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The provisions of this bill will require an increase in retirement rates of 1.81 percent for State and education employees. The would require an appropriation of $29,120,800 as indicated from the sources listed in the table below. It will also increase retirement rates for local government, estimated at 1.72 percent.

FY 01 Approp. FY 02 Approp. FY 01 Revenue FY 02 Revenue
General Fund $5,709,000 $5,709,000 $0 $0
Uniform School Fund $18,622,500 $18,622,500 $0 $0
Transportation Fund $836,400 $836,400 $0 $0
Federal Funds $1,925,100 $1,925,100 $0 $0
Dedicated Credits Revenue $972,000 $972,000 $0 $0
Transfers $402,000 $402,000 $0 $0
Other $103,100 $103,100 $0 $0
Uniform Sch. Fund -Restr. $500 $500 $0 $0
Transportation Restricted $8,900 $8,900 $0 $0
GF Restrict Mineral Lease $9,400 $9,400 $0 $0
GF Restricted $531,900 $531,900 $0 $0
TOTAL $29,120,800 0 $0 $0

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

2/12/00 3:00:00 PM


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