DAS and DTS Reports - Gary K. Ricks
Last Updated: October 20, 2014

In the last few months, the Departments Technology Services and Administrative Services and have released a number of reports.  A number of others will be released in October and November.  Many of these reports are prepared annually and typically are presented before legislative committees charged with oversight of these agencies.  However, the information may be useful to all legislators in preparation for the upcoming general session, as well as to other interested stakeholders and the general public.  

Following is a list of reports with a brief description and the website address for each report.

Departments Technology Services (DTS)

Department of Technology Services Accomplishments Report 2014 (36 pages), http://dts.utah.gov/about-us/documents/2014DTSAccomplishmentsReport.pdf: Provides details of accomplishments and achievements across state government and individual agencies DTS serves.

Department of Technology Services Annual Report 2014 (11 pages), http://dts.utah.gov/about-us/documents/2014AnnualReport.pdf: Provides an overview and description of DTS, organization structure, principal activities and performance statistics, efforts with individual state agencies, FY 2015 initiatives, and emerging issues.

Department of Technology Services Strategic Plan 2014-2017 (5 pages), http://dts.utah.gov/about-us/documents/2014-2017StrategicPlan.pdf: Addresses privacy and security standards, customer service principles and practices, including accessibility, mobility, desktop management, application development and project management.

Department of Technology Services Information Technology Plan FY 2015 (800 pages), http://dts.utah.gov/about-us/documents/FY2015ITPlan.pdf: Provides a detailed IT plan and analysis (including fiscal costs for each agency DTS serves for FY 2015.

Department of Administrative Services (DAS)

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR (approximately 250 pages), typically released last week of October, http://finance.utah.gov/cafr.html: Provides a presentation of audited financial statements, which report the state's financial position and results of operations, as well as certain demographic and statistical information.

Division of Archives Strategic Plan 2015-2019 (17 pages), http://archives.utah.gov/documents/StrategicPlan2014.pdf: Describes mission, goals, values, objectives and operations activities plans.

Annual Fleet Vehicle Report (approximately 230 pages), typically released the first week in November, http://fleet.utah.gov/reports/statevehiclereport/index.html: Provides detailed analysis of the composition and distribution of the state's vehicle fleet.

Annual Fleet Cost Efficiency Report (approximately 50 pages), typically released the first week in November, http://fleet.utah.gov/menu-energy-efficiency.html: Provides detailed analysis of cost efficiencies performance data, and goals and plans for individual agencies going forward.

Utah Office of the Inspector General Medicaid Services Annual Report 2014 (14 pages), http://oig.utah.gov/Docs/Presentations/FINAL%202014%20Utah%20OIG%20Annual%20Report,%20092314.pdf: Describes the mission, vision, services, functions and achievements, fiscal report, return on investment, recovery outcomes, and office summary for FY 2014.

Utah Judicial Conduct Commission Annual Report FY 2014 (4 pages), http://jcc.utah.gov/documents/jcc_annualrep_2014.pdf: Describes the creation and authority of the commission, number of complaints received in FY 2014, confidentiality of commission records and proceedings, sanctions, dismissals and warnings, and budget information.