2025GS Bill Search Results

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Track Bill/Link Sponsor Short Title Status/Votes
Stevenson, J. APPROPRIATIONS Adjustments In Process
Stevenson, J. New Fiscal Year Supplemental APPROPRIATIONS Act In Process
Sandall, S. Senate Joint Rules Resolution - Executive Offices and Criminal Justice APPROPRIATIONS Subcommittee In Process
Peterson, V. APPROPRIATIONS Amendments In Process
Peterson, V. Current Fiscal Year Supplemental APPROPRIATIONS In Process
HB0004 Watkins, C. Economic and Community Development Base Budget House/ enrolled bill to Printing
HB0005 Thurston, N. General Government Base Budget House/ enrolled bill to Printing
HB0006 Welton, D. Transportation and Infrastructure Base Budget House/ enrolled bill to Printing
HB0007 Peterson, V. National Guard, Veterans Affairs, and Legislature Base Budget House/ enrolled bill to Printing
HB0008 Brooks, W. State Agency and Higher Education Compensation APPROPRIATIONS House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
HB0122 Burton, J. National Guard and Military Amendments House/ circled
HB0223 Dailey-Provost, J. State Grant Requirements Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)
HB0239 Albrecht, C. Disaster Funds Revisions House/ 2nd reading
HB0265 Peterson, K. Higher Education Strategic Reinvestment Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)
HB0317 Ballard, M.G. Executive Agency Innovation Incentives House/ 2nd reading
HB0406 Ward, R. Budgetary Amendments House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
HB0459 Peterson, V. APPROPRIATIONS Subcommittee Amendments House/ 1st reading (Introduced)
SB0001 Balderree, H. Public Education Base Budget Amendments Senate/ to Governor
SB0005 Hinkins, D. Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Base Budget Senate/ enrolled bill to Printing
SB0006 Brammer, B. Criminal Justice Base Budget Senate/ enrolled bill to Printing
SB0007 Stratton, K. Social Services Base Budget Senate/ enrolled bill to Printing
SB0008 Sandall, S. State Agency Fees and Internal Service Fund Rate Authorization and APPROPRIATIONS Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)
SB0256 Plumb, J. General Government and APPROPRIATIONS Amendments Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed