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There will be a potential loss of local revenue of $290,000 in FY 2000 and a loss of $51,000 in Local Contributions to the Minimum School Program. Under a full year implementation in FY 2001, there will be a potential loss of local property tax revenues of approximately $587,000 and a potential loss of Local Contribution to the Minimum School Program of $104,000. The Transportation Fund Restricted Revenue Account for aeronatical operations will increase by approximately $530,000 in FY 2000 and by $545,000 in FY 2001. The Tax Commisssion would require an appropriation of $10,100 in FY 2000 to implement the provisions of the bill.

FY 00 Approp. FY 01 Approp. FY 00 Revenue FY 01 Revenue
Transfers $0 $0 ($51,000) ($104,000)
Local Revenue $0 $0 ($290,000) ($587,000)
Transportation Restricted $10,100 $0 $530,000 $545,000
TOTAL $10,100 $0 $189,000 ($146,000)

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

2/23/99 10:30:07 AM


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