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H.B. 179






Sponsor: Peggy Wallace

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions of the Utah Venture Capital Enhancement Act.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    modifies the purpose provision of the act by emphasizing the protection of state
             13      interests by limiting the manner in which contingent tax credits are issued,
             14      registered, transferred, claimed as an offset, and redeemed;
             15          .    provides that a contingent tax credit shall be claimed as a refundable credit;
             16          .    provides that the State Tax Commission develop a system that will verify the
             17      validity of any claimed contingent tax credit under the act; and
             18          .    exempts the Utah Capital Investment Corporation and its board of directors from
             19      the requirement to report fund performance of venture firms and private equity
             20      firms.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          This bill provides an immediate effective date.
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          9-2-1902, as last amended by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2003, Second Special Session

             28          9-2-1915, as enacted by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2003
             29          9-2-1918, as enacted by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2003
             30          9-2-1919, as enacted by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2003
             31          9-2-1920, as enacted by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2003
             32          9-2-1924, as enacted by Chapter 291, Laws of Utah 2003
             34      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             35          Section 1. Section 9-2-1902 is amended to read:
             36           9-2-1902. Findings -- Purpose.
             37          (1) The Legislature finds that:
             38          (a) fundamental changes have occurred in national and international financial markets
             39      and in the state's financial markets;
             40          (b) a critical shortage of seed and venture capital resources exists in the state, and that
             41      shortage is impairing the growth of commerce in the state;
             42          (c) a need exists to increase the availability of venture equity capital for emerging,
             43      expanding, and restructuring enterprises in Utah, including enterprises in the life sciences,
             44      advanced manufacturing, and information technology;
             45          (d) increased venture equity capital investments in emerging, expanding, and
             46      restructuring enterprises in Utah will:
             47          (i) create new jobs in the state; and
             48          (ii) help to diversify the state's economic base; and
             49          (e) a well-trained work force is critical for the maintenance and development of Utah's
             50      economy.
             51          (2) This part is enacted to:
             52          (a) mobilize private investment in a broad variety of venture capital partnerships in
             53      diversified industries and locales;
             54          (b) retain the private-sector culture of focusing on rate of return in the investing
             55      process;
             56          (c) secure the services of the best managers in the venture capital industry, regardless
             57      of location;
             58          (d) facilitate the organization of the Utah fund of funds to seek private investments and

             59      to serve as a catalyst in those investments by offering state incentives for private persons to
             60      make investments in the Utah fund of funds;
             61          (e) enhance the venture capital culture and infrastructure in the state so as to increase
             62      venture capital investment within the state and to promote venture capital investing within the
             63      state; [and]
             64          (f) accomplish the purposes referred to in Subsections (2)(a) through (e) in a manner
             65      that would maximize the direct economic impact for the state[.]; and
             66          (g) authorize the issuance and use of contingent tax credits to accomplish the purposes
             67      referred to in Subsections (2)(a) through (e) while protecting the interests of the state by
             68      limiting the manner in which contingent tax credits are issued, registered, transferred, claimed
             69      as an offset to the payment of state income tax, and redeemed.
             70          Section 2. Section 9-2-1915 is amended to read:
             71           9-2-1915. Investments by Utah fund of funds.
             72          (1) The Utah fund of funds shall invest funds:
             73          (a) principally in high-quality venture capital funds managed by investment managers
             74      who have:
             75          (i) made a commitment to equity investments in businesses located within the state;
             76      and
             77          (ii) have committed to maintain a physical presence within the state;
             78          (b) in private venture capital funds and not in direct investments in individual
             79      businesses; and
             80          (c) in venture capital funds with experienced managers or management teams with
             81      demonstrated expertise and a successful history in the investment of venture capital funds.
             82          (2) (a) The Utah fund of funds shall give priority to investments in private seed and
             83      venture capital partnerships and entities that have demonstrated a commitment to the state as
             84      evidenced by:
             85          (i) the investments they have made in Utah-based entities;
             86          (ii) the correspondent relationships they have established with Utah-based venture
             87      capital funds; or
             88          (iii) the commitment they have made to expand the reach of expertise within the state
             89      by adding additional investment areas of expertise.

