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Download Zipped Introduced WP 6.1 HB0164S2.zip
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This bill will have no fiscal impact in FY 2000, assuming that it is funded from the State's termination pool. In the future, maintaining the pool will require an adjustment to cover these costs, which will affect all State agencies. The total impact of those rate changes are difficult to estimate because there is no history but it would be at least $278,800 from all funding sources. Future requirements could be significantly higher.

FY 00 Approp. FY 01 Approp. FY 00 Revenue FY 01 Revenue
General Fund $0 $192,800 $0 $0
Uniform School Fund $0 $14,300 $0 $0
Transportation Fund $0 $13,600 $0 $0
Federal Funds $0 $31,700 $0 $0
Dedicated Credits Revenue $0 $5,800 $0 $0
Restricted Funds $0 $12,300 $0 $0
Other $0 $7,500 $0 $0
TOTAL $0 $278,000 $0 $0

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

3/2/99 8:21:40 AM


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