Compendium of Budget Information for the 2013 General Session

Business, Economic Development, & Labor
Appropriations Subcommittee
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Agency: Sports Authority


The Utah Sports Authority was created in the 2007 General Session by passage of SB 167 "Utah Sports Authority". The Utah Sports Authority is responsible for the promotion and coordination of all state sponsored sporting events, including the Pete Suazo Athletic Commission and pass through to the Utah Sports Commission.

Statutory Authority

HB 400 2009 General Session UCA 63C-11 provides the statutory authority for the Utah Sports authority. The bill also moved the oversight of the authority from an independent office to a line item under GOED. The statute sets up the following provisions:


  • Seven Members: three appointed by Governor, 2 appointed by the President of the Senate, 2 appointed by the Speaker of the House;
  • The Sports Authority elects its chair;
  • Members serve four year terms. However the appointments are staggered so that new appointments are made every two years;
  • Members receive per diem;
  • Four members of the Authority constitute a quorum.

Powers and Duties:

  • The Authority may hire a director to be staff to the authority;
  • The Authority provides the oversight for the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission;
  • The Authority may higher employees to carry out budgetary duties as monetary constraints allow;
  • The Authority may solicit or receive funds from outside sources and may use these funds to coordinate and enhance sporting opportunities in Utah;
  • The Authority may contract with existing non-profits for sports development in the state; They may also partner with a number of other entities to promote sporting opportunities throughout the state.

Funding Detail

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COBI contains unaudited data as presented to the Legislature by state agencies at the time of publication. For audited financial data see the State of Utah's Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.