justice DNA databases and the software
52 used to run the databases.
53 (2) "DNA" means deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and chromosomes[, which
54may be analyzed to detect heritable diseases or conditions, including the identification of
55carriers, predicting risk of disease, or establishing a clinical diagnosis].
56 (3) "DNA sample" means [any] a human biological specimen from which DNA can be
57 extracted, or DNA extracted from such specimen.
58 [(4) (a) "Genetic analysis" or "genetic test" means the testing or analysis of an
59identifiable individual's DNA that results in information that is derived from the presence,
60absence, alteration, or mutation of an inherited gene or genes, or the presence or absence of a
61specific DNA marker or markers.]
62 [(b) "Genetic analysis" or "genetic test" does not mean:]
63 [(i) a routine physical examination;]
64 [(ii) a routine chemical, blood, or urine analysis;]
65 [(iii) a test to identify the presence of drugs or HIV infection; or]
66 [(iv) a test performed due to the presence of signs, symptoms, or other manifestations
67of a disease, illness, impairment, or other disorder.]
68 [(5) "Individual" means the person from whose body the DNA sample originated.]
69 [(6) "Person" means any person, organization, or entity other than the individual.]
70 [(7) (a) "Private genetic information" means any information about an identifiable
71individual that is derived from the presence, absence, alteration, or mutation of an inherited
72gene or genes, or the presence or absence of a specific DNA marker or markers, and which has
73been obtained:]
74 [(i) from a genetic test or analysis of the individual's DNA; or]
75 [(ii) from a genetic test or analysis of a person's DNA to whom the individual is a
76blood relative.]
77 [(b) "Private genetic information" does not include information that is derived from:]
78 [(i) a routine physical examination;]
79 [(ii) a routine chemical, blood, or urine analysis;]
80 [(iii) a test to identify the presence of drugs or HIV infection; or]
81 [(iv) a test performed due to the presence of signs, symptoms, or other manifestations
82of a disease, illness, impairment, or other disorder.]
83 (4) "Genetic genealogy service" means a person that receives an individual's DNA
84 sample or personal genetic information and uses the DNA sample or personal genetic
85 information to obtain or provide information about the individual's genetic traits or biological
86 relationships.
87 (5) "Genetic testing company" means a person that receives an individual's DNA
88 sample and uses the DNA sample to produce personal genetic information.
89 (6) "Law enforcement agency" means:
90 (a) an entity of the state or a political subdivision of the state that exists to primarily
91 prevent, detect, or prosecute crime and enforce criminal statutes or ordinances;
92 (b) an officer or employee of an entity described in Subsection (6)(a) acting in the
93 officer or employee's official capacity; or
94 (c) a person contracted by an agency or an officer or employee of an agency described
95 in Subsection (6)(a) to perform a task relating to DNA or personal genetic information analysis
96 on the agency's behalf.
97 (7) "Personal genetic information" means any information acquired from an analysis of
98 a DNA sample, or from the analysis of any other element of an individual, that identifies an
99 inherited or acquired genetic characteristic of the individual, including identification of the
100 individual's biological relationships.
101 (8) "Twenty core CODIS loci" means the twenty core loci required by the Federal
102 Bureau of Investigation, as of January 1, 2017, to upload a DNA profile to the National DNA
103 Index System.
104 Section 2. Section 26-45-104.5 is enacted to read:
105 26-45-104.5. Restrictions on law enforcement.
106 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a law enforcement agency may not request,
107 obtain, use, or share an individual's personal genetic information.
108 (2) A law enforcement agency may:
109 (a) provide a lawfully obtained DNA sample to the Utah Bureau of Forensic Services
110 Laboratory System or a genetic testing company for analysis; and
111 (b) use the resulting personal genetic information in a criminal investigation to:
112 (i) ascertain the identity of an individual by using CODIS or an alternative DNA
113 database maintained by a state or local law enforcement agency, if the alternative DNA
114 database:
115 (A) uses the twenty core CODIS loci and no other personal genetic information; and
116 (B) is not used to identify biological relatives of the individual; or
117 (ii) confirm a match to an existing DNA sample for purposes of a criminal
118 investigation.
119 (3) A law enforcement agency that obtains personal genetic information under
120 Subsection (2) may not:
121 (a) provide the personal genetic information to a genetic genealogy service; or
122 (b) share or use the personal genetic information in any manner not authorized by law.
123 (4) A law enforcement agency may not:
124 (a) obtain, use, share, process, or retain a DNA sample unless authorized by Title 53,
125 Chapter 10, Part 4, Bureau of Forensic Services;
126 (b) retrieve a DNA sample from personal property currently or no longer in the
127 possession of an individual, regardless of whether the individual has disposed of the personal
128 property, without a warrant;
129 (c) request, obtain, use, share, process, or retain a DNA sample from, or information
130 derived from, a newborn screening test conducted under Subsection 26-10-6(1); or
131 (d) provide false information or make a false representation to a genetic testing
132 company or genetic genealogy service.
133 (5) Evidence obtained in violation of this section is inadmissible in any court
134 proceeding.
