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S.B. 209





Chief Sponsor: Dan R. Eastman

House Sponsor: Rebecca D. Lockhart

             6      Cosponsor:Curtis S. Bramble              7     
             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies nonhazardous solid waste disposal fees and reduces the amount of
             11      waste disposal fees that are deposited into the General Fund.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    reduces the amount of waste disposal fees that are deposited into the General Fund;
             15          .    modifies provisions relating to the payment of fees on wastes containing
             16      polychlorinated biphenyls;
             17          .    modifies waste fees charged for certain wastes received for disposal by:
             18              .    commercial nonhazardous solid waste disposal facilities;
             19              .    facilities solely under contract with a local government within the state to
             20      dispose of nonhazardous solid waste generated within the boundaries of the
             21      local government; and
             22              .    waste disposal facilities owned by a political subdivision;
             23          .    defines terms;
             24          .    establishes fees on certain wastes sent to facilities not regulated by the state by
             25      owners or operators of transfer stations or recycling centers; and
             26          .    makes technical changes.
             27      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:

             28          None
             29      Other Special Clauses:
             30          None
             31      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             32      AMENDS:
             33          19-1-108, as last amended by Chapter 297, Laws of Utah 2002
             34          19-6-118.5, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 2005
             35          19-6-119, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 2005
             37      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             38          Section 1. Section 19-1-108 is amended to read:
             39           19-1-108. Creation of Environmental Quality Restricted Account -- Purpose of
             40      restricted account -- Sources of funds -- Uses of funds.
             41          (1) There is created the Environmental Quality Restricted Account.
             42          (2) The sources of monies for the restricted account are:
             43          (a) radioactive waste disposal fees collected under Sections 19-3-106 and 19-3-106.4
             44      and other fees collected under Subsection 19-3-104 (5);
             45          (b) hazardous waste disposal fees collected under Section 19-6-118 ;
             46          (c) PCB waste disposal fees collected under Section 19-6-118.5 ;
             47          (d) nonhazardous solid waste disposal fees collected under Section 19-6-119 ; and
             48          (e) all investment income derived from money in the restricted account created in this
             49      section.
             50          (3) In each fiscal year, the first [$500,000] $400,000 collected from all waste disposal
             51      fees listed in Subsection (2), collectively, shall be deposited in the General Fund as free
             52      revenue. The balance shall be deposited in the restricted account created in this section.
             53          (4) The Legislature may annually appropriate monies from the Environmental Quality
             54      Restricted Account to:
             55          (a) the department for the costs of administering radiation control programs;
             56          (b) the department for the costs of administering solid and hazardous waste programs;
             57      and
             58          (c) the Hazardous Substances Mitigation Fund, up to $400,000, for purposes set forth

             59      in Title 19, Chapter 6, Part 3, Hazardous Substances Mitigation Act.
             60          (5) In order to stabilize funding for the radiation control program and the solid and
             61      hazardous waste program, the Legislature shall in years of excess revenues reserve in the
             62      restricted account sufficient monies to meet departmental needs in years of projected shortages.
             63          (6) The Legislature may not appropriate money from the General Fund to the
             64      department as a supplemental appropriation to cover the costs of the radiation control program
             65      and the solid and hazardous waste program in an amount exceeding 25% of the amount of
             66      waste disposal fees collected during the most recent prior fiscal year.
             67          (7) The Legislature may annually appropriate not more than $200,000 from this
             68      account to the Department of Public Safety, created in Section 53-1-103 , to be used by that
             69      department solely for hazardous materials:
             70          (a) management training; and
             71          (b) response preparation and emergency response training.
             72          (8) All funds appropriated under this part that are not expended at the end of the fiscal
             73      year lapse into the account created in Subsection (1).
             74          [(9) For fiscal year 1998-99, up to $537,000 in the Environmental Quality Restricted
             75      Account may be appropriated by the Legislature to fund legislative priorities.]
             76          Section 2. Section 19-6-118.5 is amended to read:
             77           19-6-118.5. PCB disposal fee.
             78          [(1) On and after July 1, 1993 through June 30, 2005, a fee of $4.75 per ton or fraction
             79      of a ton is imposed on all wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that are
             80      regulated under 15 U.S.C.A. 2605, and that are received at a facility for disposal or treatment.]
             81          [(2) On and after July 1, 2005,]
             82          (1) The owner or operator of a waste facility shall pay a fee of $4.75 per ton [is
             83      imposed] on all wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that are:
             84          (a) regulated under 15 [U.S.C.A.] U.S.C. 2605; and
             85          (b) received at [a] the facility for disposal or treatment.
             86          [(3) (a)] (2) The owner or operator of a facility receiving PCBs for disposal or
             87      treatment shall [pay the fees imposed under Subsection (1) or (2) to the department on or
             88      before the 15th day of the calendar month following the month in which the fee accrued.]:
             89          [(b) The owner or operator shall submit a completed form, as prescribed by the

