Legislative Office Information

Senate and House of Representatives

The Utah House of Representatives is comprised of 75 elected Representatives, representing every area of the State, and elected to two-year terms. The Utah Senate is comprised of 29 elected Senators, representing every area of the State, and elected to four-year terms. Our elected legislators are supported by the House of Representatives and Senate staff, who are made up of partisan and non-partisan staff, assisting legislators in various tasks. Legislators work during the legislative session, interim, and special session, whereas the House of Representative and Senate Staff are full-time year-round employees. Both elected officials and staff work together to empower the voices and highlight the needs of Utah's citizens.

Fun Facts:

House of Representatives

  1. The House Chamber occupies the largest space in the State Capitol.
  2. The words “Vox populi” or “voice of the people” are written in the House Chamber. A reminder that the House of Representatives is the closest to the people of Utah.
  3. The majority of bills pass the House with bi-partisan support.

Commonly Hired Jobs:


  1. Communications Specialist
  2. Community Outreach Specialist


  1. Legislative Assistant
  2. Communications Specialist

Legislative Research and General Counsel

Utah's elected Senators and House Representatives work hard to bring matters of their constituents to The Hill and into legislation - but they don't do it alone. The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel (LRGC) serves the legislative branch. They provide non-partisan policy and legal analysis by drafting legislation, assisting in staffing legislative committees, and managing data and processes. LRGC provides counsel to the legislative branch during session and interim sessions to provide up-to-date information so our legislators can make the most informed decisions possible. LRGC's legal staff also provides legal counsel and representation for our legislative clients in State and Federal court.

Fun Facts:

  1. LRGC is the largest staff office in the legislative branch, with approximately 70 full-time employees.
  2. Over the last few years, LRGC has received on average about 1,380 bill requests each year from legislators.
  3. LRGC provides staff support to approximately 350 legislative committee meetings each year.

Commonly Hired Jobs:

  1. Associate General Counsel
  2. Policy Analyst
  3. Counsel Fellowship
  4. Law Clerk
  5. Administrative Assistant
  6. Bill and Data Management Specialist
  7. Research Assistant

In-Office Career Progression

  • Associate General Counsel → Managing General Counsel → Deputy General Counsel → General Counsel
  • Policy Analyst → Managing Policy Analyst → Deputy Director over Public Policy and Administration → Director
  • Bill and Data Management Specialist I → Bill and Data Management Specialist II → Bill and Data Management Supervisor

Office of the Legislative Auditor General

The Office of the Legislative Auditor General (OLAG) works to audit public entities at the discretion and direction of the Legislature. OLAG provides objective and credible information, in-depth analysis, findings and conclusions that help legislators and other decision makers improve programs, reduce costs, and promote accountability within public entities. OLAG averages 20 audits per year, with plans to increase their number of audits in the coming years. OLAG's audits don't just cover financials, though, they audit processes, procedures, policies, and so much more. Proposed legislation is then based off the findings of their audits.

Fun Facts:

  1. LAG is the current “office of the year” among all the state legislative performance audit / program evaluation offices under the NCSL staff section known as NLPES (National Legislative Program Evaluation Society). They received this distinction last summer for their innovative work for the Utah Legislature, the recent impactful audit reports and products issued, and for their deep support of and involvement in NCSL and NLPES.
  2. “You work for the CIA?!” A few of us have been asked this over the years as many of our business cards list "CIA" after our names, to signify our credentials as a "Certified Internal Auditor."
  3. As the designated "investigative arm" of the Legislature, OLAG gets to be involved in a great variety of work by auditing everything from prison safety, Utah's water needs, the State's cybersecurity, to how tourism promotion funds are used.

Commonly Hired Jobs:

  1. Performance Auditor
  2. Performance Audit Intern

In-Office Career Progression

  • Performance Audit Intern → Performance Auditor → Lead Auditor → Audit Supervisor → Senior Audit Supervisor → Audit Manager → Deputy Auditor General → Audit General

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) assists elected officials in managing the State's long-term fiscal health. LFA monitors the State's financial obligations, measures the risk of various financial actions, and assists in planning contingencies. For each bill introduced, a fiscal note must be attached to explain the cost of the suggested action and LFA is responsible for calculating those fiscal notes.

Fun Facts:

  1. They are proudly the smallest non-partisan legislative staff office as measured by number of employees.
  2. Once a year, staff members (no managers) select a colleague to receive the OAR Award for being objective, accurate, and relevant in their approach to work.
  3. For budget people, they're incredibly outgoing. At office socials, rather than staring at our own shoes, we stare at other peoples' shoes.

Commonly Hired Jobs:

  1. Financial Analyst
  2. Economist

In-Office Career Progression

  • Financial Analyst → Senior Financial Analyst → Finance Officer → Finance Manager → Deputy Fiscal Analyst → Fiscal Analyst
  • Research Economist → Economist → Senior Economist → Chief Economist

Legislative Services

Ever wonder how the legislative offices can accomplish all they do throughout the year? Legislative Services (LS) takes care of most of the administrative work so office staff can focus their time and energy on their work for the Legislature. LS consists of Human Resources, Finances, Printing, Information Technology, and more. Need to fill a vacancy? LS is there to help. Need help with a computer or a new program development? LS has the know-how! Need to print materials for a public presentation? LS has you covered before you can say "cool".

Fun Facts:

  1. Legislative Services was established in 2018, where it consolidated roles from each office and established new roles to help support the overall function of the legislative branch.
  2. One plus side to the 2020 pandemic was that it created a way for the public to participate in open committee meetings virtually. That's not simply good for the democratic process of government, but also great for our air quality and environment.
  3. One of our longest serving LS employees, Willie, will walk over 11 miles per day during the legislative session for his job as the Print Shop Manager.

Commonly Hired Jobs:

  1. Software Developer
  2. IT Administrator
  3. System Specialist