135 Section 3. Repealer.
136 This bill repeals:
137 Section 26-45-103, Restrictions on employers.
138 Section 26-45-104, Restrictions on health insurers.
139 Section 26-45-105, Private right of action.
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies provisions and provides limitations regarding the use of genetic
10 information.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ defines terms;
14 ▸ removes provisions regulating an employer's and a health insurer's use of personal
15 genetic information;
16 ▸ provides limitations on law enforcement's ability to obtain and use personal genetic
17 information;
18 ▸ provides limitations on law enforcement's ability to obtain a DNA sample from
19 certain sources; and
20 ▸ makes conforming changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 26-45-102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
29 26-45-104.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31 26-45-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
32 26-45-104, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
33 26-45-105, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 120
35 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
36 Section 1. Section 26-45-102 is amended to read:
37 26-45-102. Definitions.
38 As used in this chapter:
39 [
40 [
41 [
42 [
43 [
44 [
45 [
46 [
47 [
48 [
49 [
50 [
51 the Federal Bureau of Investigation to support criminal justice DNA databases and the software
52 used to run the databases.
53 (2) "DNA" means deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and chromosomes[
56 (3) "DNA sample" means [
57 extracted, or DNA extracted from such specimen.
58 [
62 [
63 [
64 [
65 [
66 [
68 [
69 [
70 [
74 [
75 [
77 [
78 [
79 [
80 [
81 [
83 (4) "Genetic genealogy service" means a person that receives an individual's DNA
84 sample or personal genetic information and uses the DNA sample or personal genetic
85 information to obtain or provide information about the individual's genetic traits or biological
86 relationships.
87 (5) "Genetic testing company" means a person that receives an individual's DNA
88 sample and uses the DNA sample to produce personal genetic information.
89 (6) "Law enforcement agency" means:
90 (a) an entity of the state or a political subdivision of the state that exists to primarily
91 prevent, detect, or prosecute crime and enforce criminal statutes or ordinances;
92 (b) an officer or employee of an entity described in Subsection (6)(a) acting in the
93 officer or employee's official capacity; or
94 (c) a person contracted by an agency or an officer or employee of an agency described
95 in Subsection (6)(a) to perform a task relating to DNA or personal genetic information analysis
96 on the agency's behalf.
97 (7) "Personal genetic information" means any information acquired from an analysis of
98 a DNA sample, or from the analysis of any other element of an individual, that identifies an
99 inherited or acquired genetic characteristic of the individual, including identification of the
100 individual's biological relationships.
101 (8) "Twenty core CODIS loci" means the twenty core loci required by the Federal
102 Bureau of Investigation, as of January 1, 2017, to upload a DNA profile to the National DNA
103 Index System.
104 Section 2. Section 26-45-104.5 is enacted to read:
105 26-45-104.5. Restrictions on law enforcement.
106 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a law enforcement agency may not request,
107 obtain, use, or share an individual's personal genetic information.
108 (2) A law enforcement agency may:
109 (a) provide a lawfully obtained DNA sample to the Utah Bureau of Forensic Services
110 Laboratory System or a genetic testing company for analysis; and
111 (b) use the resulting personal genetic information in a criminal investigation to:
112 (i) ascertain the identity of an individual by using CODIS or an alternative DNA
113 database maintained by a state or local law enforcement agency, if the alternative DNA
114 database:
115 (A) uses the twenty core CODIS loci and no other personal genetic information; and
116 (B) is not used to identify biological relatives of the individual; or
117 (ii) confirm a match to an existing DNA sample for purposes of a criminal
118 investigation.
119 (3) A law enforcement agency that obtains personal genetic information under
120 Subsection (2) may not:
121 (a) provide the personal genetic information to a genetic genealogy service; or
122 (b) share or use the personal genetic information in any manner not authorized by law.
123 (4) A law enforcement agency may not:
124 (a) obtain, use, share, process, or retain a DNA sample unless authorized by Title 53,
125 Chapter 10, Part 4, Bureau of Forensic Services;
126 (b) retrieve a DNA sample from personal property currently or no longer in the
127 possession of an individual, regardless of whether the individual has disposed of the personal
128 property, without a warrant;
129 (c) request, obtain, use, share, process, or retain a DNA sample from, or information
130 derived from, a newborn screening test conducted under Subsection 26-10-6(1); or
131 (d) provide false information or make a false representation to a genetic testing
132 company or genetic genealogy service.
133 (5) Evidence obtained in violation of this section is inadmissible in any court
134 proceeding.
135 Section 3. Repealer.
136 This bill repeals:
137 Section 26-45-103, Restrictions on employers.
138 Section 26-45-104, Restrictions on health insurers.
139 Section 26-45-105, Private right of action.
Bill Status / Votes
• Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
Date | Action | Location | Vote |
1/30/2020 | Bill Numbered but not Distributed | Legislative Research and General Counsel | |
1/30/2020 | Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed | Legislative Research and General Counsel | |
1/30/2020 | LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input | Legislative Research and General Counsel | |
1/31/2020 | House/ received bill from Legislative Research | Clerk of the House | |
1/31/2020 | House/ 1st reading (Introduced) | House Rules Committee | |
2/3/2020 | LFA/ fiscal note publicly available | House Rules Committee | |
2/4/2020 | House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst | House Rules Committee | |
2/4/2020 | House/ to standing committee | House Judiciary Committee | |
3/9/2020 | House Comm - Returned to Rules | House Judiciary Committee | |
3/10/2020 | House/ comm rpt/ sent to Rules | House Rules Committee | |
3/12/2020 | House/ strike enacting clause | Clerk of the House | |
3/12/2020 | House/ filed | House file for bills not passed |
Committee Hearings/Floor Debate