             90      department, with the monthly fee under Subsection (3)(a).]
             91          [(c) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             92      the department shall make rules specifying the information required to verify the amount of
             93      waste received and the fee amount for which the owner or operator is liable on the form
             94      required under Subsection (3)(b).]
             95          [(4) The fees collected under this section shall be managed by the same procedure as
             96      under Subsection 19-6-119 (3) regarding nonhazardous solid waste.]
             97          [(5) The Legislature shall appropriate to the department the cost of administering the
             98      program.]
             99          (a) calculate the fees imposed under Subsection (1) by multiplying the total tonnage of
             100      waste received during the calendar month, computed to the first decimal place, by the required
             101      fee rate of $4.75 per ton;
             102          (b) pay the fees imposed by this section to the department by the 15th day of the month
             103      following the month in which the fees accrued; and
             104          (c) with the fees required under this section, submit to the department, on a form
             105      prescribed by the department, information that verifies the amount of waste received and the
             106      fees that the owner or operator is required to pay.
             107          (3) The department shall deposit all fees received under this section into the
             108      Environmental Quality Restricted Account created in Section 19-1-108 .
             109          [(6) Waste] (4) The owner or operator of a waste facility that is subject to a fee under
             110      this section is not subject to a fee for the same waste under Section 19-3-106 , even if the waste
             111      [also] contains radioactive materials.
             112          Section 3. Section 19-6-119 is amended to read:
             113           19-6-119. Nonhazardous solid waste disposal fee.
             114          (1) (a) [An] Except as provided in Subsection (5), the owner or operator of [any] a
             115      commercial nonhazardous solid waste disposal facility or incinerator[, or any commercial
             116      facility, except for facilities that receive the following wastes solely for the purpose of
             117      recycling, reuse, or reprocessing, that accepts for treatment or disposal, and with the intent to
             118      make a profit, fly ash waste, bottom ash waste, slag waste, or flue gas emission control waste
             119      generated primarily from the combustion of coal or other fossil fuels; waste from the
             120      extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and minerals, or cement kiln dust wastes for

             121      treatment or disposal, that is required to have a plan approval under Section 19-6-108 , and that
             122      primarily receives waste generated by off-site sources not owned, controlled, or operated by the
             123      facility or site owner or operator, shall pay the following fees per ton or fraction of a ton, on all
             124      nonhazardous solid waste that is received at the facility or site for disposal:] shall pay the
             125      following fees for waste received for treatment or disposal at the facility if the facility or
             126      incinerator is required to have operation plan approval under Section 19-6-108 and primarily
             127      receives waste generated by off-site sources not owned, controlled, or operated by the facility
             128      or site owner or operator:
             129          [(i) on and after July 1, 1994 through June 30, 2005, a fee of $2.50 per ton or fraction
             130      of a ton on all nonhazardous solid waste received at the facility or site for disposal or treatment;
             131      and]
             132          [(ii) on and after July 1, 2005, a fee of $2.50 per ton on all nonhazardous solid waste
             133      received at the facility or site for disposal or treatment.]
             134          [(b) When nonhazardous solid waste, fly ash waste, bottom ash waste, slag waste, or
             135      flue gas emission control waste generated primarily from the combustion of coal or other fossil
             136      fuels; waste from the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and minerals, or cement
             137      kiln dust wastes, is received at a facility for treatment or disposal and the fee required under
             138      Subsection (1)(a) is paid for that treatment or disposal, any subsequent treatment or disposal of
             139      the waste is not subject to additional fees under Subsection (1)(a).]
             140          [(c) (i) On and after January 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, an owner or operator of
             141      any commercial nonhazardous solid waste disposal facility that receives only construction and
             142      demolition waste shall pay a fee of 50 cents per ton, or fraction of a ton, on any construction
             143      and demolition waste received at the facility or site for disposal.]
             144          [(ii) On and after July 1, 2005, an owner or operator of any commercial nonhazardous
             145      solid waste disposal facility that receives only construction and demolition waste shall pay a
             146      fee of 50 cents per ton on any construction and demolition waste received at the facility or site
             147      for disposal.]
             148          [(iii) Through June 30, 2005, an owner or operator of any commercial nonhazardous
             149      solid waste disposal facility that receives municipal waste, including municipal incinerator ash
             150      shall pay a fee of 50 cents per ton, or fraction of a ton, on all municipal waste, including
             151      municipal incinerator ash, that is received at the facility or site for disposal.]

