H.B. 215 Water Quality Amendments

Bill Sponsor:

Rep. Wilcox, Ryan D.
Floor Sponsor:

Sen. Okerlund, Ralph
  • Drafting Attorney: Tracy J. Nuttall
  • Fiscal Analyst: Angela J. Oh

  • Information
    • Last Action: 28 Mar 2013, Governor Signed
    • Last Location: Executive Branch - Lieutenant Governor
    • Effective Date: 14 May 2013
    • Session Law Chapter: 281

H.B. 215

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[Introduced][Status][Bill Documents][Fiscal Note] [Bills Directory]

H.B. 215 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Ryan D. Wilcox

Senate Sponsor: Ralph Okerlund

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill eliminates the maximum combined fee amount that can be assessed against
             10      sewage sludge management permittees.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    eliminates the maximum combined fee amount that can be assessed against sewage
             14      sludge management permittees.
             15      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             16          None
             17      Other Special Clauses:
             18          None
             19      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             20      AMENDS:
             21          19-5-120, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             23      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             24          Section 1. Section 19-5-120 is amended to read:
             25           19-5-120. Sewage permit program fee.
             26          (1) The department may assess a fee established under Section 63J-1-504 against
             27      persons required to obtain a permit under Section 19-5-108 for the management of sewage
             28      sludge, to be applied to the costs of administering the sewage permit program required by this
             29      chapter.

             30          [(2) The total of the combined fees assessed against all permittees under this section
             31      may not be more than $28,000 annually.]
             32          [(3)] (2) In establishing the fee for each sludge disposal permit holder, the department
             33      shall take into account the proportionate size of the population served by the permit holder.
             34          [(4)] (3) All proceeds from the fee shall be applied to the administering of the sewage
             35      permit program required by this chapter.

[Bill Documents][Bills Directory]

Bill Status / Votes
• Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
2/4/2013 Bill Numbered but not DistributedLegislative Research and General Counsel
2/4/2013 Numbered Bill Publicly DistributedLegislative Research and General Counsel
2/4/2013 LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal inputLegislative Research and General Counsel
2/4/2013 House/ received bill from Legislative ResearchClerk of the House
2/5/2013 House/ 1st reading (Introduced)House Rules Committee
2/6/2013 LFA/ fiscal note sent to sponsorHouse Rules Committee
2/6/2013 LFA/ fiscal note publicly availableHouse Rules Committee
2/6/2013 House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal AnalystHouse Rules Committee
2/7/2013 House/ to standing committeeHouse Revenue and Taxation Committee
2/12/2013 House Comm - Favorable RecommendationHouse Revenue and Taxation Committee14 0 2
2/12/2013 House Comm - Consent Calendar RecommendationHouse Revenue and Taxation Committee
2/13/2013 (12:00:47 PM)House/ comm rpt/ placed on Consent CalendarHouse Revenue and Taxation Committee
2/13/2013 (12:00:48 PM)House/ 2nd readingHouse Consent Calendar
2/15/2013 (10:43:01 AM)House/ 3rd readingHouse Consent Calendar
2/15/2013 (10:46:46 AM)House/ passed 3rd readingSenate Secretary73 0 2
2/15/2013 (10:46:48 AM)House/ to SenateSenate Secretary
2/19/2013 Senate/ received from HouseWaiting for Introduction in the Senate
2/19/2013 Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)Senate Rules Committee
2/20/2013 Senate/ to standing committeeSenate Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee
2/21/2013 Senate Comm - Favorable RecommendationSenate Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee4 0 3
2/21/2013 Senate Comm - Consent Calendar RecommendationSenate Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee
2/21/2013 (2:35:38 PM)Senate/ comm rpt/ placed on Consent CalendarSenate Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee
2/21/2013 (2:35:39 PM)Senate/ 2nd readingSenate Consent Calendar
2/26/2013 (10:20:18 AM)Senate/ 3rd readingSenate Consent Calendar
2/26/2013 (10:22:02 AM)Senate/ passed 3rd readingSenate President26 0 3
2/26/2013 (10:22:03 AM)Senate/ signed by President/ returned to HouseHouse Speaker
2/26/2013 (10:22:04 AM)Senate/ to HouseHouse Speaker
2/26/2013 House/ received from SenateHouse Speaker
2/26/2013 House/ signed by Speaker/ sent for enrollingLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
2/26/2013 Bill Received from House for EnrollingLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
2/28/2013 Draft of Enrolled Bill PreparedLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
3/21/2013 Enrolled Bill Returned to House or SenateClerk of the House
3/21/2013 House/ enrolled bill to PrintingClerk of the House
3/22/2013 House/ to GovernorExecutive Branch - Governor
3/28/2013 Governor SignedExecutive Branch - Lieutenant Governor