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By allowing jury trials for drug forfeiture cases, there would be an increase of jury trials adding approximately $75,900 to the courts costs. Costs to county attorneys/district attorneys would increase also. Estimated losses to the State could vary significantly but would be approximately $200,000 in FY 2000. Losses to local governments from one-time forfeiture funds would be approximately $3 million. These losses are from funds which are currently shared between the federal government, the State, and local governments, but would be kept by the federal government under the provisions of this bill. In addition, local agencies could experience another $3 to 4 million reduction in annual federal drug grants.

FY 00 Approp. FY 01 Approp. FY 00 Revenue FY 01 Revenue
General Fund $75,900 $75,900 $0 $0
Restricted Funds $0 $0 ($200,000) ($200,000)
Local Revenue $0 $0 ($6,000,000) ($6,000,000)
TOTAL $75,900 $75,900 ($6,200,000) ($6,200,000)

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

2/23/99 9:48:12 AM


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