             90          (b) The manager of the Utah fund of funds may waive the priorities under Subsection
             91      (2)(a) only if necessary to achieve the targeted investment returns required to attract designated
             92      investors.
             93          (3) The Utah fund of funds may invest funds in a newly created venture capital fund
             94      only if the managers or management team of the fund have the experience, expertise, and a
             95      successful history in the investment of venture capital funds as described in Subsection (1)(c).
             96          (4) (a) An investment or investments by the Utah fund of funds in any venture capital
             97      fund may comprise no more than 20% of the total committed capital in the venture capital
             98      fund.
             99          (b) (i) No more than 50% of the funds invested by the Utah fund of funds may be made
             100      with venture capital entities with offices in the state established prior to July 1, 2002.
             101          (ii) The restriction under Subsection (4)(b)(i) shall remain in place until three
             102      additional venture capital entities open new offices in the state.
             103          Section 3. Section 9-2-1918 is amended to read:
             104           9-2-1918. Certificates and contingent tax credits.
             105          (1) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             106      board, in consultation with the State Tax Commission, shall make rules governing the form,
             107      issuance, transfer, and redemption of certificates.
             108          (2) The board's issuance of certificates and related contingent tax credits to designated
             109      investors shall be subject to the following:
             110          (a) the aggregate outstanding certificates may not exceed a total of $100,000,000 of
             111      contingent tax credits;
             112          (b) the certificates shall be issued contemporaneously with an investment in the Utah
             113      fund of funds by a designated investor;
             114          (c) contingent tax credits shall be issued in a manner that not more than $20,000,000 of
             115      contingent tax credits may be initially redeemable in any fiscal year; and
             116          (d) the credits are certifiable if there are insufficient funds in the redemption reserve to
             117      make a cash redemption and the board does not exercise its other options under Subsection
             118      9-2-1920 (3)(b).
             119          (3) In determining the $100,000,000 maximum limit in Subsection (2)(a) and the
             120      $20,000,000 limitation in Subsection (2)(c):

             121          (a) the board shall use the cumulative amount of scheduled aggregate returns on
             122      certificates issued by the board to designated investors;
             123          (b) certificates and related contingent tax credits which have expired may not be
             124      included; and
             125          (c) certificates and related contingent tax credits which have been redeemed shall be
             126      included only to the extent of tax credits actually allowed.
             127          (4) Contingent tax credits are subject to the following:
             128          (a) a contingent tax credit may not be redeemed except by a designated investor in
             129      accordance with the terms of a certificate from the board;
             130          (b) a contingent tax credit may not be redeemed prior to the time the Utah fund of
             131      funds receives full payment from the designated investor for the certificate;
             132          (c) a contingent tax credit shall be claimed for a tax year that begins during the
             133      calendar year maturity date stated on the certificate;
             134          (d) an investor who redeems a certificate and the related contingent tax credit shall
             135      allocate the amount of the contingent tax credit to the taxpayers of the investor based on the
             136      taxpayer's pro rata share of the investor's earnings; and
             137          [(e) any contingent tax credit in excess of the taxpayer's tax liability for the tax year
             138      may be credited to the tax liability until the earlier of:]
             139          [(i) the depletion of the contingent tax credit; or]
             140          [(ii) a period not to exceed seven years.]
             141          (e) a contingent tax credit shall be claimed as a refundable credit.
             142          (5) In calculating the amount of a contingent tax credit:
             143          (a) a contingent tax credit shall be certified by the board only if the actual return to the
             144      designated investor is less than the return that was targeted at the issuance of the certificate;
             145          (b) the amount of the contingent tax credit may not exceed the difference between:
             146          (i) the sum of:
             147          (A) the initial equity investment of the designated investor in the Utah fund of funds;
             148      and
             149          (B) the scheduled aggregate return to the designated investor at rates of return
             150      authorized by the board at the issuance of the certificate; and
             151          (ii) the aggregate actual return received by the designated investor and any predecessor

