H.B. 473 Civil Commitment Examiner Requirements

Bill Sponsor:

Rep. Abbott, Nelson T.
Floor Sponsor:

Sen. Kennedy, Michael S.
  • Drafting Attorney: Alan Houston
  • Fiscal Analyst: Clare Tobin Lence

  • Bill Tracking

  • Information
    • Last Action: 3 Mar 2023, House/ filed
    • Last Location: House file for bills not passed

H.B. 473

1st Sub.

Representative Nelson T. Abbott proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Nelson T. Abbott

Senate Sponsor: Michael S. Kennedy


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions related to designated examiners.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     related to civil commitments, adds certain psychiatric mental health nurse
13     practitioners and psychiatric mental health clinical nurse specialists to the use of the
14     term "designated examiner"; and
15          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
16     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17          None
18     Other Special Clauses:
19          None
20     Utah Code Sections Affected:
21     AMENDS:
22          62A-15-631, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 374

24     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
25          Section 1. Section 62A-15-631 is amended to read:

26          62A-15-631. Involuntary commitment under court order -- Examination --
27     Hearing -- Power of court -- Findings required -- Costs.
28          (1) A responsible individual who has credible knowledge of an adult's mental illness
29     and the condition or circumstances that have led to the adult's need to be involuntarily
30     committed may initiate an involuntary commitment court proceeding by filing, in the district
31     court in the county where the proposed patient resides or is found, a written application that
32     includes:
33          (a) unless the court finds that the information is not reasonably available, the proposed
34     patient's:
35          (i) name;
36          (ii) date of birth; and
37          (iii) social security number;
38          (b) (i) a certificate of a licensed physician or a designated examiner stating that within
39     the seven-day period immediately preceding the certification, the physician or designated
40     examiner examined the proposed patient and is of the opinion that the proposed patient has a
41     mental illness and should be involuntarily committed; or
42          (ii) a written statement by the applicant that:
43          (A) the proposed patient has been requested to, but has refused to, submit to an
44     examination of mental condition by a licensed physician or designated examiner;
45          (B) is sworn to under oath; and
46          (C) states the facts upon which the application is based; and
47          (c) a statement whether the proposed patient has previously been under an assisted
48     outpatient treatment order, if known by the applicant.
49          (2) Before issuing a judicial order, the court:
50          (a) shall require the applicant to consult with the appropriate local mental health
51     authority at or before the hearing; and
52          (b) may direct a mental health professional from the local mental health authority to
53     interview the applicant and the proposed patient to determine the existing facts and report the
54     existing facts to the court.
55          (3) The court may issue an order, directed to a mental health officer or peace officer, to
56     immediately place a proposed patient in the custody of a local mental health authority or in a

57     temporary emergency facility, as described in Section 62A-15-634, to be detained for the
58     purpose of examination if:
59          (a) the court finds from the application, any other statements under oath, or any reports
60     from a mental health professional that there is a reasonable basis to believe that the proposed
61     patient has a mental illness that poses a danger to self or others and requires involuntary
62     commitment pending examination and hearing; or
63          (b) the proposed patient refuses to submit to an interview with a mental health
64     professional as directed by the court or to go to a treatment facility voluntarily.
65          (4) (a) The court shall provide notice of commencement of proceedings for involuntary
66     commitment, setting forth the allegations of the application and any reported facts, together
67     with a copy of any official order of detention, to a proposed patient before, or upon, placement
68     of the proposed patient in the custody of a local mental health authority or, with respect to any
69     proposed patient presently in the custody of a local mental health authority whose status is
70     being changed from voluntary to involuntary, upon the filing of an application for that purpose
71     with the court.
72          (b) The place of detention shall maintain a copy of the order of detention.
73          (5) (a) The court shall provide notice of commencement of proceedings for involuntary
74     commitment as soon as practicable to the applicant, any legal guardian, any immediate adult
75     family members, legal counsel for the parties involved, the local mental health authority or the
76     local mental health authority's designee, and any other persons whom the proposed patient or
77     the court designates.
78          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), the notice under Subsection (5)(a) shall
79     advise the persons that a hearing may be held within the time provided by law.
80          (c) If the proposed patient refuses to permit release of information necessary for
81     provisions of notice under this subsection, the court shall determine the extent of notice.
82          (6) Proceedings for commitment of an individual under 18 years old to a local mental
83     health authority may be commenced in accordance with Part 7, Commitment of Persons Under
84     Age 18 to Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.
85          (7) (a) The district court may, in the district court's discretion, transfer the case to any
86     other district court within this state, if the transfer will not be adverse to the interest of the
87     proposed patient.