             152          [(iv) On and after July 1, 2005, an owner or operator of any commercial nonhazardous
             153      solid waste disposal facility that receives municipal waste, including municipal incinerator ash,
             154      shall pay a fee of 50 cents per ton on all municipal waste, including municipal incinerator ash,
             155      that is received at the facility or site for disposal.]
             156          [(v) On and after January 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, the owner or operator of any
             157      facility under Subsection 19-6-102 (3)(b)(iii) shall pay a fee of 50 cents per ton, or fraction of a
             158      ton, on all municipal waste received at the facility or site for disposal.]
             159          [(vi) On and after July 1, 2005, the]
             160          (i) 13 cents per ton on all municipal waste and municipal incinerator ash;
             161          (ii) 50 cents per ton on the following wastes if the facility disposes of one or more of
             162      the following wastes in a cell exclusively designated for the waste being disposed:
             163          (A) construction waste or demolition waste;
             164          (B) yard waste, including vegetative matter resulting from landscaping, land
             165      maintenance, and land clearing operations;
             166          (C) dead animals;
             167          (D) waste tires and materials derived from waste tires disposed of in accordance with
             168      Title 19, Chapter 6, Part 8, Waste Tire Recycling Act; and
             169          (E) petroleum contaminated soils that are approved by the executive secretary; and
             170          (iii) $2.50 per ton on:
             171          (A) all nonhazardous solid waste not described in Subsections (1)(a)(i) and (ii); and
             172          (B) (I) fly ash waste;
             173          (II) bottom ash waste;
             174          (III) slag waste;
             175          (IV) flue gas emission control waste generated primarily from the combustion of coal
             176      or other fossil fuels;
             177          (V) waste from the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and minerals; and
             178          (VI) cement kiln dust wastes.
             179          (b) A commercial nonhazardous solid waste disposal facility or incinerator subject to
             180      the fees under Subsection (1)(a)(i) or (ii) is not subject to the fee under Subsection (1)(a)(iii)
             181      for those wastes described in Subsections (1)(a)(i) and (ii).
             182          (c) The owner or operator of [any] a facility [under] described in Subsection

             183      19-6-102 (3)(b)(iii) shall pay a fee of [50] 13 cents per ton on all municipal waste received for
             184      disposal at the facility [or site for disposal].
             185          [(d) Facilities subject to the fee under Subsections (1)(c)(i) through (iv) are not subject
             186      to the fee under Subsection (1)(a).]
             187          [(e) On and after July 1, 2005, the fees due under this Subsection (1) shall be calculated
             188      by multiplying the total tonnage of waste, computed to the first decimal place, received during
             189      the calendar month by the required fee rate.]
             190          [(2) (a) The owner or operator of a commercial nonhazardous solid waste disposal
             191      facility or incinerator shall pay to the department all fees imposed under this section on or
             192      before the 15th day of the month following the month in which the fee accrued.]
             193          [(b) With the monthly fee, the owner or operator shall submit a completed form, as
             194      prescribed by the department, specifying information required by the department to verify the
             195      amount of waste received and the fee amount for which the owner or operator is liable.]
             196          [(c) The department shall deposit all fees received under this section into the restricted
             197      account created in Section 19-1-108 .]
             198          [(3) (a) The department, in preparing its budget for the governor and the Legislature,
             199      shall separately indicate the amount necessary to administer the solid waste program
             200      established by this part.]
             201          [(b) The Legislature shall appropriate the costs of administering this program.]
             202          [(c) The department may contract or agree with a county to assist in performing
             203      nonhazardous solid waste management activities, including agreements for:]
             204          [(i) the development of a solid waste management plan required under Section
             205      17-15-23 ; and]
             206          [(ii) pass-through of available funding.]
             207          [(4) This section may not be construed to exempt any facility from applicable
             208      regulation under the federal Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 2014 and 2021 through
             209      2114.]
             210          [(5) (a) Each] (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) and (5), a waste facility
             211      that is owned by a political subdivision [and operated solely for the purpose of receiving waste
             212      generated within that political subdivision] shall pay [an] the following annual facility fee[.
             213      The fee shall be paid to the department on or before] to the department by January 15 of each

