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Download Zipped Introduced WP 6.1 HB0181S1.zip
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This bill would reduce some costs for various agencies due to the elimination of printing costs of certain reports. Following is a list of agencies affected and the dollar amount for each. Agriculture ($2,000) Board of Regents (2,500) Commerce (6,000) (Commerce Service Fund Corrections (11,000) Court Administrator's Office (6,000) DCED ( 6,000) DHRM (300) Financial Institutions (1,300) (General Fund Restricted) Governor's Office (5,000) Health (1,000) Human Services (2,500) Industrial Commission (2,500) Insurance (3,000) Natural Resources (3,000) Retirement Board (900) (Retirement Funds) Board of Education (5,000) (Uniform School Fund) TOTAL ($58,000)

FY 98 Approp. FY 99 Approp. FY 98 Revenue FY 99 Revenue
General Fund ($44,800) ($44,800) $0 $0
Uniform School Fund ($5,000) ($5,000) $0 $0
Commerce Service Fund ($6,000) ($6,000) $0 $0
Retirement Trust Funds ($900) ($900) $0 $0
GF Restrict-Financial Ins ($1,300) ($1,300) $0 $0
TOTAL ($58,000) ($58,000) $0 $0

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

2/24/97 6:07:28 p.m.


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