             152      in interest of the initial equity investment and interest on the initial equity investment; and
             153          (c) the rates, whether fixed rates or variable rates, shall be determined by a formula
             154      stipulated in the certificate.
             155          (6) The board shall clearly indicate on the certificate:
             156          (a) the targeted return on the invested capital;
             157          (b) the amount of the initial equity investment;
             158          (c) the calculation formula for determining the scheduled aggregate return on the initial
             159      equity investment; and
             160          (d) the calculation formula for determining the amount of the contingent tax credit that
             161      may be claimed.
             162          (7) Once moneys are invested by a designated investor, the certificate:
             163          (a) shall be binding on the board; and
             164          (b) may not be modified, terminated, or rescinded.
             165          (8) Funds invested by a designated investor for a certificate shall be paid to the
             166      corporation for placement in the Utah fund of funds.
             167          (9) The State Tax Commission may, in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             168      Administrative Rulemaking Act, and in consultation with the board, make rules to help
             169      implement this section.
             170          Section 4. Section 9-2-1919 is amended to read:
             171           9-2-1919. Transfer and registration of certificates.
             172          (1) A certificate and the related contingent tax credit may be transferred by the
             173      designated investor.
             174          (2) The board, in conjunction with the State Tax Commission, shall develop:
             175          (a) a system for registration of any certificate and related contingent tax credit issued or
             176      transferred under this part; and
             177          (b) a system that permits verification that:
             178          (i) any contingent tax credit claimed [upon a tax return] is valid; and
             179          (ii) any transfers of the certificate and related contingent tax credit are made in
             180      accordance with the requirements of this part.
             181          (3) A certificate or contingent tax credit issued or transferred under this part may not be
             182      considered a security under Title 61, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform Securities Act.

             183          Section 5. Section 9-2-1920 is amended to read:
             184           9-2-1920. Redemption of certificates.
             185          (1) If a designated investor elects to redeem a certificate, the certificate shall be
             186      presented to the board for redemption no later than June 30 of the calendar year maturity date
             187      stated on the certificate.
             188          (2) Upon presentment to the board, it shall determine and certify the amount of the
             189      contingent tax credit that may be claimed by the designated investor based on:
             190          (a) the limitations in Section 9-2-1918 ; and
             191          (b) rules made by the board in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             192      Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             193          (3) (a) If there are sufficient funds in the redemption reserve, the board shall direct the
             194      corporation to make a cash redemption of the certificate.
             195          (b) If there are insufficient funds in the redemption reserve, the board may elect to
             196      redeem the certificate:
             197          (i) by certifying a contingent tax credit to the designated investor; or
             198          (ii) by making demand on designated purchasers to purchase certificates in accordance
             199      with Section 9-2-1921 .
             200          (4) The board shall certify to the State Tax Commission the contingent tax credit which
             201      can be claimed by the designated investor with respect to the redemption of the certificate.
             202          (5) The board shall cancel all redeemed certificates.
             203          Section 6. Section 9-2-1924 is amended to read:
             204           9-2-1924. Exemption from certain statutes.
             205          (1) Except as otherwise provided in this part, the corporation is exempt from statutes
             206      governing state agencies, as provided in Section 63E-2-109 .
             207          (2) The corporation shall be subject to:
             208          (a) Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings [Act]; and
             209          (b) except as provided in Subsection (3), Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records
             210      Access and Management Act.
             211          (3) The corporation and the board are exempt from the requirement to report fund
             212      performance of venture firms and private equity firms set forth in Title 63, Chapter 2,
             213      Government Records Access and Management Act.

             214          Section 7. Effective date.
             215          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
             216      upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
             217      Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
             218      the date of veto override.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-5-05 10:45 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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