             214      year[. The fee is]:
             215          (i) $800 if the facility receives 5,000 or more but fewer than 10,000 tons of municipal
             216      waste each year;
             217          (ii) $1,450 if the facility receives 10,000 or more but fewer than 20,000 tons of
             218      municipal waste each year;
             219          (iii) $3,850 if the facility receives 20,000 or more but fewer than 50,000 tons of
             220      municipal waste each year;
             221          (iv) $12,250 if the facility receives 50,000 or more but fewer than 100,000 tons of
             222      municipal waste each year;
             223          (v) $14,700 if the facility receives 100,000 or more but fewer than 200,000 tons of
             224      municipal waste each year;
             225          (vi) $33,000 if the facility receives 200,000 or more but fewer than 500,000 tons of
             226      municipal waste each year; and
             227          (vii) $66,000 if the facility receives 500,000 or more tons of municipal waste each
             228      year.
             229          [(b) The department shall deposit all fees received under this Subsection (5) into the
             230      Environmental Quality Restricted Account created in Section 19-1-108 .]
             231          [(c) Municipal waste subject to the facility fee under this Subsection (5) is not subject
             232      to the fee under Subsection (1)(c).]
             233          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (5), a waste facility that is owned by a political
             234      subdivision shall pay $2.50 per ton for:
             235          (i) nonhazardous solid waste that is not a waste described in Subsection (1)(a)(i) or (ii)
             236      received for disposal if the waste is:
             237          (A) generated outside the boundaries of the political subdivision; and
             238          (B) received from a single generator and exceeds 500 tons in a calendar year; and
             239          (ii) waste described in Subsection (1)(a)(iii)(B) received for disposal if the waste is:
             240          (A) generated outside the boundaries of the political subdivision; and
             241          (B) received from a single generator and exceeds 500 tons in a calendar year.
             242          (c) Waste received at a facility owned by a political subdivision under Subsection
             243      (2)(b) may not be counted as part of the total tonnage received by the facility under Subsection
             244      (2)(a).

             245          (3) (a) As used in this Subsection (3):
             246          (i) "Facility not regulated by the state" means a nonhazardous solid waste disposal or
             247      treatment facility that is not subject to a fee under this section.
             248          (ii) "Recycling center" means a facility that extracts valuable materials from a waste
             249      stream and transforms or remanufactures the material into a usable form that has demonstrated
             250      or potential market value.
             251          (iii) "Transfer station" means a permanent, fixed, supplemental collection and
             252      transportation facility that is used to deposit collected solid waste from off-site into a transfer
             253      vehicle for transport to a solid waste handling or disposal facility.
             254          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (5), the owner or operator of a transfer station or
             255      recycling center shall pay to the department the following fees on waste sent for disposal to a
             256      facility not regulated by the state:
             257          (i) $1.25 per ton on:
             258          (A) all nonhazardous solid waste; and
             259          (B) waste described in Subsection (1)(a)(iii)(B);
             260          (ii) 10 cents per ton on all construction and demolition waste; and
             261          (iii) 5 cents per ton on all municipal waste or municipal incinerator ash.
             262          (c) Wastes subject to fees under Subsection (3)(b)(ii) or (iii) are not subject to the fee
             263      required under Subsection (3)(b)(i).
             264          (4) If a facility required to pay fees under this section receives nonhazardous solid
             265      waste for treatment or disposal, and the fee required under this section is paid for that treatment
             266      or disposal, any subsequent treatment or disposal of the waste is not subject to additional fees
             267      under this section.
             268          (5) The owner or operator of a waste disposal facility that receives waste described in
             269      Subsection (1)(a)(iii)(B) is not required to pay any fee on those wastes if received solely for the
             270      purpose of recycling, reuse, or reprocessing.
             271          (6) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(a), a facility required to pay fees under this
             272      section shall:
             273          (a) calculate the fees by multiplying the total tonnage of waste received during the
             274      calendar month, computed to the first decimal place, by the required fee rate;
             275          (b) pay the fees imposed by this section to the department by the 15th day of the month

             276      following the month in which the fees accrued; and
             277          (c) with the fees required under Subsection (6)(b), submit to the department, on a form
             278      prescribed by the department, information that verifies the amount of waste received and the
             279      fees that the owner or operator is required to pay.
             280          (7) The department shall:
             281          (a) deposit all fees received under this section into the Environmental Quality
             282      Restricted Account created in Section 19-1-108 ; and
             283          (b) in preparing its budget for the governor and the Legislature, separately indicate the
             284      amount of the department's budget necessary to administer the solid and hazardous waste
             285      program established by this part.
             286          (8) The department may contract or agree with a county to assist in performing
             287      nonhazardous solid waste management activities, including agreements for:
             288          (a) the development of a solid waste management plan required under Section
             289      17-15-23 ; and
             290          (b) pass-through of available funding.
             291          (9) This section does not exempt any facility from applicable regulation under the
             292      Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2014 and 2021 through 2114.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-8-06 9:19 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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