88          (b) If a case is transferred under Subsection (7)(a), the parties to the case may be
89     transferred and the local mental health authority may be substituted in accordance with Utah
90     Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 25.
91          (8) Within 24 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, of the issuance
92     of a judicial order, or after commitment of a proposed patient to a local mental health authority
93     or the local mental health authority's designee under court order for detention or examination,
94     the court shall appoint two designated examiners:
95          (a) who did not sign the civil commitment application nor the civil commitment
96     certification under Subsection (1);
97          (b) one of whom is:
98          (i) a licensed physician; or
99          (ii) a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner or a psychiatric mental health clinical
100     nurse specialist who:
101          (A) is nationally certified;
102          (B) is doctorally trained; and
103          (C) has at least two years of inpatient mental health experience, regardless of the
104     license the individual held at the time of that experience; and
105          (c) one of whom may be designated by the proposed patient or the proposed patient's
106     counsel, if that designated examiner is reasonably available.
107          (9) The court shall schedule a hearing to be held within 10 calendar days after the day
108     on which the designated examiners are appointed.
109          (10) (a) The designated examiners shall:
110          (i) conduct the examinations separately;
111          (ii) conduct the examinations at the home of the proposed patient, at a hospital or other
112     medical facility, or at any other suitable place, including through telehealth, that is not likely to
113     have a harmful effect on the proposed patient's health;
114          (iii) inform the proposed patient, if not represented by an attorney:
115          (A) that the proposed patient does not have to say anything;
116          (B) of the nature and reasons for the examination;
117          (C) that the examination was ordered by the court;
118          (D) that any information volunteered could form part of the basis for the proposed

119     patient's involuntary commitment;
120          (E) that findings resulting from the examination will be made available to the court;
121     and
122          (F) that the designated examiner may, under court order, obtain the proposed patient's
123     mental health records; and
124          (iv) within 24 hours of examining the proposed patient, report to the court, orally or in
125     writing, whether the proposed patient is mentally ill, has agreed to voluntary commitment, as
126     described in Section 62A-15-625, or has acceptable programs available to the proposed patient
127     without court proceedings.
128          (b) If a designated examiner reports orally under Subsection (10)(a), the designated
129     examiner shall immediately send a written report to the clerk of the court.
130          (11) If a designated examiner is unable to complete an examination on the first attempt
131     because the proposed patient refuses to submit to the examination, the court shall fix a
132     reasonable compensation to be paid to the examiner.
133          (12) If the local mental health authority, the local mental health authority's designee, or
134     a medical examiner determines before the court hearing that the conditions justifying the
135     findings leading to a commitment hearing no longer exist, the local mental health authority, the
136     local mental health authority's designee, or the medical examiner shall immediately report the
137     determination to the court.
138          (13) The court may terminate the proceedings and dismiss the application at any time,
139     including before the hearing, if the designated examiners or the local mental health authority or
140     the local mental health authority's designee informs the court that the proposed patient:
141          (a) does not meet the criteria in Subsection (16);
142          (b) has agreed to voluntary commitment, as described in Section 62A-15-625;
143          (c) has acceptable options for treatment programs that are available without court
144     proceedings; or
145          (d) meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment described in Section
146     62A-15-630.5.
147          (14) (a) Before the hearing, the court shall provide the proposed patient an opportunity
148     to be represented by counsel, and if neither the proposed patient nor others provide counsel, the
149     court shall appoint counsel and allow counsel sufficient time to consult with the proposed

