House Education Committee
2/22/2022 4:00 PM - 120 Senate Building
Agenda - Minutes - Committee Report 1

House Comm - Favorable Recommendation - PASSED
SJR006 - Joint Resolution Promoting the 3rs Framework of Rights, Responsibility, and Respect in Classrooms - Owens, D.R.

Yeas - 6    Nays - 3    Absent - 6
Johnson, D.N.
Kwan, K.
Moss, C.
Rohner, J.
Snow, V. L.
Weight, E.
Ballard, M.G.
Birkeland, K.
Pulsipher, S.
Last, B.
Peterson, V.
Robertson, A.
Schultz, M.
Waldrip, S.
Watkins, C.