Compendium of Budget Information for the 2012 General Session

Social Services
Appropriations Subcommittee

Statewide Table of Contents

  1. Subcommittee Summary
  2. Health
    1. Executive Director's Operations
      1. Executive Director
      2. Center for Health Data
      3. Program Operations
      4. Office of Internal Audit
      1. Family Health and Preparedness
        1. Director's Office
        2. Maternal and Child Health
        3. Child Development
        4. Children with Special Health Care Needs
        5. Public Health Preparedness
        6. Emergency Medical Services
        7. Facility Licensure, Certification, and Resident Assessment
        8. Primary Care
      2. Disease Control and Prevention
        1. Director's Office
        2. Health Promotion
        3. Epidemiology
        4. Microbiology
        5. Office of the Medical Examiner
        6. Chemical and Environmental Services
        7. Forensic Toxicology
        8. Laboratory Improvement
        9. Communicable Disease Control
      3. Local Health Departments
        1. Workforce Financial Assistance
          1. Health Care Financing
            1. Director's Office
            2. Financial Services
            3. Medicaid Operations
            4. Managed Health Care
            5. Long-term Care
            6. Contracts
            7. Coverage and Reimbursement
            8. Eligibility Policy
            9. Department of Workforce Services' Seeded Services
            10. Other Seeded Services
            11. Program Integrity
          2. Medicaid Management Information System Replacement
            1. Medicaid Sanctions
              1. Children's Health Insurance Program
                1. Medicaid Mandatory Services
                  1. Inpatient Hospital
                  2. Managed Health Care
                  3. Nursing Home
                  4. Outpatient Hospital
                  5. Physician Services
                  6. Crossover Services
                  7. Medical Supplies
                  8. State-run Primary Care Case Management
                  9. Other Mandatory Services
                2. Medicaid Optional Services
                  1. Pharmacy
                  2. Home and Community Based Waiver Services
                  3. Capitated Mental Health Services
                  4. Intermediate Care Facilities for Intellectually Disabled
                  5. Non-service Expenses
                  6. Buy-in/Buy-out
                  7. Dental Services
                  8. Clawback Payments
                  9. Disproportionate Hospital Payments
                  10. Mental Health Inpatient Hospital
                  11. Hospice Care Services
                  12. Vision Care
                  13. Other Optional Services
                3. Medical Assistance
                          1. Workforce Services
                                              1. Workforce Services
                                                1. Family Employment Program
                                                2. Child Care
                                                3. General Assistance/SSI
                                                4. Food Stamps
                                                5. Employment Development
                                                6. Workforce Investment Act
                                                7. Medical Programs
                                                8. All Other Programs
                                              2. Administration
                                                1. Operations and Policy
                                                  1. Family Employment Program
                                                  2. Child Care Assistance
                                                  3. Food Stamps
                                                  4. Employment and Training
                                                  5. Workforce Investment Act Assistance
                                                  6. Medical Programs
                                                  7. All Other Programs
                                                2. General Assistance
                                                  1. Unemployment Insurance
                                                    1. Unemployment Compensation Fund
                                                      1. Human Services
                                                        1. Executive Director Operations
                                                          1. Executive Director's Office
                                                          2. Legal Affairs
                                                          3. Information Technology
                                                          4. Fiscal Operations
                                                          5. Human Resources
                                                          6. Local Discretionary Pass-Through
                                                          7. Office of Services Review
                                                          8. Office of Licensing
                                                          9. Utah Developmental Disabilities Council
                                                          10. Foster Care Citizen Review Board
                                                          11. Drug Offender Reform Act - Pilot
                                                          1. Substance Abuse & Mental Health
                                                            1. Administration - DSAMH
                                                            2. Community Mental Health Services
                                                            3. Mental Health Centers
                                                            4. Residential Mental Health Services
                                                            5. State Hospital
                                                            6. State Substance Abuse Services
                                                            7. Local Substance Abuse Services
                                                            8. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Fines
                                                            9. Drug Offender Reform Act (DORA)
                                                            10. Drug Courts
                                                            11. Drug Boards
                                                            1. Mental Health Therapist Grant
                                                              1. Services for People w/ Disabilities
                                                                1. Administration - DSPD
                                                                2. Service Delivery
                                                                3. Utah State Developmental Center
                                                                4. Community Supports Waiver
                                                                5. Acquired Brain Injury Waiver
                                                                6. Physical Disabilities Waiver
                                                                7. Non-waiver Services
                                                              2. Office of Recovery Services
                                                                1. Administration - ORS
                                                                2. Financial Services
                                                                3. Electronic Technology
                                                                4. Child Support Services
                                                                5. Children in Care Collections
                                                                6. Attorney General Contract
                                                                7. Medical Collections
                                                              3. Child and Family Services
                                                                1. Administration - DCFS
                                                                2. Service Delivery
                                                                3. In-Home Services
                                                                4. Out-of-Home Care
                                                                5. Facility-based Services
                                                                6. Minor Grants
                                                                7. Selected Programs
                                                                8. Special Needs
                                                                9. Domestic Violence
                                                                10. Children's Account
                                                                11. Adoption Assistance
                                                                12. Child Welfare Management Information System
                                                              4. Aging and Adult Services
                                                                1. Administration - DAAS
                                                                2. Local Government Grants - Formula Funds
                                                                3. Non-Formula Funds
                                                                4. Adult Protective Services
                                                                5. Aging Waiver Services
                                                                6. Aging Alternatives
                                                                7. Alzheimer's State Plan Task Force
                                                                1. ISF - Human Services
                                                                  1. ISF - DHS Internal Service Funds
                                                                    1. ISF - DHS General Services
                                                                    2. ISF - DHS Data Processing
                                                                2. State Office of Rehabilitation
                                                                    1. State Office of Rehabilitation
                                                                      1. Executive Director
                                                                      2. Blind and Visually Impaired
                                                                      3. Rehabilitation Services
                                                                      4. Disability Determination
                                                                      5. Deaf and Hard of Hearing