150     patient before the hearing.
151          (b) In the case of an indigent proposed patient, the county in which the proposed
152     patient resides or is found shall make payment of reasonable attorney fees for counsel, as
153     determined by the court.
154          (15) (a) (i) The court shall afford the proposed patient, the applicant, and any other
155     person to whom notice is required to be given an opportunity to appear at the hearing, to
156     testify, and to present and cross-examine witnesses.
157          (ii) The court may, in the court's discretion, receive the testimony of any other person.
158          (iii) The court may allow a waiver of the proposed patient's right to appear for good
159     cause, which cause shall be set forth in the record, or an informed waiver by the patient, which
160     shall be included in the record.
161          (b) The court is authorized to exclude any person not necessary for the conduct of the
162     proceedings and may, upon motion of counsel, require the testimony of each designated
163     examiner to be given out of the presence of any other designated examiners.
164          (c) The court shall conduct the hearing in as informal a manner as may be consistent
165     with orderly procedure, and in a physical setting that is not likely to have a harmful effect on
166     the mental health of the proposed patient, while preserving the due process rights of the
167     proposed patient.
168          (d) The court shall consider any relevant historical and material information that is
169     offered, subject to the rules of evidence, including reliable hearsay under Rule 1102, Utah
170     Rules of Evidence.
171          (e) (i) A local mental health authority or the local mental health authority's designee or
172     the physician in charge of the proposed patient's care shall, at the time of the hearing, provide
173     the court with the following information:
174          (A) the detention order;
175          (B) admission notes;
176          (C) the diagnosis;
177          (D) any doctors' orders;
178          (E) progress notes;
179          (F) nursing notes;
180          (G) medication records pertaining to the current commitment; and

181          (H) whether the proposed patient has previously been civilly committed or under an
182     order for assisted outpatient treatment.
183          (ii) The information described in Subsection (15)(e)(i) shall also be supplied to the
184     proposed patient's counsel at the time of the hearing, and at any time prior to the hearing upon
185     request.
186          (16) (a) The court shall order commitment of an adult proposed patient to a local
187     mental health authority if, upon completion of the hearing and consideration of the information
188     presented, the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that:
189          (i) the proposed patient has a mental illness;
190          (ii) because of the proposed patient's mental illness the proposed patient poses a
191     substantial danger to self or others;
192          (iii) the proposed patient lacks the ability to engage in a rational decision-making
193     process regarding the acceptance of mental treatment as demonstrated by evidence of inability
194     to weigh the possible risks of accepting or rejecting treatment;
195          (iv) there is no appropriate less-restrictive alternative to a court order of commitment;
196     and
197          (v) the local mental health authority can provide the proposed patient with treatment
198     that is adequate and appropriate to the proposed patient's conditions and needs.
199          (b) (i) If, at the hearing, the court determines that the proposed patient has a mental
200     illness but does not meet the other criteria described in Subsection (16)(a), the court may
201     consider whether the proposed patient meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment under
202     Section 62A-15-630.5.
203          (ii) The court may order the proposed patient to receive assisted outpatient treatment in
204     accordance with Section 62A-15-630.5 if, at the hearing, the court finds the proposed patient
205     meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment under Section 62A-15-630.5.
206          (iii) If the court determines that neither the criteria for commitment under Subsection
207     (16)(a) nor the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment under Section 62A-15-630.5 are met,
208     the court shall dismiss the proceedings after the hearing.
209          (17) (a) (i) The order of commitment shall designate the period for which the patient
210     shall be treated.
211          (ii) If the patient is not under an order of commitment at the time of the hearing, the

212     patient's treatment period may not exceed six months without a review hearing.
213          (iii) Upon a review hearing, to be commenced before the expiration of the previous
214     order of commitment, an order for commitment may be for an indeterminate period, if the court
215     finds by clear and convincing evidence that the criteria described in Subsection (16) will last
216     for an indeterminate period.
217          (b) (i) The court shall maintain a current list of all patients under the court's order of
218     commitment and review the list to determine those patients who have been under an order of
219     commitment for the court designated period.
220          (ii) At least two weeks before the expiration of the designated period of any order of
221     commitment still in effect, the court that entered the original order of commitment shall inform
222     the appropriate local mental health authority or the local mental health authority's designee of
223     the expiration.
224          (iii) Upon receipt of the information described in Subsection (17)(b)(ii), the local
225     mental health authority or the local mental health authority's designee shall immediately
226     reexamine the reasons upon which the order of commitment was based.
227          (iv) If, after reexamination under Subsection (17)(b)(iii), the local mental health
228     authority or the local mental health authority's designee determines that the conditions
229     justifying commitment no longer exist, the local mental health authority or the local mental
230     health authority's designee shall discharge the patient from involuntary commitment and
231     immediately report the discharge to the court.
232          (v) If, after reexamination under Subsection (17)(b)(iii), the local mental health
233     authority or the local mental health authority's designee determines that the conditions
234     justifying commitment continue to exist, the court shall immediately appoint two designated
235     examiners and proceed under Subsections (8) through (14).
236          (c) (i) The local mental health authority or the local mental health authority's designee
237     responsible for the care of a patient under an order of commitment for an indeterminate period
238     shall, at six-month intervals, reexamine the reasons upon which the order of indeterminate
239     commitment was based.
240          (ii) If the local mental health authority or the local mental health authority's designee
241     determines that the conditions justifying commitment no longer exist, the local mental health
242     authority or the local mental health authority's designee shall discharge the patient from the

