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Download Zipped Introduced WP 6.1 SB0072S2.zip
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Provisions of this bill would require a General Fund appropriation of $58,800 in FY 2001. Initial computer costs to access the juvenile system would be $9,600. One time conversion costs for the new Division title would be $1,200. Transaction costs for accessing the Juvenile Court records will add $17,100 per year to Public Safety's costs. The expansion of the list or persons prohibited from possession will add convictions for that offense. Cost to the courts for additional trials would be $1,700. If four additional felony sentences were added by this offense, this would add 1 inmate and three probationers each year to Corrections for a cost of $29,200. For FY 2002, an appropriation of $62,500 (General Fund) would be needed.

FY 01 Approp. FY 02 Approp. FY 01 Revenue FY 02 Revenue
General Fund $58,800 $62,500 $0 $0
TOTAL $58,800 $62,500 $0 $0

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst

2/7/00 11:53:14 AM


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