Agency: Restricted Account Transfers - NRAE Function Fund and Account transfers are line-item appropriations that authorize the Division of Finance to move resources from one fund or account to another. These resources are then re-appropriated from the recipient fund or account to a program or activity. They are shown separately to avoid double-counting them in a budget roll-up.
Funding Detail For more detail about a particular source of finance or organizational unit, click a linked entry in the left column of the table(s) below. Subcommittee Table of Contents   Table 5: Restricted Fund and Account Transfers Sources of Finance (click linked fund name for more info) | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Actual | 2012 Actual | 2013 Approp | General Fund | $1,576,100 | $1,241,700 | $1,346,300 | $1,346,300 | $3,096,300 | General Fund, One-time | $12,297,900 | $7,104,600 | $0 | $0 | $1,838,400 | GFR - Land Exchange Distribution Account | $1,237,368 | $1,306,700 | $2,185,100 | $2,049,600 | $3,022,200 | Agri Rural Dev Loan Fund | $0 | $0 | $2,000,000 | $0 | $0 | Total | $15,111,368 | $9,653,000 | $5,531,400 | $3,395,900 | $7,956,900 |
| | | | | | Line Items (click linked line item name to drill-down) | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Actual | 2012 Actual | 2013 Approp |
GFR - Rangeland Improvement Account | $1,923,300 | $1,346,300 | $1,346,300 | $1,346,300 | $1,346,300 | Rural Rehab Loan Fund | $8,500,000 | $0 | $2,000,000 | $0 | $0 | GFR - Constitutional Defense Restricted Account | $1,237,368 | $1,306,700 | $2,185,100 | $2,049,600 | $4,860,600 | GFR - Invasive Species Mitigation Account | $2,000,000 | $500,000 | $0 | $0 | $1,000,000 | Water Resources C&D Fund | $0 | $6,500,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Agriculture Resource Development Loan Fund | $1,000,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | GFR - Mule Deer Protection Account | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $500,000 | GFR - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage Prevention Account | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $250,000 | Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund | $450,700 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Total | $15,111,368 | $9,653,000 | $5,531,400 | $3,395,900 | $7,956,900 |
| | | | | | Categories of Expenditure (mouse-over category name for definition) | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Actual | 2012 Actual | 2013 Approp |
Transfers | $15,111,368 | $9,653,000 | $5,531,400 | $3,395,900 | $7,956,900 | Total | $15,111,368 | $9,653,000 | $5,531,400 | $3,395,900 | $7,956,900 |
Subcommittee Table of Contents |