243     local mental health authority's or the local mental health authority designee's custody and
244     immediately report the discharge to the court.
245          (iii) If the local mental health authority or the local mental health authority's designee
246     determines that the conditions justifying commitment continue to exist, the local mental health
247     authority or the local mental health authority's designee shall send a written report of the
248     findings to the court.
249          (iv) A patient and the patient's counsel of record shall be notified in writing that the
250     involuntary commitment will be continued under Subsection (17)(c)(iii), the reasons for the
251     decision to continue, and that the patient has the right to a review hearing by making a request
252     to the court.
253          (v) Upon receiving a request under Subsection (17)(c)(iv), the court shall immediately
254     appoint two designated examiners and proceed under Subsections (8) through (14).
255          (18) (a) Any patient committed as a result of an original hearing or a patient's legally
256     designated representative who is aggrieved by the findings, conclusions, and order of the court
257     entered in the original hearing has the right to a new hearing upon a petition filed with the court
258     within 30 days after the day on which the court order is entered.
259          (b) The petition shall allege error or mistake in the findings, in which case the court
260     shall appoint three impartial designated examiners previously unrelated to the case to conduct
261     an additional examination of the patient.
262          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (18)(b), the court shall, in all other respects,
263     conduct the new hearing in the manner otherwise permitted.
264          (19) The county in which the proposed patient resides or is found shall pay the costs of
265     all proceedings under this section.
Bill Status / Votes
• Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
2/14/2023 Bill Numbered but not DistributedLegislative Research and General Counsel
2/14/2023 Numbered Bill Publicly DistributedLegislative Research and General Counsel
2/15/2023 House/ received bill from Legislative ResearchClerk of the House
2/15/2023 House/ 1st reading (Introduced)House Rules Committee
2/17/2023 House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal AnalystHouse Rules Committee
2/21/2023 House/ to standing committeeHouse Judiciary Committee
2/22/2023 House Comm - Substitute Recommendation from # 0 to # 1House Judiciary Committee10 0 2
2/22/2023 House Comm - Favorable RecommendationHouse Judiciary Committee10 0 2
2/23/2023 (10:14:37 AM)House/ comm rpt/ substitutedHouse Judiciary Committee
2/23/2023 (10:14:38 AM)House/ 2nd readingHouse 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
2/24/2023 (2:09:03 PM)House/ 3rd readingHouse 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
2/24/2023 (2:11:23 PM)House/ passed 3rd readingSenate Secretary67 0 8
2/24/2023 (2:11:25 PM)House/ to SenateSenate Secretary
2/24/2023 Senate/ received from HouseWaiting for Introduction in the Senate
2/24/2023 Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)Senate Rules Committee
2/24/2023 Senate/ to standing committeeSenate Health and Human Services Committee
2/24/2023 LFA/ fiscal note sent to sponsorSenate Health and Human Services Committee
2/25/2023 LFA/ fiscal note publicly availableSenate Health and Human Services Committee
2/27/2023 Senate Comm - Favorable RecommendationSenate Health and Human Services Committee3 0 4
2/28/2023 (10:12:09 AM)Senate/ committee report favorableSenate Health and Human Services Committee
2/28/2023 (10:12:10 AM)Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading CalendarSenate 2nd Reading Calendar
2/28/2023 Senate/ 2nd Reading Calendar to RulesSenate Rules Committee
3/3/2023 Senate/ strike enacting clauseSenate Secretary
3/3/2023 Senate/ to HouseClerk of the House
3/3/2023 House/ received from SenateClerk of the House
3/3/2023 House/ filedHouse file for bills not passed