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There is no fiscal impact in FY 2000. In FY 2001, the bill will be funded from that portion of the Uniform School Fund consisting of all the interest and dividends on the State School Fund remaining after the deduction of the amount retained in the State School Fund to protect the fund against losses due to inflation as prescribed by the Utah Constitution Article X, Section 5. It is estimated that the expendable allocation for FY 2001 will be $4,800,000. The FY 2001 estimated allocation and later fiscal year allocations are subject to investments performance, inflation, and other factors relating to the economy which are not possible to accurately predict.

FY 00 Approp. FY 01 Approp. FY 00 Revenue FY 01 Revenue
Uniform School Fund $0 $0 $0 ($4,800,000)
TOTAL $0 0 $0 ($4,800,000)

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

2/23/99 9:46:15 AM


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